Re: "...Only 5% pro - Aliyah?..."
I have never once met, in my entire life, even one American Rabbi who advocated aliyah.
Not one.
Nor have I ever met a Jewish fundraiser who would even consider being in Israel any longer than for one week on a guided tour, with luxury accomodations.
Which, is doubly sick, because the common "myth" is that "Jews all stick together", "Jews all help each other like a private club", "Jews only care about Israel".
If the professional Jew-haters only knew the truth, they could go ahead and declare victory & celebrate.
that's sad ...
but the true Jew-haters, will come up with a story as :
"Mr JTF Chaim Ben Pesach is puppet of the big master-Jew-zionist, that you will never see.
He is pretending to fight other Jews, but in reality they all do stick together.
the thing you just mentioned will be compared with the muslims and their takkkiah."
I can only imagine how you will root out the common opinion Jews need support for their struggle.
Even the Holocaust they say is a <<total misrepresentation of historical facts....>>
<<We only want a objective scientifically research , but the zionists this and that blablabla...>>
Remember Jean-Marie Le Pen: "Le Holocaust est qu'un détail de l'histoire..."
<<the holocaust is just a detail in history..>>
Of course these combat 18 guys are frightning, but they are puppets.
However the real danger is that a group of muslims, together with neo-Nazis with industrial influence, might take power in a Europe, that will be 60 % muslim. And where
peace between muslims and infidels will be have be bought , bot with $$$ only, but with the use of the armies/nukes/industrial resources of the entire EU against Israel!