I believe that former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is the lesser of the evils among the major candidates for the presidency. I do not agree with his positions and do not like his record on a number of key issues, but that is also true for all of the major presidential candidates. On the other hand, on some vital issues, Huckabee is clearly the best candidate. And I believe that he has the best chance of beating either Hillary Saddam Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama in November 2008.
Here is how I see the race at this point:
1. On Israel, Huckabee is the best major candidate. Only Huckabee and Congressman Duncan Hunter have publicly stated that they against any further Israeli territorial retreats. All of the other candidates support pressuring tiny Israel to make suicidal retreats if the Arab Muslim Nazis promise for the millionth time that they will stop murdering Jews and seeking another holocaust. Of course, there is no guarantee that Huckabee will remain firm on this issue when the Arab oil sheiks, the Europeans, the Russians, the world news media and the self-hating Jews start pressuring him to do what every American president has done since 1967, which is to demand that tiny Israel commit national suicide for "peace". But for now, Huckabee has taken the right stand and his stand is based upon his belief in the Bible. As far as Hunter is concerned, he is good on Israel but he has absolutely no chance of winning the presidency.
2. Huckabee is the best candidate on energy independence. Only Huckabee has flatly promised that he will make America energy independent within ten years. He has also criticized everyone else for saying that energy independence in the near future is unrealistic. Huckabee says that the first thing he will do as president is introduce a major new crash program to develop alternative sources of energy and to drastically reduce our current consumption of oil. Huckabee understands that this is a national security emergency and that we cannot win the war against Islamic terrorism as long as we remain dependent on Muslim terrorist oil-producing nations. If he carries out this promise and if he gets Congress to pass his proposals, this will in the long term be a devastating blow to our Islamic enemies.
3. Huckabee promises to completely eliminate the income tax, the IRS, and taxes on savings and capital gains. This would be great if he really followed through and if he could get the Congress to go along. Huckabee wants to replace taxes on income, savings and capital gains with a large national sales tax. This would be a tremendous boost for the economy, and would restore the Constitutional rights of American citizens which the income tax blatantly violates. We should note that despite taking this stand, Huckabee's own record on taxes as governor of Arkansas is a terrible one. Huckabee raised taxes and increased spending in Arkansas. Will he act differently as president as he now promises? Who knows?
4. Huckabee's record on immigration is terrible. He did support taxpayer-funded scholarships for the children of illegal aliens. When a state legislator proposed taking action against the flood of illegal aliens in Arkansas, Huckabee called him a racist and said that the legislation is un-American and un-Christian. Huckabee refuses to use the word "aliens" because he says that these are human beings, not creatures from outer space. Now that he is running for president, Huckabee claims to support securing the border and building a fence. But I think his record clearly shows that he cannot be trusted on this issue. Like all of the major candidates, Huckabee is pro-amnesty although he dishonestly denies it. On immigration, Huckabee STINKS, but then again so do Romney, Giuliani, McCain and Thompson. They are ALL pro-amnesty.
On many other matters, Huckabee is "politically correct". He pushed to reduce prison time for convicted drug dealers in Arkansas, and he helped release a convicted rapist who then went on to murder two women. Huckabee has promised to reduce prison time for convicted crack dealers in the federal system.
On the other hand, Huckabee is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and against the homosexual Sodomite agenda. On social issues, he is better than the other major candidates.
It's a mixed bag. There are serious problems with Huckabee as with all of the major candidates, but on balance, I believe that he is a lesser of the evils.
Finally, I think he has the best chance of beating Clinton or Obama. He is the ONLY major candidate who would have a united and enthusiastic Republican base behind him. And Huckabee is the best speaker, best debater and most personally likable of the Republican or Democrat candidates running for president.
Therefore, I recommend that we support him and begin a major campaign on his behalf.