Author Topic: The evil we fail to know.Malaysia-The World's Greatest Masquerade  (Read 1647 times)

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Offline pastor edward

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Dear members
                                                                                                                                                                                                       I am  appealing to you'll to flood the embassy with support letters and emails to  [email protected] and throwing and hurling eggs on any Malaysian tourist or non-tourist  in Israel , pertaining to  Arthur  Samuel plight article request  ( i have enclose shorter and condense version of the article,petition,support letter,farther more  as an elderly pastor diagnosed with cancer ).I can assure the cause is genuine i will appreciate a letter of support from you and i know you will find the compassion in your heart to do so .I will appreciate that you organize a petition letter and the support letter on behalf of Arthur plight to the  Malaysian embassy and the  address is Embassy of Malaysia 3516 International Court,Northwest Washington, DC 2008 Fax .202-572-9882 on behalf of Arthur Samuel and enclosing a petition letter  to your Congressman,lobbyist and advocate groups and placing on your website and blog .What i wrote about Malaysia is the trued and i did create a blog site and  .The SIAD,SIOE  party in Europe,US and India  will conducting a European demonstration in front all the Malaysian embassy  in Europe,US and India  and i will appreciate that you please print and email this message,including the attachment too,as many people as can and as agreed upon today do forward this message to the local, national press and the advocate and lobbyist groups too .I also do need you to place  Arthur's plight on your radio and TV airwave and inform you audiances to react immediately in protesting in front of the to the puppose embassies and signining the petition As a summary to  the agenda is the Malaysian Chinese pro-communist and the community at large,went  discussing the article on the  radio and television talk shows with because they are financially secure with their  control with the gangsters/mobsters and communist association from mainland China, and all the parties had their Headquarters in Penang,Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Malaysia, which cover the Southeast Asian region,t hey are doing the same as China trade with the Islamic enemies nations,such Iran,Sudan,Libya,Sudan  supply them with weapons and money in exchange with  natural resources,further More the Malaysian government   policy encourage them and their  Malay Muslim counterparts and the Malay government link companies as Petronas the national petroleum as a US25 billion dollar deal with Iran and US 1 billion deal with Sudan and a few other deals with other Islamic nations and national car manufacture Proton has a assembling plant in Iran and is supplying 10,000 cars annually and they are also  upgrading their taxis vehicles to Proton,concluded in  recent financial reports about Malaysian,further more Malaysia is the Chairman of OIC (organization of Islamic countries)even the US state department also implied that Malaysia is an key aspect in global terrorist issue .The enclose endorse support letters ,petition,article and support letter indicated below.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Reverend Edward from UK .Email on edwardpastor(a)









Cllr Alan Craig

St Luke's Centre

85 Tarling Road

Canning Town


E16 1HN

020 7511 9663

[email protected]

25th February 2008

High Commission of Malaysia

45-46 Belgrave Square



Dear Sir,

It has come to my attention that a Arthur Samuel a resident of Selangor and a Christian has been victimised and pressured by the local police and government for standing up for justice and against terrorism.

I was very concerned to hear that a citizen of your country was being persecuted for standing up about these things. While I'm aware that you promote all religions equally it appears that this isn't always the case.

I would be most grateful if you could investigate this matter and assess why Mr Samuel is being targeted. I hope you will impress upon your government that as a citizen of Malaysia,  Samuel should be given the same support and protection under the law as anybody else.

Yours faithfully,

Alan Craig (Cllr)


1632 West Regal, Stockton CA 95205

February 5, 2008

Ambassador, the Honorable Dr. Rajmah Hussain

Embassy of Malaysia

3516 International Court

Northwest Washington, DC 2008

Dear Ambassador Hussain,

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. My name is Andrew Whitehead; I am the founder and director of Anti-Council on American-Islamic Relations (Anti-CAIR); a small group of concerned Americans dedicated to exposing the activities of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and CAIR's support of Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorist groups.

I am writing you today to express my concerns for Mr. Arthur Samuel, Eurasian Christian citizen of your country, who has apparently been assaulted and injured either by Malaysian government agents or those acting under color of their authority. Mr. Samuel is living in fear of his life after having launched an investigation of your country's Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers and their possible connections to illegal organizations.

As you know, the personal freedoms of the peoples of all countries is the bedrock of civilization. Included in these freedoms is the right of any citizen to question their government; to petition for redress; to seek justice. The role of any civilized government is to ensure that the people's rights are paramount and that the powers of the government are not abused in a manner that is not only illegal, but unjust.

I invite you to read the article posted here:

I'm sure you will agree with me that this article paints a very unflattering picture of Malaysia. While I am personally concerned with the matter of Mr. Samuel, I am also concerned about your government's apparent ties to radical Islam.

I know that your country's laws enshrine respect for all religions; while this is the law, we both know that this is not a fact of daily life. Non-Muslims in your country are routinely abused and made to feel subjugated merely because they are not Muslim. As an official representative to the United States, I know you have had the opportunity to see for yourself how the concept of "equal justice under the law" works in my country.

Simply put, all people are equal under the law in the United States, regardless of their religion, ethnic background, or political belief. We Americans have learned, the hard way, that dividing people by religion is not only counter-productive, but is an invitation to disaster.

I hope you will impress upon your government that Mr. Samuel, as a citizen, is entitled to the same protections as are all Malaysian citizens; that he is entitled to the protections of the law, respect for his human rights, and the right to be free of persecution, whether it comes from the private sector or at the hands of government agents.

I appreciate your kind attention to this matter and I look forward to reading that Mr. Samuel, and all Malaysians, are having their civil rights respected by your government.

Very respectfully,

Andrew Whitehead    

                                                                                                                                                               Martin van der Hulst
                                                                                                                                                               Dr. Bekenkampstraat 42
                                                                                                                                                                   9641 BV Veendam



 Rustenburgweg 2
2517 KE The Hague
The Netherlands



I am writing you today to express my concerns for Mr. Arthur Samuel, Eurasian Christian citizen of your country, who has apparently been assaulted and injured either by Malaysian government agents or those acting under color of their authority. Mr. Samuel and  is living in fear of his life after  having launched an investigation of your country's hidden evil agenda in the article in title Mayhem in Malaysia – The World's Greatest Masquerade  with the cooperation of the foreign writers as the authors of the article.

As you know, the personal freedoms of the peoples of all countries is the bedrock of civilization. Included in these freedoms is the right of any citizen to question their government; to petition for redress; to seek justice. The role of any civilized government is to ensure that the people's rights are paramount and that the powers of the government are not abused in a manner that is not only illegal, but unjust.

I invite you to read the article posted here:

I'm sure you will agree with me that this article paints a very unflattering picture of Malaysia. I am concerned with the matter of Mr. Samuel, I am also concerned about your government's apparent ties to radical Islam and with the Malaysian Chinese pro-communist majority with affiliation  links to the underworld clan,triad and counterfeit operations ranging from durable goods,credit cards and other illegal vise's.and including a main transit point for human trafficking to the USA and Europe, and the "middleman" in the global nuclear black market where pakistan's top nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, sold nuclear technology to countries that has supplied Iran, Libya, and North Korea with the technology to build a nuclear bomb. Malaysia is, in the words of one US official, "a perfect place for terrorists 'R' and 'R'" where Islamic radicals from around the region and their al-Qaeda backers can meet.

I know that your country's laws enshrine respect for all religions; while this is the law, we both know that this is not a fact of daily life. Non-Muslims in your country are routinely abused and made to feel subjugated merely because they are not Muslim. As an official representative to the Malaysia, I know you have had the opportunity to see for yourself how the concept of "equal justice under the law" works in my country.

Simply put, all people are equal under the law in Holland, regardless of their religion, ethnic background, or political belief. Dividing people by religion is not only counter-productive, but is an invitation to disaster.The 'barbarity' behaviour by the Indian thugee's with drunkard illustration,wife beater,treating their children as animals and prostitute,and profoundly display with the same manner by Astro and Airasia as a testimonial by a British administrator Sir W H Sleeman  

I hope you will impress upon your government that Mr. Samuel, as a citizen, is entitled to the same protections as are all Malaysian citizens; that he is entitled to the protections of the law, respect for his human rights, and the right to be free of persecution, whether it comes from the private sector or at the hands of government agents.

I appreciate your kind attention to this matter and I look forward to reading that Mr. Samuel, and all Malaysians, are having their civil rights respected by your government.

Very respectfully,                                                                                                                                                                          Martin van der Hulst                                                                                                                                              Chairman SIAD & SIOE Party


We, the undersigned, are in full support of your proposal to have the signs be placed right at our municipal, city and county boundaries that express that it is the official position of the municipal, city and county to save a life in Malaysia. We feel that the lives of the innocent in Malaysia such as the newly born babies being thrown out on the streets of Malaysia and Eurasian Christians like Mr. Arthur Samuel who was subjected of assaults and death threats are in great danger.
We deeply feel that there is a need of a positive public expression supporting the "Save a Life in Malaysia Movement", with no cost to government and help save many innocent lives in Malaysia. By signing, we give permission to have our support be made public through newspaper or television coverage.
We do understand that the signs will not create a traffic hazard, and that the final draft will be subject to official approval. We hope that all citizens will fully enjoy the benefits of a more united community, and we ask our elected leaders to make this movement come to reality.
NAME                              ORGANIZATION
________________________         ____________________________
________________________         ____________________________
________________________                  ____________________________
Proposed Resolution
It is the policy of the (community) to support "Save a Life in Malaysian Movement" in all aspects. The existence of cruelty in the country is unacceptable to the international community. It even affects the very existence of a human being living in such country. As a human being who shared this earth with the others for existence, it is but the sole responsibility of every individual to make sure that no one is deprived of his or her own right to live in a peaceful environment and in harmony.
While each has different beliefs and religion, we believe that all of us shared a common ground to live a life peacefully and with no fear. It is the main purpose of this resolution to encourage feelings of sympathy, compassion and love within our community to support the movement especially to the likes of Arthur Samuel, a Eurasian Christian.
The seeds of hatred for Christians and Jews were planted early and often in the minds of the Muslims, Hindus, and pro-communist Chinese. A verse from the bible, "not long before the second coming of Christ, the 'kings from the east' will play a prophetic role in the world", which is referred to the Muslim and Chinese, as stated on the London Times article dated August 6, 2007.
The pro-communist Malaysian Chinese with triads, drugs counterfeit goods, illegal activities aspect and the unholy alliance with the Malay/Muslim and with the 'barbarity' behavior by the Indian thuggish with drunkard illustration, wife beater, treating their children as animals and prostitute and profoundly display with the same manner by Astro and Airasia as a testimonial by a British administrator Sir W H Sleeman in the petition and the article because  the readers has to understand that Bible and well-known publication clearly stated this concern .
The unholy opposition alliance with the pro-centric Chinese communist DAP party with forging synergy alliance with Jihards PAS party and former de facto gay and fraud Vice Prime minister Anwar Ibrabhim in his PKR party in winning 55% votes in the recent general elections in Malaysia and forming a defunct Taliban/communist regime country making the region unstable in their persuade in informing the next Fidel Castro and Taliban nation, the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange plugged to a 12 years low.
These are the different scenarios where cruelty is being shown in Malaysia. Malay, Chinese and Indian communities are in unity to spread evil and cruelty in Malaysia and soon to the world.
The Christian Eurasians, a great minority in Malaysia, are increasingly under threat from a violet regime that has a main intent of annihilating all non-Muslims from the Malaysian society. A worrying example of the escalating tightening of human rights is the recent redeployment in December 2007 of the Internal Security Act (ISA) to potentially detain protesters indefinitely.
Alongside with the racial discrimination and attacks against Christian Eurasians is the fact that Malaysia has been transformed as a main transit point for human trafficking to the USA and Europe, and the "middleman" in the global nuclear black market where Pakistan's top nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, sold nuclear technology to countries that has supplied Iran, Libya, and North Korea with the technology to build a nuclear bomb. Malaysia is, in the words of one US official, "a perfect place for terrorists 'R' and 'R' where Islamic radicals from around the region and their al-Qaeda backers can meet.
The 9/11 bombing in the world trade towers, the Madrid train bombing and the London bombing was plan and care out from Malaysia by the fundamentalist leaders.
For other news pertaining to Malaysia and terrorism here are some news links for reference:                   .                                                                                .                                                                
These are the many faces of Malaysia of which have not been discovered by the world. But one has emerged to be brave enough to voice out what was really happening within the borders of Malaysia.
All Arthur Samuel wants to bring his message to the world. By doing so, he has revealed his exceptional courage and fortitude. Sadly without your urgent assistance, this gritted determination will end in his martyrdom.
Those are just a few, of the countless reasons, Arthur Samuel, seeks solace. He is determined to tell the truth, yet he fears, there are stories; he may not live to tell. What he needs is to be taken under the wing of a strong, stable nation. To be able to live, work and study freely, in a government that will grant him political asylum or a scholarship. He believes his humble request, will help him cope with the atrocities he has faced, and live life, anew, in the free world.
He desperately needs your help to secure his release and that of fellow freedom fighters, so they can bring this message and warning to the world. What he needs is to find sanctuary within the borders of a strong, stable nation. To be able to live, work and study freely, under the auspices of a government that will grant him political asylum. Arthur Samuel's hope of being granted a education scholarship to the US ,or UK and a citizenship that sustains him and if granted, will help him more effectively cope with the atrocities he has faced, and live life, anew, in the free world.
Please find the generosity to help support the fight against religious oppression and expose the radicalization of Malaysian Muslims before it is too late. Please help Arthur Samuel reveal the truth about what is going on in Malaysia. Sponsor his request for asylum and education in a place where he can continue the fight for racial and religious justice.
We therefore resolve and direct that the posting of such signs of declaration should take place. Said signs will be supplied by the (your group) at no direct cost to the city.  Said signs will contain the phrase, "Save a Life in Malaysia Movement" and will include the seal of the City of (your city).  Said signs will be directly posted by the county or city road departments, in accordance with all local laws or procedures. Community groups would then furnish replacement signs as deemed necessary.
We resolve that by doing this action, we affirm constitutional and other laws of our land which support to build a better society and relationship with other human beings from different countries such as Malaysia by supporting democracy, equality and unity. This is to save the lives of future newly born babies and every Eurasian Christians who formed the minority in Malaysia to be saved from the cruel acts of Malaysians, Malays, Chinese, and Indians. SAVE A LIFE IN MALAYSIA NOW!

Malaysia: Babies Dead on the Streets
Who would ever think that on the streets of a remarkable and booming country such as Malaysia, throwing babies on dumpsters is of common practice.
This is happening and nobody do something about it. The three pictures depicted a baby thrown away in the dumpster right in the heart of Pudu Ulu Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sentul, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, the 6 pictures below the policemen depicts a normal scenario that happens in Malaysia. Throwing babies out on the public places is just ordinary and there is no fuss about it.
An innocent baby does not deserve to be treated as such, to be delivered out in this world and afterwards to be thrown away. Is this how a baby should be treated? The baby has no fault at all that he or she was born out of the neglect of the parents. The baby has the right to live and see the beauty of the world. But how can this happen? When at the moment the baby breathes for the first time his or her life ends.
Is this how parents do towards an unwanted baby? This should not be the case. Those people who do such thing have no place on this earth. They should be punished for such cruel act and never would be given a chance to live a life of freedom and much more might kill or destroy other people's live like that of Arthur Samuel.
In Malaysian culture, people are so passive. They are minding their own business. Even if a person is being stabbed to death like what happened to Mr. Arthur Samuel, a Eurasian Christian nobody even dare to help him. Even if Mr. Samuel shout from the top of his lungs to ask for help, people are acting as if they are deaf and could not hear anything.
With these poor babies being thrown away on streets, with no voice to cry out, with no breath to ask for help, what more can these poor souls could do? They just simply look at the eyes of his or her cruel parents as being thrown away left dead as like throwing away a stray dead cat out on the garbage can.
Is this what Malaysians, Chinese and Indians couples should do with their babies? To give birth and basically throw these babies out on the streets, this how these people treat their newly born babies. Even babies need to be respected, they have souls and they too are human beings.
Such cruel acts should be stopped and never this incident will happen again. It is now time to awaken the minds of every human being around the world and to do something. So that no more babies will be thrown away, and no more individuals like Mr. Samuel who will be left out in the dark while being stabbed to death.
The time has come to make a change and to be vigilant. This is happening and we cannot ignore the fact that a baby who is destined to be born is in danger of being thrown away by a cruel mother.
A baby deserves to live and nobody has the right to deprive such human being of his or her right to live.
Whatever the reasons of these irresponsible parents of throwing away their babies, this does not give them the right to do such. A baby who is already born, under the United Nations is entitled to have a right to live, a baby for his or her first grasp of breath has human rights that which the parents should uphold.
There is no justification that such Malaysian, Chinese and Indian couples doing such cruel acts, as if it is a slap to the Western countries and especially to the United Nations, that they can do such inhumane acts and they can get away with it.
This has been the trend and even the Malaysian government cannot do anything about it. Does it need to have more babies to be thrown away, more the likes of Mr. Arthur Samuel to be stabbed to death, to let other countries to notice that these things are happening? How many lives need to be shed and taken away, in order to show to the world the cruelty of these people that they are doing on their own flesh and blood and even to people who is not of same religion as they are?
As a human being, it is but our primary duty to ensure that every human being is living a life of freedom and no fear. We should act now, or regret that we did not!
Mayhem in Malaysia – The World's Greatest Masquerade


Malaysia's population of 25 million is composed of 60% Muslim Malays, 22% Chinese and 8% Indians. All of these groups have their hand in criminal or racist activity. Eurasians, a minority of only 10,000 persons, have become the target of much of this and are helpless victims of human rights violations.

All non-Muslims in Malaysia suffer financially and are pressured to convert to Islam. This is especially evident in the enrichment of those well connected to the United Malays National Organization (UMNO). This predominantly Muslim political party has led all governments since Malaysian independence. Malays, like other races, have grown richer, but the gap between the Malay haves and have-nots has widened due to policies which have engendered increasing corruption and waste in recent years.

Anyone who converts to Islam receives a 15% discount on property purchases. In addition there is a 13% increase in the fixed deposit made by Muslims, which is allocated by the government-established Amanah Saham Bumiputra Bank.

In the case of non-Muslim men converting to Islam and leaving their wives without divorcing them, the court will automatically declare their civil marriages to non-Muslim women void. Any children under the age of 18 years will automatically be converted to Islam without the permission or approval of his first wife.

Eurasians are also victims of intolerance and racism in print, web-based and broadcast media. This reflects the commonplace attitude towards the Eurasians among large groups of Malaysians. Sadly, this even creates victims among Indian,Chinese and Malay born children, which become victims of gross human rights violations. If a couple is unable to take care of their infant, they choose to throw it in the trash can or abort their unborn child, rather than put the infant up for adoption. Parents would rather kill their child or have an abortion, than to risk it being adopted by a non-Muslim.

The deep-seated hatred towards non-Muslims, Western countries and people of European ancestry, was recently manifested through the burning of US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's effigy by the Prime Minister Ahmad Badawi's son-in-law Khairi. The government-affiliated RTM (Radio Televisyen Malaysia) is also accused of glorifying the two hundred Malaysian Muslims who joined the Taliban freedom fighters in Afghanistan and Iraq. The leader of the bomb-making unit of the Jama-Islamiah was a Malay Muslim who was involved with the Bali bombing and the JW Marriott Hotel bombing in Jakarta.

In this increasing hostile environment, critical voices against racism, government corruption, violation of human rights and criminal activity are silenced by the recently deployment of the Internal Security Act. This gives the government a legal took to detain protesters indefinitely. Many of these risk also bodily harm and even murder, dare they speak out against the alarming Malaysian masquerade.
The song Arthur wrote;Song

Darkness Under the Sun


When are you going to recognize

What's going on before your eyes?

How many people have to die,

Before we can stop this lie,

Before we can stop this lie.

Malaysia is the place to be,

Tourist brochures tell me so.

So beautiful on the top.

So dangerous down below.

It has everything my business could want.

Promises me a comfy ride.

But living in this crazy place

Is nothing short of suicide.

The government is racist true.

Reminds me of Hitler's Nazis.

When I try to say what gives?
They knock me to my beatened knees.

Police corruption is everywhere

They turn a blind eye to our shame.

Hatred is the national rule

Blackens Malaysia's once proud name.


Malayan Muslims are under the sway

Of Osama and his men of hate.

Convert to Islam they say.

If I don't, it will be too late.

If I dare say I worship God

In a way that draws their ire.

They will beat me half to death

And burn me in a fire.

Iran supports our government

Seeks control of Malaysia's heart.

Hezbollah and Syria, too.

All want to have a part.

Jamiah Islamiah from Indonesia

And other guys that I can't pronounce.

All driving our people nuts.

Malaysia's charm I do denounce!


The Chinese here are acrobats

Juggling a poisoned plate.

They want to join the mainland

And create a new communist state.

They are our criminal masterminds

From their lofts in their underground.

Mind numbing drugs they mass produce

And sell them the whole country 'round.

Fake credit cards they mass produce

Computer software and other loot.

Check your home for their goods

Like that favorite DVD to boot.

Human slaves they steal and sell

To sweat in beds and on the farm.

I swear they'd sell their grandmothers!

There's nobody they won't harm.


Indians came here long ago

But didn't leave Kali far behind.

Their Thugee past they've found.

Brutality they have in mind.

With a knife, gun or rope

They kill for more than sport.

They've surrounded me right now

Inside my own carport.

Booze they use to numb their minds

Puts meanness deep within their hearts.

They beat their wives half to death

And cut their neighbors into little parts.

Their children try to kill themselves

Just to escape the daily pain.

This isn't Colonial India.

It's here in Malaysia's warm tropic rain.


Yesterday, I walked down the street.

And what did my eyes see?

A dozen dying infants

Looking up at me.

Left to rot alongside the road

These babies had done no disgrace.

To be adopted by a Christian

Was more than their parents could face.

I tried to speak out about all this.

But my skull was broken like an egg.

Now I'm half blind and numb.

To the world I humbly beg.

When are you going to recognize

That Malaysia is telling a lie?

How many more must suffer?
How many more must die?

Chorus (twice)