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Offline dejavu

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Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« on: December 14, 2007, 03:02:05 PM »
Ok first of all I want to start this post by explaining where my position is coming from and why I think that you guys may be looking at Ron Paul in the wrong light.  Now I am a non-religious American student who is in fact a very strong Ron Paul supporter.  Now I go through you tube regularly looking for more information on all of the candidates and I routinely stumble across the videos that Chaim makes with this forums title on it.  Now most of the time, I laugh because he makes what I consider baseless claims with a ton of passion but I do still listen for him to say something that makes sense.

Now a while back he actually did have one of those moments where he did seemingly makes sense to me.  I don’t remember the video it was on but he stated that the US giving foreign aid to Israel is the worst thing that the US can do for Israel.  Now I 100% agree with this I believe that we should discontinue all aid to all countries not just Israel.  The thing is that not all aid is monetary; there are also weapons and food. 

You guys also state that you want to have the US take care of themselves as well and this is where our opinions may vary but I think that the only way that we can truly protect ourselves is to do it at home.  That means border security being our ports and our borders north and south.  Now without starting the draft and I’m fairly confident you guys are not advocating that, the only way to get the personnel home is to if not end the war atleast greatly downsize the size of the armed forces over seas. 

Now for this last opinion I’m probably going to be called an anti-Semite however I disagree and let me tell you why.  I’m not anti-Jewish in any way… I am anti-support for Israel.

Now with all of this in mind I think that you guys should rethink your stance on Ron Paul.  Its not that he is against Israel, he just could care less and if you guys want to bomb the hell out of your neighbors and turn that section of the world into a sheet of glass… go for it he’s not going to intervene.

Now as for another issue that I think is very important for you guys the world organizations that are meddling in issues that they do not belong in.  Now Ron Paul once again wants to get out of the UN, WTO, IMF and all of those other organizations that are running our country through resolutions and regulations.  I’m not sure of your stance on these organizations but I think that you would be against their influence as well.

So beyond this you guys state that Paul is a Nazi which I haven’t actually seen any evidence to support and also part of the Nazi thing is socialism which he is the most non-socialist person running.  You guys have also brought up the fact that he has received donations from white supremacist groups and prostitutes.  As for this… he doesn’t condone their activities however he is not going to refuse free money… who would.

They may not be winning as far as deaths are concerned but this war is killing our economy and with this in mind it is very likely that the US will fall from grace if we stay the course.

For these reasons I think that you guys should maybe reconsider Ron Paul and if not then at least maybe we can have a polite conversation about why.

Offline Husar

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2007, 03:04:53 PM »
"you guys"...."you guys"...."you guys".... :D
"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."


Offline dhimmi_pride

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2007, 03:12:08 PM »

Ron Paul IS against Israel. He would not even condemn Hezbollah's raid into Israeli territory and kidnapping their soldiers.

He knows NOTHING about Islam or what theologically motivates people for jihad...all he knows is blame America and "blow back, blow back, blow back." He's a moron.

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2007, 03:20:17 PM »
does it matter what he thinks if he would stand back and allow for israel to handle the matters the way that they saw fit instead of having to ask the US and UN for permission to protect themselves.

Offline dhimmi_pride

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2007, 03:29:56 PM »
yes, it matters. Because he would also stand back and let Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, and PLO "handle the matters as they see fit" which would mean a nuclear war and another holocaust...but hey what business is that of America's right?

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2007, 03:40:53 PM »
Then why in Chaim's videos does he state that he would like for America to get out of the way so that Israel can take care of itself through Kahanist style terrorism to fight terrorism.  Maybe I misunderstood his message then but he seemed to me to state that America is already a lot of the problem because they do not allow for the Israeli's to handle the problem correctly.  Also how would it lead to Nuclear war unless you guys are the ones that unleash the nukes... As far as i know you and Pakistan are the only countries in that general area that have been confirmed as having them.

So my basic question then is are you trying to play both teams?  You want the US to allow you to do what you think is necessary but you also want the US to back you up in all of your endevors. 

If this is true how did the US gain this position as the police man and what does that make Israel if they were the ones that controlled the police?

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2007, 03:43:54 PM »
Please answer yes or no to the following questions:

Do you believe the neoconservatives are pro-Israel?
Do you believe AIPAC is pro-Israel?

Please give a short response to the following:
What do you define as a pro-Israel American foreign policy?

Offline dhimmi_pride

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2007, 03:48:29 PM »
Then why in Chaim's videos does he state that he would like for America to get out of the way so that Israel can take care of itself through Kahanist style terrorism to fight terrorism.  Maybe I misunderstood his message then but he seemed to me to state that America is already a lot of the problem because they do not allow for the Israeli's to handle the problem correctly.  Also how would it lead to Nuclear war unless you guys are the ones that unleash the nukes... As far as i know you and Pakistan are the only countries in that general area that have been confirmed as having them.

So my basic question then is are you trying to play both teams?  You want the US to allow you to do what you think is necessary but you also want the US to back you up in all of your endevors. 

If this is true how did the US gain this position as the police man and what does that make Israel if they were the ones that controlled the police?
Who is this you you are referring to? I'm neither Israeli or Jewish. And what do you mean by Kahanist style terrorism?

I don't want the US to prevent Israel from protecting itself through pressuring them and forcing them into suicidial "peace talks" with an enemy that wishes to destroy them. But I also don't want the US to remain neutral to Islamic terrorism. A nuclear war would be initiated by Iran who are building nuclear weapons and have vowed to use them against Israel. And Ron Paul openly says he does not care if Iran gets nukes!
A nuclear Iran is a threat to both Israel and the United States. The regime in Iran has made it clear that it also wishes to destroy America and the West. As they say "first comes saturday then comes sunday." What part about "death to America" don't you understand?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 03:50:38 PM by dhimmi_pride »

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2007, 03:56:35 PM »
Do you believe the neoconservatives are pro-Israel?

No, but i think that they believe that they are, when in fact their policies are the ones that are handicapping the Israeli's by over influencing the Israeli leadership.  So in the purpose of a yes or no answer i will state Yes because their intentions are pro-Israel despite failing miserably.

Do you believe AIPAC is pro-Israel?
Same answer as above but this group is causing the above problem.  I disagree with all lobbyist though.

What do you define as a pro-Israel American foreign policy?

I define pro-Israel American foreign policy as anything that we do that has the desired outcome of helping Israel.  However once again... I cannot think of a single pro-Israel policy that i think is actually working for Israel.  The best thing that we can do for Israel is to let Israel make their own policies that are in the best interests of their citizens.  Our foreign policy should not matter to Israel.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2007, 04:00:14 PM »
Do you believe the neoconservatives are pro-Israel?

No, but i think that they believe that they are, when in fact their policies are the ones that are handicapping the Israeli's by over influencing the Israeli leadership.  So in the purpose of a yes or no answer i will state Yes because their intentions are pro-Israel despite failing miserably.

Do you believe AIPAC is pro-Israel?
Same answer as above but this group is causing the above problem.  I disagree with all lobbyist though.

What do you define as a pro-Israel American foreign policy?

I define pro-Israel American foreign policy as anything that we do that has the desired outcome of helping Israel.  However once again... I cannot think of a single pro-Israel policy that i think is actually working for Israel.  The best thing that we can do for Israel is to let Israel make their own policies that are in the best interests of their citizens.  Our foreign policy should not matter to Israel.

We share close to the same beliefs.

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2007, 04:05:42 PM »
You are definitely anti-Jewish, even if you are Jewish yourself. And that is fine with me because you will get your share of fun.

But what the problem is with you is that your hatred towards the Jews make you blind, since you are missing an important part of what JTF is and what it stands for:

* Even though called Jewish task Force, it is majority non-Jewish and truly represents a task force of Jews and Righteous Gentiles
* The goals of our group is to save Israel, America, and Western Civilization, that is the Jews will take care of Israel and related problems, and Gentiles will save America and the West.

Therefore, we Jews can save Israel by bombing Iran despite who is in charge in America.

But our Gentile members are those who will have to protect America from the same Iran, if it decides to strike America first and not Israel.

You see? You think that if not because of Israel, America would not have been hated by Muslims. It is sheer ignorance, my little enemy!
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2007, 04:08:26 PM »
Then why in Chaim's videos does he state that he would like for America to get out of the way so that Israel can take care of itself through Kahanist style terrorism to fight terrorism.  Maybe I misunderstood his message then but he seemed to me to state that America is already a lot of the problem because they do not allow for the Israeli's to handle the problem correctly.  Also how would it lead to Nuclear war unless you guys are the ones that unleash the nukes... As far as i know you and Pakistan are the only countries in that general area that have been confirmed as having them.

So my basic question then is are you trying to play both teams?  You want the US to allow you to do what you think is necessary but you also want the US to back you up in all of your endevors. 

If this is true how did the US gain this position as the police man and what does that make Israel if they were the ones that controlled the police?
Who is this you you are referring to? I'm neither Israeli or Jewish. And what do you mean by Kahanist style terrorism?

I don't want the US to prevent Israel from protecting itself through pressuring them and forcing them into suicidial "peace talks" with an enemy that wishes to destroy them. But I also don't want the US to remain neutral to Islamic terrorism. A nuclear war would be initiated by Iran who are building nuclear weapons and have vowed to use them against Israel. And Ron Paul openly says he does not care if Iran gets nukes!
A nuclear Iran is a threat to both Israel and the United States. The regime in Iran has made it clear that it also wishes to destroy America and the West. As they say "first comes saturday then comes sunday." What part about "death to America" don't you understand?

You would be referring to the group of people that i addressed in the title of this thread meaning "JTF supporters and Leadership"...  however after rereading my post "you" also refers to Israel a couple of time i will try to be more consistent in the future.

Honestly if there was a fear that Iran would turn those nukes against the US then it would be a different story.  Its non-interventionism.  If there is an eminent threat then war would be justified but a half assed war like the one that we are fighting now does not work.  If there is an eminent threat we go in there and blow the [censored] out of them.  Them getting nukes is not an eminent threat for the US however i am not going to disagree that it may be for Israel but that is an issue for Israel to address not the US.

Also wishes don't make things possible.. i want to get a job that i enjoy where i make more money than i can ever spend... its not impossible but its a wish.

The Kahanist style terrorism is refering to some comments that i have seen on a few of Chaim's videos where he states that if Israel gets bombed then they should bomb their enemys even worse so that the event would not repeat itself..

Once again maybe i misunderstood what he was going for..

Neways im going to go eat some dinner and we can continue this conversation please keep posting... i will answer

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2007, 04:11:13 PM »
You are definitely anti-Jewish, even if you are Jewish yourself.

I dont understand how i am anti-Jewish i want them to stand up for themselves and take control of their future.  Also if you read the OP i stated that i am not a religious person.  I'm not Christian, Jewish, or even god forbid muslim.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2007, 06:39:40 PM »
Dejavu, Ron Paul does in actuallity care about Israel, he hates the Jewish State as has been made clear by his former Jewish staffer, and articles he has written like neo-conned.

While it is obvious you are tailoring your answers to what we want to hear, you slipped with your referance to Kahanist terrorism, and your opening with vicious insults towards Chaim, you did not bring a single reproof of anything he said but only made a broad insult towards his arguments. As well as your hints of conspiracy with the US being the worlds policeman controlled by Israel

And Dhimmi Pride, Israel doesnt need any American aide, and we wont be wiped out without American support, in actuallity it would be the best thing the world for us, keep in mind that our greatest victories came before America was "supporting" us.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2007, 06:52:49 PM »
eh i put that in as a joke because of some of the stuff that i have seen typed on this forum but apparently the sarcasm was not realized.  I was brought up in a strong Lutheran household and until the age of 13 or so i don't think we missed a single Sunday at church.  The problem came when i was getting confirmed when i was studying the religion.  I began to ask questions and when the people were not able to answer the questions that i was asking i had about a 2 hour conversation with my pastor and ever since then i have no longer believed in any god or higher power.  Some people may call this a failure on my parents and pastors part but the truth is in American culture curiosity is fostered and when i was unable to find the answers i needed in religion i turned elsewhere like evolution and the big bang theory. 

Another reason for my loss of faith was the fact that religion (by this i will mean Christianity because it is the one that i have actually been a part of) has seemingly been able to adapt to the facts of the day.  An example of this is when the world was flat god was in the heavens and the devil was in the ground however once it was realized that the world was flat it became metaphorical.  Or the fact that things such as Limbo used to exist until recently when the Vatican made an announcement that it did not exist.

But this is not what this argument was supposed to be about i would like to keep it somewhat focused on the foreign policy questions that i originally posed and not an argument on religion because i am a firm believer that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want and that i should not impose my religious views on others because that should be a personal relationship between yourself and whatever you consider to be a higher power.  With that in mind i apologize for starting this thread so close to the sabbath i was unaware that this site went into maintenance during that period.

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2007, 06:57:39 PM »
Here are a few of the reasons why I dislike Ron Paul:

Note that he had the following comment in his newsletter, whose comments, even though written by a ghostwriter, he still stood by:

"By far the most powerful lobby in Washington of the bad sort is the Israeli government."

Now I don't care for AIPAC and these other mainstream Jewish organizations.  But why does Dr. Paul and others like him focus on tiny Israel, when Saudi Arabia, and the other oil rich rogue regimes use their vast oil reserves to dictate our foreign policy?  Where is Paul's outrage over American ambassadors to Saudi Arabia being basically bribed by them:

Another problem I have is with his refusal to support a resolution during the last Israel/Hezbollah war supporting Israel.  Here's what he said:

Mr. Speaker, I follow a policy in foreign affairs called non-interventionism. I do not believe we are making the United States more secure when we involve ourselves in conflicts overseas. The Constitution really doesn't authorize us to be the policemen of the world, much less to favor one side over another in foreign conflicts. It is very clear, reading this resolution objectively, that all the terrorists are on one side and all the victims and the innocents are on the other side. I find this unfair, particularly considering the significantly higher number of civilian casualties among Lebanese civilians. I would rather advocate neutrality rather than picking sides, which is what this resolution does.

If he wants to be a isolationist, fine.  But to go whining about the "civlilian" casualties in Lebanon is stupid.  Why can't people like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan get it through their heads that the reason "civilians" get killed in places like Lebanon and the fakestinian so-called territories is that the wimpy, [censored] Muslims insist on hiding behind the skirts of their women and children? 

Furthermore, I have a big problem with a presidential candidate that says the reasons those moosies are acting up with because we've invaded their countries, and that we would do the same thing if we were in their shoes.  First off, Jews and Christians do not strap bombs on their children in the hopes that they'll kill as many innocents as possible.  We are not like that, and never will be! 

And I will say what I always say on my own blog.  America, as a super power and First World civilized country that respects individual rights, has EVERY RIGHT to invade rogue states IF she feels it's in the country's interest to do so.  It may not always be the best idea to do so, but that that's a different issue.  These barbaric countries that put human beings into shredders, rape dissidents, and chop off the clitorises of little girls, have no business whatsoever bitching about their sovereignty being violated, or that they're being "occupied."

Hope that clarifies where some of us stand on Paul.

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2007, 07:01:35 PM »
Dejavu, Ron Paul does in actuallity care about Israel, he hates the Jewish State as has been made clear by his former Jewish staffer, and articles he has written like neo-conned.

While it is obvious you are tailoring your answers to what we want to hear, you slipped with your referance to Kahanist terrorism, and your opening with vicious insults towards Chaim, you did not bring a single reproof of anything he said but only made a broad insult towards his arguments. As well as your hints of conspiracy with the US being the worlds policeman controlled by Israel

And Dhimmi Pride, Israel doesnt need any American aide, and we wont be wiped out without American support, in actuallity it would be the best thing the world for us, keep in mind that our greatest victories came before America was "supporting" us.

I did not intend to offend but you are correct that i do believe that the kahanist movement is extremely militant and i am a believer in the argument that "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar."  In all honesty i consider Bush the biggest terrorist in the world at the moment for the fact that he invaded a country that in all honesty posed no threat to the US if we stayed at home.  From what i understand about the kahanist theories it is strongly in favor of preemption and in that regard i do consider it terrorism. 

As far as being a conspiracy theorist i don't believe that it is really a conspiracy from the fact that there is a lobby specifically made to sway people for what they consider pro-Israel legislation in the United States (AIPAC) and as far as i know there is not another country that is considered enough of a special interest in the US to have its own lobbyist.

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2007, 07:12:18 PM »
So Dejavu, do you care to read my response above, and tell me why you think it's acceptable for Saudi Arabia to have America's balls in a vice, due to their vast amounts of oil?  Why is it acceptable for them to bribe all the American ambassadors to that country?  Why is it ok for that prince Awaleed bin Talal to buy up shares of Fox News and Citigroup?  And why is ok for this same prince to pour vast amounts of money into the Middle East studies departments of our major universities? 

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2007, 07:20:29 PM »
Deja vu..First I appreciate the fact that you come here to make your voice heard in a civil manner, even though I really really really disagree with you BIG TIME.

Let me put this indisputable fact quite simply: "Those who bless Israel and the Jews will be blessed and those who curse Israel and the Jews will be cursed!"

So let's start with one of your good points.  Isn't not giving aid to Israel, a reality a blessing in disguise?  And Paul wants to withdraw that aid from Israel and everywhere else.

Well, yes, this is a good thing for Israel, but what's Paul's reasoning behind it?  Is it because he loves Israel or is it because he hates Israel? I think Paul hates what he wants to do in this aspect might be a blessing in disguise for us..however he wants to do it as a curse on to Israel since we know he blames America for the crazy way Muslims act, when we know that it's Islam which wants to forcefully spread its religion throughout the world.  Paul is not a righteous person and, if anything, is the least righteous of all the candidates with his obvious intentions.

However, it would be interesting to see what happens if Paul miraculously won the elections and what would become of Israel without US aid and if she ends up changing for the better and fighting her enemies rather than commit suicide them.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline dhimmi_pride

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2007, 07:21:03 PM »
And Dhimmi Pride, Israel doesnt need any American aide, and we wont be wiped out without American support, in actuallity it would be the best thing the world for us, keep in mind that our greatest victories came before America was "supporting" us.
I didn't say Israel did. I just don't want the US to pressure Israel into peace talks and ceasefires and to allow Iran to build a nuke which is as much a threat to the US as it is to Israel. And your right about Israels wars in the past.

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2007, 07:32:17 PM »
So Dejavu, do you care to read my response above, and tell me why you think it's acceptable for Saudi Arabia to have America's balls in a vice, due to their vast amounts of oil?  Why is it acceptable for them to bribe all the American ambassadors to that country?  Why is it ok for that prince Awaleed bin Talal to buy up shares of Fox News and Citigroup?  And why is ok for this same prince to pour vast amounts of money into the Middle East studies departments of our major universities? 

Sorry i did not respond faster but it does take some time to read, think and type a thoughtful response.  I plus i had to answer a phone call from my parents...  But back on topic.  I believe that the Saudis have far too much influence in the US government as well however they are more economic influence seeing as they control the blood of the country.  On the other hand the organizations such as AIPAC have are much easier targets seeing as they are not as well hidden into our culture.  Getting rid of the influence of AIPAC is fairly easy you just don't allow them any more but on the other hand getting rid of the influence of the Saudis is much more difficult as they are our primary provider of a resource.  Now i am a firm believer of getting out from under the thumb of the Saudis and other Middle Eastern countries and we should move towards energy independence through opening up our Oil reserves and also making a strong push towards energy efficiency, alternative fuels and nuclear power (we gotta cut back on coal as well).  This will restore the power of the US government to the people of the US rather than the sheikh's and AIPAC style lobbyist. 

As far as Paul being antisemitic i disagree because he is not against the Jewish people he is against the power that the groups such as AIPAC hold in our country over our legislatures who are supposed to be our representatives who are not for sale to the highest bidder.  I have a huge problem with the actions of the Saudis as well its just that they are much harder to fix as they take a complete change in the actions of our country.  Also with that in mind i don't see a problem with the prince guy owning fox news and citigroup because in all honesty anyone who doesn't take what they see on television with a grain of salt deserves to be taken...  Everyone has their special interests however those special interests should never affect the policies of the country.

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2007, 07:39:32 PM »
Then why in Chaim's videos does he state that he would like for America to get out of the way so that Israel can take care of itself through Kahanist style terrorism to fight terrorism.  Maybe I misunderstood his message then but he seemed to me to state that America is already a lot of the problem because they do not allow for the Israeli's to handle the problem correctly.  Also how would it lead to Nuclear war unless you guys are the ones that unleash the nukes... As far as i know you and Pakistan are the only countries in that general area that have been confirmed as having them.

So my basic question then is are you trying to play both teams?  You want the US to allow you to do what you think is necessary but you also want the US to back you up in all of your endevors. 

If this is true how did the US gain this position as the police man and what does that make Israel if they were the ones that controlled the police?
Who is this you you are referring to? I'm neither Israeli or Jewish. And what do you mean by Kahanist style terrorism?

I don't want the US to prevent Israel from protecting itself through pressuring them and forcing them into suicidal "peace talks" with an enemy that wishes to destroy them. But I also don't want the US to remain neutral to Islamic terrorism. A nuclear war would be initiated by Iran who are building nuclear weapons and have vowed to use them against Israel. And Ron Paul openly says he does not care if Iran gets nukes!
A nuclear Iran is a threat to both Israel and the United States. The regime in Iran has made it clear that it also wishes to destroy America and the West. As they say "first comes saturday then comes sunday." What part about "death to America" don't you understand?

Honestly if there was a fear that Iran would turn those nukes against the US then it would be a different story.  Its non-interventionism.  If there is an eminent threat then war would be justified but a half assed war like the one that we are fighting now does not work.  If there is an eminent threat we go in there and blow the excrement out of them.  Them getting nukes is not an eminent threat for the US however i am not going to disagree that it may be for Israel but that is an issue for Israel to address not the US.
Why on earth do you believe that Iran would not use them against the United States? This is a messianic regime that has vowed for decades to destroy the United States, it is official Iranian government policy! I'll ask again what part of "Death to America" don't you understand??? This is the Iranian government slogan that has been chanted at mosques in Iran for DECADES under the orders of the mullahs who control the country. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is well on the record as saying that he believes that the return of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi is imminent which according to their theology would mean Armageddon...and they are building nuclear weapons. And this is of no concern to you or your candidate Ron Paul whom would trade with Iran, a country that has murdered thousands of Americans,  and strengthen their economy which would aid their nuclear program. To believe a nuclear Iran is not a threat to the United States is just completely insane.
I don't want another Iraq war, that has been a distaster. I want an air war that would destroy their entire nuclear program, thats it, I don't believe in the idiotic notion that we can create a democracy in a muslim nation.

The Kahanist style terrorism is refering to some comments that i have seen on a few of Chaim's videos where he states that if Israel gets bombed then they should bomb their enemys even worse so that the event would not repeat itself..

Once again maybe i misunderstood what he was going for..
That's not terrorism, that is sanity.

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2007, 07:41:42 PM »

So let's start with one of your good points.  Isn't not giving aid to Israel, a reality a blessing in disguise?  And Paul wants to withdraw that aid from Israel and everywhere else.

Well, yes, this is a good thing for Israel, but what's Paul's reasoning behind it?  Is it because he loves Israel or is it because he hates Israel? I think Paul hates what he wants to do in this aspect might be a blessing in disguise for us..however he wants to do it as a curse on to Israel since we know he blames America for the crazy way Muslims act, when we know that it's Islam which wants to forcefully spread its religion throughout the world.  Paul is not a righteous person and, if anything, is the least righteous of all the candidates with his obvious intentions.

However, it would be interesting to see what happens if Paul miraculously won the elections and what would become of Israel without US aid and if she ends up changing for the better and fighting her enemies rather than commit suicide them.

Thank you i have been doing my best to keep this argument as civil as possible seeing as we have differing views but i disagree that Paul hates Israel.  I don't think that he hates it i believe that he is indifferent to it because in the larger scheme of the world whether Israel falls or triumphs does not matter to the US and therefore the US should not get involved.  The problem is that you are looking at this in black or white.  You are either with us or against us.  IMO this is a fallacy seeing as you can be for something without getting involved.  If you saw someone carjacking someone with a gun are you going to go over there are risk getting shot to try and help them.  I wouldn't.  Does that mean that i am on the carjackers side.  No that means that since i am not involved it is not worth the risk to address the situation.  We still want Israel to succeed but its not worth American lives to do so.

Anyways .. seeing as i am a college student it is a Saturday night and i am going to go out with my friends, but i will come on later and check this so please keep the conversation going.

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2007, 07:47:45 PM »
Dejavu, I'm no fan of AIPAC.  But I think the Saudis are much worse.  So I don't understand the focus on Israel or AIPAC when Saudi Arabia is using their oil as sort of Damocles sword against the West. 

And one more thing.  I don't think any decent person would accept money from a neo-nazi organization.  Politicians HAVE returned money in the past.  Actually, Hillary Clinton at one point returned a donation from a famous but shady character, whose name I don't remember right now. 

Offline dejavu

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Re: Honest question for JTF supporters and leadership
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2007, 07:48:30 PM »
Then why in Chaim's videos does he state that he would like for America to get out of the way so that Israel can take care of itself through Kahanist style terrorism to fight terrorism.  Maybe I misunderstood his message then but he seemed to me to state that America is already a lot of the problem because they do not allow for the Israeli's to handle the problem correctly.  Also how would it lead to Nuclear war unless you guys are the ones that unleash the nukes... As far as i know you and Pakistan are the only countries in that general area that have been confirmed as having them.

So my basic question then is are you trying to play both teams?  You want the US to allow you to do what you think is necessary but you also want the US to back you up in all of your endevors. 

If this is true how did the US gain this position as the police man and what does that make Israel if they were the ones that controlled the police?
Who is this you you are referring to? I'm neither Israeli or Jewish. And what do you mean by Kahanist style terrorism?

I don't want the US to prevent Israel from protecting itself through pressuring them and forcing them into suicidal "peace talks" with an enemy that wishes to destroy them. But I also don't want the US to remain neutral to Islamic terrorism. A nuclear war would be initiated by Iran who are building nuclear weapons and have vowed to use them against Israel. And Ron Paul openly says he does not care if Iran gets nukes!
A nuclear Iran is a threat to both Israel and the United States. The regime in Iran has made it clear that it also wishes to destroy America and the West. As they say "first comes saturday then comes sunday." What part about "death to America" don't you understand?

Honestly if there was a fear that Iran would turn those nukes against the US then it would be a different story.  Its non-interventionism.  If there is an eminent threat then war would be justified but a half assed war like the one that we are fighting now does not work.  If there is an eminent threat we go in there and blow the excrement out of them.  Them getting nukes is not an eminent threat for the US however i am not going to disagree that it may be for Israel but that is an issue for Israel to address not the US.
Why on earth do you believe that Iran would not use them against the United States? This is a messianic regime that has vowed for decades to destroy the United States, it is official Iranian government policy! I'll ask again what part of "Death to America" don't you understand??? This is the Iranian government slogan that has been chanted at mosques in Iran for DECADES under the orders of the mullahs who control the country. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is well on the record as saying that he believes that the return of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi is imminent which according to their theology would mean Armageddon...and they are building nuclear weapons. And this is of no concern to you or your candidate Ron Paul whom would trade with Iran, a country that has murdered thousands of Americans,  and strengthen their economy which would aid their nuclear program. To believe a nuclear Iran is not a threat to the United States is just completely insane.
I don't want another Iraq war, that has been a distaster. I want an air war that would destroy their entire nuclear program, thats it, I don't believe in the idiotic notion that we can create a democracy in a muslim nation.

The Kahanist style terrorism is refering to some comments that i have seen on a few of Chaim's videos where he states that if Israel gets bombed then they should bomb their enemys even worse so that the event would not repeat itself..

Once again maybe i misunderstood what he was going for..
That's not terrorism, that is sanity.

Then i am insane because I do not beleive that a Nuclear Iran poses a threat to the US for the fact that it would be extremely difficult for them to get a bomb into the US.  Now if they did get a bomb into the US we would loose what.. 100,000 people and then we would have the full support of the Entire US to wipe Iran off the map.  This would be a completely justified cause.  Look at japan in WW2 what did they say after they bombed pearl harbor.  "I fear that i have have just awaken a sleeping giant."  It would be suicide for them to attack the US and i think that they have the forethought to realize that despite what the retards at the helm (Amedenijad).

Just because they have a [censored] at the helm much like we do with Bush does not mean that a reasonable amount of their population agree with him.