Author Topic: Asher Veizgan Funeral and R' Binyamin & Talia Kahane HY"D Memorial Today  (Read 2913 times)

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1- Funeral for Asher Veisgan
2- Memorial service for Binyamin and Talya Kahane
1- Asher Veisgan found dead in prison cell
We are sorry to inform you of the sudden death of Asher Veisgan. According to the Israeli Prison Authorities, Asher committed suicide with his Tefilin, Friday, Dec. 21, 06. Asher was sentenced to 112 years in prison for killing four Arabs in Shilo "to stop the disengagement/expulsion", July 2005. Asher was influenced by the former GSS Director Avi Dichter, who had said, "It will only take one Jewish settler nut to derail the disengagement by going ona shooting spree against Arabs." At his trial, Asher said, "I was the one nut Dichter was looking for, I am shocked others did not do the same thing. I took action to try and prevent the catastrophic disengagement that will lead to many deaths of innocent Jews and Arabs."
The funeral for Asher will commence at 1:30 PM, Monday Dec. 25th at the Jerusalem Shamgar funeral Parlour.
2- Sixth Annual Memorial for Rav Binyamin and Talya Kahane HY"D
The sixth annual memorial service for rav Binyamin and Talya Kahane will be held in Kfar Tapuach, the home of their six orphans, at the Kibutz Glayuyot 2 Synagogue. The service will begin with Mincha, 4:00 PM. There will be a "seudah" – meal served to all of the participants with Torah lectures given by Rabbi Zalman Melamed, Rabbi Michi Yosephi, Rabbi Baruch Kahane, Rabbi ben Shushan, Rabbi Shmuel Cohen and Avraham Herzlich, Talya's father.
Buses have been chartered to leave the Binyanei h'Umah parking area at 2:45 PM. To reserve space on the buses, please call 0544876709
Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah