Every time I watch Chaim's video or listen to his radio program, I am struck by a thought: "this is what a real leader looks and sounds like." The unbiased first impression that he makes is of someone truthful, passionate, and having a real program. When did I last time see such a political figure? I haven't. But from reading books, I have always imagined that a real leader should be someone like him. A real leader should not be someone smooth and glib, who spouts easily digestible platitudes. Not someone who sounds "kindly and compassionate." Not a cheap populist who, in his bid to appeal to as many people as possible, supports various incompatible policies without any discrimination. Not somebody who engages in abstruse intellectual debates. But someone who can really cut through the crap, who has a clear vision, who is uncompromising on issues that matter, and who can get angry. I call this "sacred anger." It can truly inspire and lead.