Author Topic: America Must Choose Between Islam and the West  (Read 1647 times)

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Offline TorahZionist

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America Must Choose Between Islam and the West
« on: January 15, 2008, 04:15:44 PM »
America Must Choose Between Islam and the West

Do you want to know why the price of oil is so high? In 1950 when the House of Saud threatened to nationalize Aramco, instead of backing Aramco, the government worked out a deal to give Aramco a tax break on all the money they would lose. It wasn't long before Aramco was all Saudi owned and the Saudis became the biggest backers of the Jihad.

In 1956 when England refused to roll over to Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal and went to war, instead of backing its allies, backed Egypt which was a Soviet client state, even introducing a UN resolution against Britain and France and attacked the British economy.

When Eisenhower heard about Israel’s invasion of Sinai, he exclaimed: "You tell ’em [the Israeli government] that, God damn it, we’re going to apply sanctions, we’re going to the United Nations, we’re going to do everything that there is so we can stop this thing".

The US offered a UN resolution against the operation. After his successful re-election on 6 November Eisenhower ordered economic sanctions against Britain. The US Federal Reserve orchestrated a run on the pound, and Britain’s gold reserves fell by a further £100 million in only a week (or by an eighth of their remaining total). Moreover, the US treasury made it clear it would block an IMF loan for Britain to stabilize the pound.
Eisenhower won and America lost. Nasser won and the Arabs won. The Arabs took control of the oil industry and used it to fund terrorism. The rise of the worldwide Islamic Jihad can be directly tied to America's willingness to back Arabs over its allies in Europe and Israel. Later in life Eisenhower admitted that Suez had been his greatest mistake, but by then it was much too late.

The British defeat at Suez shattered the American-British alliance and it also opened the dreaded power vacuum in the Middle East, a vacuum that the Soviet Union was more than happy to fill. For the next few decades, America would feverishly court and prop up Arab tyrants to keep them out of Soviet hands.

With the sunset of the British empire in the Middle East, a variety of coups followed. Iraq was overthrown by the Baathists, one of whom was a young army officer known as Saddam Hussein. The era of England and France as international superpowers ended and instead they fell back on following America's model by courting those same tyrants.

Today America applies that same model, substituting Islam for Communism and again it continues to fail. American must choose between its allies and the dictators and sheiks of Araby. America must choose between Islam and the West. America is the only country properly capable of leading the war against Islam but instead the US has bent over backward to accommodate a vicious ideology at the expense of its allies.

If America applies the energy it has expended on supporting the Arab dictatorships on instead supporting any country and political party combating the Jihad, they may yet undo Eisenhower's mistake and put the snake back in its nest. But to do that it must make the right choice and the difficult choice

Offline Madeline

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Re: America Must Choose Between Islam and the West
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2008, 07:24:54 PM »
Good post.  Of course America has to choose itself over Islam, given that Islam sees itself as mandated to take over the world, and especially the great plum, the US.  But our leaders act like they don't have to choose between the two.  Their personal option is to talk American (more or less) and yet be bought off with stunningly large bribes from Muslims.  So they live above the world, rich, dishonest, selling their country to the devil but feeling no pain themselves.  As I see it, this applies to both Clinton & Bush, and others of the two parties.  It will take a nationalistic uprising to overthrow the corruption and have a free republic once more, IMO.  G-d willing, and may it happen soon. :-[