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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« on: April 23, 2008, 11:10:17 AM »
Afrikaners, The best soldiers

By Mike Smith

Many people wonder how a few Afrikaner soldiers could fight and defeat the entire Communist Empire on the Namibian/Angolan border during the 1970's and 1980's. Many people wonder how a few Afrikaner farmers could defeat the entire British Empire during the Anglo/Boer war 1899-1902. The Boers lost the war, but were not defeated militarily on the battlefield, but surrendered due to the fact that the British put their wives and children in concentration camps. Till this day it has been Britain's most expensive war.

Today if one travels to Australia, Canada and New Zealand one will see memorials they erected for their soldiers who died fighting the Afrikaner Boers. These few Afrikaner Boers were farmers, not soldiers, yet they accomplished almost the impossible by beating the best army in the world at that stage.

As I said, these Afrikaner men fought the Entire Communist world and defeated them with no outside help. In fact, the world imposed severe sanctions on them, but somehow they still defeated the Cubans, Russians, East Germans, the lot...all by themselves.

Many people today say, "Why did they fight, the ANC/Communists have South Africa anyway? Why did the Boers fight the British, the British won any way"?

Well, let's see why soldiers fight and why Afrikaners were so good in battle, but first let's take a lesson from history.

Recently a popular movie hit the circuit, about the 300 Spartans who fought at the Battle of Thermopylae. These Spartans were handpicked by their King Leonidas and they all knew that they would be fighting to the death. They faced overwhelming odds on the Persian side and there was just no way they could ever win. Yet, these 300 Spartans fought and killed thousands of the enemy. All 300 Spartans died. What purpose did it serve? The Persians won anyway.

Well, at the subsequent battles of Salamis (naval) and Plataea, the Greeks won. This time Sparta sent 5000 soldiers (along with 40,000 Auxiliaries). The Persians numbering 300,000 crapped themselves! They already saw what 300 Spartans could do, imagine 5000!

After the Battle of Platea 43,000 Persians lived to tell the tale, while only 159 Spartans died. In the old days, the Spartans were the men to beat! If it wasn't for those 300 Spartans who defended Thermopylae, we would not have had democracy today. Greek culture survived, because of King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans. We should be eternally thankful to them.

But what made these Spartans so special? Why were they invincible in almost every battle? If you took a Greek soldier and a Spartan soldier from that era and compared them, there was very little difference. They were more or less the same size, same physical strength and same weapons. Why then were the Spartans just so much better? One has to look at their way of life and their culture. Spartans grew up in a military state. Boys were sent to a military gymnasium (from where we get the name) at the age of seven. At the age of twenty they were soldiers and remained so until the age of thirty. A Spartan then went on to the active reserves and remained a soldier until he was sixty. Spartan men lived a simple but tough life. All they knew was how to be a soldier. They are often slagged off for practicing infanticide and also for keeping the Helots in almost slavery. However when they were fighting, they were fighting for all, Spartans and Helots together. Nevertheless, their society thrived. Spartan women had more liberties than their other Greek sisters.

One thing was for sure in the ancient world; You did not mess with the Spartans. Why?

The Spartans had an Iron discipline; they never broke ranks and fought to the death. They had a high moral code and conduct. They never ran away. Battle was the only place to truly prove yourself. And you know what? Spartan women were extremely judgmental about their sons and husbands. Before battle they would give the men their shields and tell them, "With it or on it". In other words you either came back victorious or dead on your shield. In those days mothers were proud of their soldier sons.

Now let's look at the Afrikaner culture. First of all they are deeply religious. Most Afrikaners raise their children as conservative Christians. Afrikaans children are encouraged to play sport and if a boy does not play the physical game of Rugby, he is frowned upon. Afrikaner children are very competitive, not just at sport, but also at school. Focus is a lot on individual brilliance and your child must be at least under the top three in class. Afrikaners also spank their children regularly, when they step out of line. Until recently, corporal punishment at school was an accepted, normal practice at school. If your homework was not done or you failed a test, your teachers would give you a hiding. If you smoked at school or misbehaved, you would get a hiding. Parents supported the teachers in this. Many a time you would get a hiding from your teacher and another one from your father, for the same offence. Children were well behaved and disciplined.

Afrikaner boys also learn to shoot from a young age. Basically from the age of six, they start shooting with air rifles. They also make and shoot catapults as well as Bow & Arrow. Playing in the bush is normal for Afrikaner children. They are also encouraged to join groups such as the Scouts or Voortrekker Movement.

During the 1970's and 1980's, all high schools had school cadets. Boys were issued with military uniform and one day a week had to wear this to school. They were taught how to drill in a squad from the age of 13 and all throughout their high school career. Almost every school had a cadet band and a shooting team. Boys also went on cadet camps during school holidays, where they learned military tactics and had great fun. All of this was encouraged by the parents and mothers use to be proud of their soldier boys.

By the time a young man was finished with school and about 18/19 years old, he was conscripted into the South African Defense Force for 2 years. At this time, it became obvious that these young men were easy to turn into soldiers. Discipline is arguably the single most important quality of good soldiers. Just from the way Afrikaners raise their children, they are already well disciplined. They already knew how to shoot and drill. Becoming a soldier was only a small step away. In the Army these boys were given three months basic training and a further three months specialised training. Leaders were identified and put on a nine months Junior Leader's course to become officers or instructors. After training these soldiers performed a 12 month tour of duty on the Namibian/Angolan border. The last six months of his two year conscription he spent in the townships of South Africa. This was considered to be his cooling down period and after that he was discharged from the Army, but remained on the reserves, and once a year he had to go to camp for two months or so until the age of fifty. Wives, mothers, sisters and girlfriends were proud of their soldier husbands and sons. It was normal for us. Men could be trusted to protect their families.

These men then were some of the best soldiers this world has ever seen, if not THE best. Our elite units, such as the Reconnaissance, Koevoet and Parachute Regiments were definitely the best I ever came across. One thing was for sure in these days. You did not mess with the South African Defense Force! They would kick your arse, as the Communists discovered in Angola, on many occasions.

In 1994 the politicians decided to give the country to the Communists on a silver platter. Common terrorist were not only incorporated in the SADF, but put in charge. That was the end of our once outstanding fighting force. The Communists did not stop there though. Out there were thousands of men who were all military trained and who could be mustered at the drop of a hat. Just from an historic point of view, the Communists in charge of South Africa knew that Afrikaner culture alone generates disciplined young men that can easily be turned into soldiers.

Does it then come as any surprise that the Communists would be hell bent on destroying this culture? They do not want 18/19 year old potential soldiers walking around. These young men are threat to the Communists and they know it only too well. That is why the Communists introduced laws that scrapped corporal punishment in schools. They introduced laws that prevent parents from spanking their children. School cadets have been scrapped. Outcomes Based Education and Training has been introduced at schools. OBET teaches mediocrity and suppress individualism. They introduced a variety of drugs to the youth. Promiscuity amongst the youth is promoted. Just wear a condom, and everything is fine, they say.

One can also see the other relentless attacks on Afrikaner culture. Their church, the Dutch Reform Church, is actively being divided; their schools and universities are being destroyed. Being an Afrikaner is ridiculed by others and Afrikaners are made out to all be racists pigs. Afrikaner young men can't find work anymore, so leave to go and work overseas. Afrikaner young men can't serve in the armed forces and are prohibited by law to serve in foreign militaries. They could be tried for treason. All of these laws are introduced by the Communists to prevent a possible revolt from Afrikaners. They fought them before; they know that against the Afrikaners they don't stand a chance.

I see it every day; this paranoia from the Communists. They created this myth of "Afrikaner Angst". There is no such a thing! Afrikaners aren't scared or anxious of anything. The people who are scared, anxious and crapping themselves are the Communists. Afrikaners make out 5% of the South African population, yet the Communists go out of their way to suppress them. Why? It's because they know what a handful of Afrikaners are capable of!

What is my advice then? To the Afrikaners I want to say this; Keep your faith and religion active. Protect and fight for your language and culture. Raise your kids, especially the boys as soldiers. Sufficient discipline, active sports these are things they need to do. Let them play rugby, do martial arts. Let them learn to do rock climbing, scuba diving and Parachute jumping are all things the communists blacks don’t do. Let your sons join the scouts or the Voortrekker movement so they can learn survival skills. If you do this, it will be easy to transform these young men into soldiers, for believe me, the time for that is nearer than you think.

To the Communist I want to say this: Keep suppressing the Afrikaners, but please, step it up a gear. You see, I know them very well. All you are doing is make the Afrikaners tougher. Further the Afrikaners need to hate you, but only with a passion, because it makes it a lot easier to kill you when the time comes. Steal what you can now, because when there is nothing more to steal from the Afrikaners and they have nothing more to give, you will experience their wrath. That day I want a front row seat, because boy is it going to be pretty. I always thought that there is nothing more beautiful than a Springbok Rugby player in full flight, but that day I want to see the Commies run with Afrikaners hunting them down like dogs! I want to see the Commies get smashed and ripped apart by my Afrikaner Brethren. May none of the cursed bastards survive!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 01:00:31 PM by arisesouthafrica »
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Online Zelhar

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 06:02:47 PM »
I would love to see his predictions coming to fulfillment.

Who's Mike Smiths, is he Afrikaner?

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 01:44:32 AM »
Mike Smith is not an Afrikaner, he is English South African!
He is a fantastic writer!
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline Boeregeneraal

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2008, 04:54:07 AM »
absolutely faaaaaantastic!!! Mike Smith is indeed a wonderful writer!...a man of great wisdom!

Thank you VERY much ARISE....I loved reading this.

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2008, 04:54:25 PM »
we serbs also had this warrior spirit, but over time under  satanic (so called democratic) rule of serbia we had lost our pride...
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Online Zelhar

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2008, 05:36:07 PM »
we serbs also had this warrior spirit, but over time under  satanic (so called democratic) rule of serbia we had lost our pride...

I think it was under Tito's communism mainly. And BTW Did Milosevic ruled democratically?

Offline Boeregeneraal

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2008, 09:52:03 PM »
we serbs also had this warrior spirit, but over time under  satanic (so called democratic) rule of serbia we had lost our pride...
absolutely!!! I mean the Serbs were facing the entire muslims armies, and prevailed!

Offline serbian army

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Re: Afrikaners, The best soldiers
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2008, 04:31:20 PM »
we serbs also had this warrior spirit, but over time under  satanic (so called democratic) rule of serbia we had lost our pride...

I think it was under Tito's communism mainly. And BTW Did Milosevic ruled democratically?
Yes, Tito won and he destroyed Serbs as much as he could....I can't tell about Milosevic, in some cases he was patriot and in some he was traitor. I think he used emerging Serbian nationalisam for his own gains which in the fact resolted in Serbia being the most hated country..
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,