Author Topic: and i'm back...  (Read 3950 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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Re: and i'm back...
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2008, 07:57:54 PM »
individuals are another matter... nations are what count because they have armies and capital that we may rely on in exchange of total trust and faith in Hashem...

but i know Hashem "did not send us a righteous nation" to save us for many, many reasons...

first because while america as a people may have righteous individuals or even some groups within it... as a government it is evil... as i have seen proven to me repeatedly over the last 4 or so years from the books i've quoted you...

also because this nation's ruling elite descend from esav and all of our prophets and sages teach us... esav will never do tshuvah... and they instruct us to "beware of esav when he comes at us as our enemy... but also be just as much wary of him when he approaches as esav our brother..."

as well we know that the war of gog and maygog will be a united nations effort (both literal and figurative) against us... the whole entire planet led by its most powerful entity to destroy israel and wipe out our people and thwart G-d's final redemption... no one qualifies for this lead more than the u.s. no one today or historically has had the power and wealth which america wields...

and of course we know all of this because of what i just told you rav meir taught us in sefer harayon that our redemption can only come when we stand alone with Hashem against the world as our people did in mitzrayim and as avraham avinu did against nimrod and his world... "maesah avot siman l'banim..." "the deeds of the forefathers are a sign to the children..." meaning whatever they went thru we will go thru as well...

and i know what you are saying is untrue because of the 'fear of the gentile' pining-away sound in your voice as you ask the question... this teaches me... you are not really "in the choir..." and that the fear of america drips off you like sweat... you just can't get your mind around israel standing up for herself and defying america and calling for a total disassociation... nor can you accept the reality of america's roman and greek legacy of jew-hatred and how deeply-seeded this is here however craftily hidden from view... which is so much the case that america could actually get away with doing the holocaust and still come out of ww2 seeming to be the jewish people's one and only true friend in the world... and so you grasp at straws and pant after some nebulous righteous nation arising to rescue us which is NOWHERE mentioned in tenach, talmud or chazal... and in fact... adaraba just the opposite is the truth of what is taught to us from these very sources... 

and so this is enough to dismiss your notion out of hand without giving it another thought... yet there is one more proof i can bring to the matter... and that is this... i know this concept to be false because i myself yearned for it for 20 years of my adult life until rav meir's writings set me straight and made me abandon my silly, childish hero-worship of a nation that does not deserve its ill-gotten rep. as an "umah shel chesed..." as some have called her... not one iota of aid or support comes from compassion or commiseration... all of it stems from treachery and the desire to conquer, control and dominate... and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING comes from the u.s. without huge ropes (not mere strings) attached... so just get over it damn it... america... it's ruling elite... are nazi-level evil... roman-level deceitful... and greek-level vicious... sorry to burst your bubble like this... but... no... actually i'm not sorry... wake up and smell the crematoria before it's too late... free your mind before it's too late... nik. out...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 01:17:00 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."