Kahane-Was-Right you must consider the alternative to the "maybe" of BNP being a "nazi" party? For months many JTF'ers were saying Ron Paul was a "Nazi" albeit there is absolutely no proof whatsoever to him being a member of the Nazi party etc. The fact that nazis and white suprem'ists supported him means nothing as if an extremely nationalistic Jew candidate would have been supported by the same individuals.....
That on the table, the facts must be noted that the majority of British politics, like America, are so infiltrated with egalitarian: international Socialist Elitists that the elections are simply frauds. In America we now have the choice between a CFR/Trilateral and a CFR/Trilateral while in Britain it is Fabian/RoundTable vs. Fabian/RoundTable... therefore it is a total fraud. The fact that both candidates in America and Britian are not "pro-Israel" by any stretch dictates both corruption and the need for a true change that is unaligned to the current oligarchial power structure. My two cents....