Author Topic: True Moment  (Read 22477 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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True Moment
« on: September 02, 2006, 01:17:01 AM »
Hey all I am back, I went down to the South Jersey Shores over last week yea even witht he overcast cause it is the last week of summer.  Anyways, I was at Atlantic City for the day on Wed. And with some friends we were walking on the boardwalk there is a rail there towards the beach itself, now this was in the evening and we heard some strange noise under the boardwalk and this black babboon came out from under the boardwalk... Apparently someone never taught him how to use a public restroom.  Thats right he took a dump on the beach.  Ya know and then they question why normal people call them animals? I mean really what pigs.

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 07:52:25 AM »
Hey all I am back, I went down to the South Jersey Shores over last week yea even witht he overcast cause it is the last week of summer.  Anyways, I was at Atlantic City for the day on Wed. And with some friends we were walking on the boardwalk there is a rail there towards the beach itself, now this was in the evening and we heard some strange noise under the boardwalk and this black babboon came out from under the boardwalk... Apparently someone never taught him how to use a public restroom.  Thats right he took a dump on the beach.  Ya know and then they question why normal people call them animals? I mean really what pigs.

Nice to see you back Masterwolf1.

I have seen this form of beast releve themselves out in the open with bathroom facilities near by. I think its some form of laziness or spite. I call it n---ritis. They do this often in view of anybody around with complete disregard. At least this beast went under the boardwalk.
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 12:05:02 PM »
TY C, and I also guess that the idea of how to use a toilet is too much of a whitey concept for them.  Its not only them the arabs and muslims do the same the latin cockroach they do the same. Notice its all low form of animals that act just like animals.  You see a gorilla he relieves himself ( a real gorilla) where he eats sleeps and anywhere cause they don't know better. And black people want to pretend they are the kings and queens of civilization? They are still eating each other in Uganda.

Offline fjack

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2006, 05:41:02 PM »
I have seen 'black homeless' victims caked with their own poop. They relieve themselves on the subway platforms, in doorways, in school hallways and wherever they feel like. I have studied their habits and have come to the conclusion that they have not evolved into true homo sapien sapiens. The reason for their relieving themselves is that the animal instinct in them makes them 'leave their scent' such as a dog, cat and the lower primates. This is a strong instinct in animals. This is the way they mark their territory, attract the female of the species (and vice versa) and by doing this, it makes them feel safe when they smell themselves and gives them the senxe that they are 'at home'. This is probably why these savages spray paint everything they can. It is a way that the reconize their territory and it says to others STAY OUT!

Offline SoulsofBlack

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 12:40:16 AM »
I have seen 'black homeless' victims caked with their own poop. They relieve themselves on the subway platforms, in doorways, in school hallways and wherever they feel like. I have studied their habits and have come to the conclusion that they have not evolved into true homo sapien sapiens. The reason for their relieving themselves is that the animal instinct in them makes them 'leave their scent' such as a dog, cat and the lower primates. This is a strong instinct in animals. This is the way they mark their territory, attract the female of the species (and vice versa) and by doing this, it makes them feel safe when they smell themselves and gives them the senxe that they are 'at home'. This is probably why these savages spray paint everything they can. It is a way that the reconize their territory and it says to others STAY OUT!

HAHAHA, this is why I love this site.

Offline cjd

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 02:17:37 AM »
I have seen 'black homeless' victims caked with their own poop. They relieve themselves on the subway platforms, in doorways, in school hallways and wherever they feel like. I have studied their habits and have come to the conclusion that they have not evolved into true homo sapien sapiens. The reason for their relieving themselves is that the animal instinct in them makes them 'leave their scent' such as a dog, cat and the lower primates. This is a strong instinct in animals. This is the way they mark their territory, attract the female of the species (and vice versa) and by doing this, it makes them feel safe when they smell themselves and gives them the senxe that they are 'at home'. This is probably why these savages spray paint everything they can. It is a way that the reconize their territory and it says to others STAY OUT!

fjack I think your on to something here I have watched this form of beast relieve themselves virtually at the restroom door. What always amazed me  is why they piss in the halls of their own apartment building. They are marking their territory thats it. Honestly this has to be some form of subspecies to a human. For years I always laugh when science goes on about the missing link. Its not missing its alive and well. They just refuse to see it..
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2006, 10:48:32 PM »
What is it? The concept of using a bathroom is unhead of to these mutants? Do they really miss living in the Congo that much that they act like if they are in the Congo taking a crap anywhere they want? If they are so comfortable of acting like if they in the Congo then no one is stopping them to go back.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2006, 10:50:42 PM »
What is it? The concept of using a bathroom is unhead of to these mutants?

They can't afford toilet paper... it's what makes the conversion to Islam so easy.
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2006, 09:32:17 PM »
They can always use their dorags that they were on their heads.  After all under it is crap wrapped in a skull.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2006, 08:02:24 PM »
Today at a bus station, there were all these dirty homeless bums sleeping on the benches that people are supposed to sit on when they wait for the bus. They were so ugly. There was one fat schvartza woman lying with her fat black stomach exposed. They were all schvartzas except one was an Asian Indian. The one open bench that I sat on smelled like the urine from these beasts (Bafroom, what you need a bafroom for?) so I moved away many benches down. And also, sometimes the seats on the bus have dirty stuff on them. Probably these beasts get food on them.

well, im not from US as you know, Yacov, and here in Israel you dont encounter so much of it as you see there. but still, i can understand these people. they have lost all hope, any will to live. they dont care about what happens to them, what you or others think of them, thats my impression. dont you have mercy for these poor people? do you ever give them money if they ask? you called them beasts, and i think you are being cruel to them not regarding what they underwent in their lives... please correct me if im wrong, because im so much against blind hatred.

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Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2006, 09:12:04 PM »
i agree.
its interesting- there are practically no homeless Jews. i've only seen one Jew living in a tent in a park in downtown Haifa, thats all.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 11:44:01 PM by NeverMore »

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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2006, 09:46:49 PM »
You would think the concept of soap and water would also be too difficult for them to understand and thats why they stink of urine and filthy.

Offline fjack

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2006, 05:23:57 PM »
Welcome to the USA

Offline fjack

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2006, 05:40:07 PM »
These creatures are lower primites. They cannot be part of a civilizred culture, or a structured society. They are poor pririmates that evolution has left behind. If you want to take these creatures into your home nevermore go for it! Let us see how liberal you are when they cut your throat, rape your wife, daughter, mother, and maybe you! I am amazed that you foriengers love these primitives so much. Why don't you take them back from the paradise that you fled from and  make you society multiculrural. I will answer for you. You will say that 'my country' is unable to take care of these primitives. We don't want to have our wives, sons, daughter, mothers and fathers be raped, robbed, muredered, mugged and even worse. Let me ask you this question? If thiis country is so bad, why did you come here. Your type should go to africa where your can spread your liberal ideas among these primitives and show the rest of the white world on how to apprieaate the gifts of your fellow 'friends'. You have a better chance of bening killed by a black than a nazi. Go to africa and save the savages. We have a enough of liberals here. Destroy your own homeland, not mine.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2006, 06:43:41 PM »
These creatures are lower primites. They cannot be part of a civilizred culture, or a structured society. They are poor pririmates that evolution has left behind. If you want to take these creatures into your home nevermore go for it! Let us see how liberal you are when they cut your throat, rape your wife, daughter, mother, and maybe you! I am amazed that you foriengers love these primitives so much. Why don't you take them back from the paradise that you fled from and  make you society multiculrural. I will answer for you. You will say that 'my country' is unable to take care of these primitives. We don't want to have our wives, sons, daughter, mothers and fathers be raped, robbed, muredered, mugged and even worse. Let me ask you this question? If thiis country is so bad, why did you come here. Your type should go to africa where your can spread your liberal ideas among these primitives and show the rest of the white world on how to apprieaate the gifts of your fellow 'friends'. You have a better chance of bening killed by a black than a nazi. Go to africa and save the savages. We have a enough of liberals here. Destroy your own homeland, not mine.

stop the gayness, dude.
first you call me liberal (you obviousely didnt understand anything i said nor did you read my other posts here), then you complain why i live in america, when im actually living in Israel and never even been to america. you've sent me to bloody africa!!

hehe, you are a joke,
quit drinking.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 07:43:05 PM by NeverMore »

Kahane was right!

Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2006, 06:48:14 PM »
These creatures are lower primites. They cannot be part of a civilizred culture, or a structured society. They are poor pririmates that evolution has left behind. If you want to take these creatures into your home nevermore go for it! Let us see how liberal you are when they cut your throat, rape your wife, daughter, mother, and maybe you! I am amazed that you foriengers love these primitives so much. Why don't you take them back from the paradise that you fled from and  make you society multiculrural. I will answer for you. You will say that 'my country' is unable to take care of these primitives. We don't want to have our wives, sons, daughter, mothers and fathers be raped, robbed, muredered, mugged and even worse. Let me ask you this question? If thiis country is so bad, why did you come here. Your type should go to africa where your can spread your liberal ideas among these primitives and show the rest of the white world on how to apprieaate the gifts of your fellow 'friends'. You have a better chance of bening killed by a black than a nazi. Go to africa and save the savages. We have a enough of liberals here. Destroy your own homeland, not mine.

i read this crap again, and woohoo! you're nuts!
hehe, and my homeland is already being destroyed, i dont think smolmert needs any help in doing that.  ;D

Kahane was right!

Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2006, 06:50:20 PM »
These creatures are lower primites. They cannot be part of a civilizred culture, or a structured society. They are poor pririmates that evolution has left behind. If you want to take these creatures into your home nevermore go for it! Let us see how liberal you are when they cut your throat, rape your wife, daughter, mother, and maybe you! I am amazed that you foriengers love these primitives so much. Why don't you take them back from the paradise that you fled from and  make you society multiculrural. I will answer for you. You will say that 'my country' is unable to take care of these primitives. We don't want to have our wives, sons, daughter, mothers and fathers be raped, robbed, muredered, mugged and even worse. Let me ask you this question? If thiis country is so bad, why did you come here. Your type should go to africa where your can spread your liberal ideas among these primitives and show the rest of the white world on how to apprieaate the gifts of your fellow 'friends'. You have a better chance of bening killed by a black than a nazi. Go to africa and save the savages. We have a enough of liberals here. Destroy your own homeland, not mine.

i read your crap for the third time now, this is pure entertainment! LOL you are the first person ever to call me a liberal, yey!

Kahane was right!


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Re: True Moment
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2006, 06:58:30 PM »
G-dless abomination is the rule in Israel, for which reason G-d shall smite it until it weeps for its Heavenly Father, like a naked bleeding babe lying alone in the wilderness surrounded by hungry wolves

Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2006, 07:07:53 PM »
G-dless abomination is the rule in Israel, for which reason G-d shall smite it until it weeps for its Heavenly Father, like a naked bleeding babe lying alone in the wilderness surrounded by hungry wolves

 >:( >:( >:( what do you want?

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Offline Shlomo

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2006, 09:25:26 PM »
G-dless abomination is the rule in Israel, for which reason G-d shall smite it until it weeps for its Heavenly Father, like a naked bleeding babe lying alone in the wilderness surrounded by hungry wolves

I think if you look real close in the mirror... you'll find you've grown some blonde hairs.
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Offline cjd

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2006, 06:23:52 AM »
A small amount of the homeless are people who for one reason or another are down on their luck. They find themselves out on the street after a financial reversal or some other event gets them evicted and really are  in trouble.
Others are just street people they live on the streets and would not have it anyother way. They see the streets as their home and a way of life.
Years ago the City of New York would round up the bums on Delancy Street ( thats what homeless were called then when the world made sense ) and take them to farms upstate where they would work for their keep and get paid a little also. It got them off the streets and cleaned up for a while. Some good hearted liberal said we could not do this any longer since we were violating the bums civil rights. Now we have illeagle Mexicans to take their place.
Another big part of the homeless population is the people who were in mental institutions that our then Governor ratcoon face Mario Cuomo pushed out on the streets when he started closing down state mental hospitals. This seems to me is the bigest part of the problem they are dangerous and unable to takecare of themselves in general this is the nasty looking homeless you see most of the time.
I really believe society has the obligation and right to get homeless people off the streets. Either to get them back on their feet, house elderly folks, put the fit to work for room and board, get the mentally ill into a group home or institution. Its the right thing to do. Vagrants should not be allowed to live on the publics streets bothering hard working citizens.
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Re: True Moment
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2006, 06:41:12 AM »
G-dless abomination is the rule in Israel, for which reason G-d shall smite it until it weeps for its Heavenly Father, like a naked bleeding babe lying alone in the wilderness surrounded by hungry wolves

As I said before their must be something in the water supply where you live that makes you come up with nutty statements like this. Did you eat paint chips as a child?
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline NeverMore

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2006, 06:47:06 AM »
G-dless abomination is the rule in Israel, for which reason G-d shall smite it until it weeps for its Heavenly Father, like a naked bleeding babe lying alone in the wilderness surrounded by hungry wolves

As I said before their must be something in the water supply where you live that makes you come up with nutty statements like this. Did you eat paint chips as a child?


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Offline fjack

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2006, 07:57:04 AM »
Dear Nevermore, please don't take what I say as personal. All I am pointing out is that your idea of what these people 'went through' is a liberal idea that is used to make us white people feel guilty. It is the oldest trick in the book. I am sure you have a good heart and do have compassion for these creatures. Here in the USA we have given these creatures over a TRILLON DOLLARS since the 1960s when the white hater Lyndon Johnson started this so-called war on poverty. What did this war on poverty achieve? It started a wave of crime, black anti-semitism, white hatred in general and a host of social ills that are too many to list. Since you live in Israel, I am sure that you have heard of the 'black hebrews'. They are nothing more that the gutter trash that have fled the chicago slums to infest the Holy Land. If their number grows till it reaches a critical mass, then you will experience what is happening to this country. The moment you let down your guard you will be eaten alive by these people. If you do know anything about these ghetto crawlers in Israel I would like to know what is their feeliings towards the government and how do they feel about the arab problem. I have been unable to find anything that tells of their view. I really would like to know. Here in the states, the news we get about the Holy Land is always pro arab, pro terrorist and anti Jewish. Please throw some light on this. If you took offense to what I posted, I am truely sorry, but I am so frustrated on what my country has turned into that I sometimes lash out at even the slighest provaction.

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Re: True Moment
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2006, 08:20:40 AM »
Dear Nevermore, please don't take what I say as personal. All I am pointing out is that your idea of what these people 'went through' is a liberal idea that is used to make us white people feel guilty. It is the oldest trick in the book. I am sure you have a good heart and do have compassion for these creatures. Here in the USA we have given these creatures over a TRILLON DOLLARS since the 1960s when the white hater Lyndon Johnson started this so-called war on poverty. What did this war on poverty achieve? It started a wave of crime, black anti-semitism, white hatred in general and a host of social ills that are too many to list. Since you live in Israel, I am sure that you have heard of the 'black hebrews'. They are nothing more that the gutter trash that have fled the chicago slums to infest the Holy Land. If their number grows till it reaches a critical mass, then you will experience what is happening to this country. The moment you let down your guard you will be eaten alive by these people. If you do know anything about these ghetto crawlers in Israel I would like to know what is their feeliings towards the government and how do they feel about the arab problem. I have been unable to find anything that tells of their view. I really would like to know. Here in the states, the news we get about the Holy Land is always pro arab, pro terrorist and anti Jewish. Please throw some light on this. If you took offense to what I posted, I am truely sorry, but I am so frustrated on what my country has turned into that I sometimes lash out at even the slighest provaction.

apology accepted  :).

i said that i feel mercy about them, that not all of them deserve it, and clearly noted that i dont know exactly whats going on in the US about it, and later agreed with what Yacov told me- i only think you should have read it or tried to understand me before all these accusations. guess now you dont think all these things of me anymore, maybe after you read some other of my posts. by the way, are you Jewish? because if so, then you better know what the other "whites" at white pride world wide think of you: even if you are not Jewish, but only support us. i strictly oppose reffering to Jews as "whites", because its like trying to prove the nazis that we are aryans, something like that. Jews should be proud of Judaism, not "whiteness", regardless of the true racial connection.

sorry, but i also dont know much about the black hebrews.

i didnt take offence to what you posted, i seriousely ment what i said in my three replies to that: it was funny that someone could think im a liberal and stuff (i try to be moral, not "moral" like the liberals are, but Jewishly moral), funny to hear someone sending me to africa, funny to take recommendations about destroying Israel and so on.. hehe  ;D after reading your post, i was 100% sure you had something to drink before posting.

but, i understand you didnt mean it all, and that you only want to protect your country and your future in it.

friends?  8)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 09:05:14 AM by NeverMore »

Kahane was right!