Author Topic: restoring my stuff to where it belongs...  (Read 816 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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restoring my stuff to where it belongs...
« on: June 11, 2008, 11:56:45 AM »
i found this out of place... and as always i will restore it to its rightful place... please stop moving my most controversial pieces to places where they will not get read by the widest audience possible... just stop it already... i write for the general board and the general board only and i expect my wishes on this matter to be respected... i don't hear of anyone else on this site having this problem... why am i being singled out for this kind of treatment...? no need to reply... the question is offered rhetorically for i already know the answer... nik. out...   

JTF Forum > Save Western Civilization > General Discussion About Western Civilization  > The New World Order Crisis > jfk assassination...
  Author Topic: jfk assassination...  (Read 76 times) 

Pro JTFer

   jfk assassination...
« on: December 30, 2007, 12:25:41 AM » Quote Modify Remove 

all of your answers are to be found in "vatican assassins..." i don't have it all memorized but it is all there... also see "rule by secrecy" and "terror conspiracy..." by jim marrs... and also "the grand design exposed" by john daniel... they all prove different areas of the slime new world order agenda...

by the way... jfk was killed for one or more of these 7 reasons...

1) over the bay of pigs fiasco... but not what you think... goal was not to get rid of him so that they could invade cuba later when he promised not to... no... he was removed ahead of his finding out that all along the plan was to leave jesuit-trained and empowered castro alone... and secure his position there for future plans for cuba to help destroy protestant america sometime down the line... and jfk might have gotten wind of this and reversed course and taken their man out as he should have...

2) for his refusal to commit to war in viet nam... he knew this war was a sham... pure genocide and that both sides... north and south were thoroughly corrupt and torturing their own peoples... and besides he rightly pointed out... "if we won't go 90 miles to our south to remove communism from our own hemisphere... why should we go half way around the world to do so in someone else's backyard...?"

3) due to his discovery of the sinister betrayal by the cia of the american people and her true allies... after the bay of pigs he gave orders to splinter the cia into a million different pieces and put them totally under the control of the joint chiefs... this didn't sit well with those who knew the real objectives of the cia and who they have really always been working for... you guessed it... the slime of esav ruling from rome...

4) because he wished to put a stop to red china going nuclear... after his return from dallas... the very next thing on his plate was to order the bombing of the nuclear reactor in china... (can't remember its location off the top of my head)... the slime had and still have big plans for china and not just economically... they plan to rule the world together with them and the eu from 3 distinct spheres of influence or economic zones...   
Subject: continuation... why they killed jfk...

5)  because jfk had begun to print his own money thru the congress like the constitution mandates... ever since 1912 and the unconstitutional federal reserve act which when piggy-backed on top of the likewise way unconstitutional and criminal to boot... 14th amendment which in 1865 changed the entire nature of our citizenship in the u.s. and within our own home states and which thereby ruined all of our constitutionally protected rights and bill of rights freedoms and liberties... the federal reserve act ~ a privately owned corporation ~ followed by the 16th amendment for income tax... ruined and destroyed permenantly the u.s. balanced budget... and insured an eventual disappearing middle class... in other words the three of these things taken together... the 14th and 16th amendments and the later fed reserve act... bankrupt this country on a permenant basis... and will be the eventual death-knell of this country... all passed to destroy protestant america and its judeo-christian ethic... the only place ever to claim such a shared destiny in the history of goydom...
well leastwise since morrish/jewish spain in the 12th-14th centuries in any event...
6) i'm forgetting one here... i'll have to look back on my research notes... i think it is his nixing of project northwoods which was a crazy plan by the cia to simulate false-flag passenger planes being blown up "by cuba" over florida waters... this is the real precursor to the 9/11 plot by the slime.. the one that proves they knew about using airplanes to do terror... and the one jfk saw as certain evidence that the cia was nuts and needed to be dismantled pronto... see this one depicted both in loosechange 9/11 and in alex jones' new docu. "endgame" and this tells you that jfk wanted to save the u.s. from insane and satanic monsters...
7) aliens... yes... that's right... give us all a good hearty laugh... o.k. you guys through...? seriously... he was going to reveal to the american people the real existence of ufos and alien creatures on earth... area 51 and all of the rest...he felt the american people had the right to know the truth... the full truth which is still being kept from us... 45 years after his assassination...
and there you have it... these are the reasons the slime had jfk waxed in dallas by the driver of his limo... one william greer... ex-navy seal... who then himself died three months later of a fast moving cancer... check the records... watch the zapruder film on you tube and compare the same clip to oliver stone's jfk movie... during the courtroom scene where they first aired this piece of footage for the world to see... see how stone edits out the driver greer just at the moment of truth... right before the kill shot... he's in the frame right before and immediately after he pops back in... but as the you tube undoctored version shows he could plainly be seen in the driver's seat thru the kill shot... and in fact he's the killer... you see the motion of his left hand as he turns around for the second time and blows jfk's head off...
rfk... come on... after mlk... too...? the slime did them both... take your pick... but mostly over viet nam... ending the war by jan. '69... when clearly they intended to keep the genocide going as long as possible... and did until... '74 as we all know... sirhan didn't kill him either... he shot wildely... i was there in '88... 20 years later... in the same ballroom for a chatuna (a wedding)... so i wandered back off-stage into the pantry/kitchen area... just like he and his entourage did that fateful night... there was someone there a chief chef who was a bustboy back then... no not the famous one... but someone who took me on a tour of the facility and showed me where sirhan's shots all ended up... none hitting bobby... also see the movie "bobby" as it depicts 5 people hit by gunfire that night... something none of us were informed about back then... the 6th shot of course ended up in the famous doorpost which the l.a.p.d. promptly disposed of because "all this evidence was to cumbersome to store..." yeah right and the queen wears purple and green poka-dot pajamas to church on sundays... give me a flippin' break... anyway... the bodyguard did him... shot him behind the right ear i believe... as witnesses later recalled seeingt rfk slipping to the floor twisting around and clutching onto the tie of the bodyguard who was still holding his piece in the air... smoke still coming out...? i don't know... the bodyguard did rabin... as did reagan's but missed... and probably the real killer of mlk was with him on that hotel balcony and was not james earl ray... the accused slayer is always just the patsy... the fall-guy set up to take the blame... the scapegoat... to halt all investigations further in their tracks... to head off all inquiries and congressional searches... and there is always "a commission" set up to cover it all up... i call these "commissions" "the foxes guarding the hen house reporting on what the wolves have just done..." and of course from such fabrications and falsifications justice is never served... and the real culprits are never brought to face and pay for the crimes against humanity which they have committed... and this is the case by 9/11 as well... same m.o. same aftermath... nik. out...

« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 03:09:58 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 12:00:37 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Lubab

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Re: restoring my stuff to where it belongs...
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2008, 12:05:47 AM »
What in your opinion did the "slime" gain from a genocide in Vietnam that they would go to such lengths to keep it going?

"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: restoring my stuff to where it belongs...
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2008, 02:46:47 AM »
the slime like to genocide the planet to keep down the world pop. of "sub-humans" (their attitude and term not mine)... you know... all the unwashed masses... the non-elite... while what is really necessary instead to save the world and planet is just the exact opposite... the genocide and complete eradication of the upper 1/3 of the obscenely wealthy, so-called aristocratic and nobility classes  (royals) (sic) who all work together worldwide to promulgate, perpetrate and perpetuate this twisted, demented and totally diseased philosophy of life and truly sick political agenda and thoroughly wicked policy from generation to generation without surcease ever since the advent of nimrod upon the world-stage within 100-200 years of the aftermath of the mabul (the great flood or deluge)... this is amalek, esav, edom, rome and gog u'maygog... all the manifestations of evil in history... the memshelet zadon... (the evil empire) all wrapped up into one gigantic, perpetual slime-force on earth which Hashem says in shmot that He has a war with them l'dor dor... and which it is our mitzvah to never forget their evil and G-d's hatred of them and to ever stand in prepared readiness to fulfill the great torah mitzvah of mechiat amalek (the complete decimation of amalek)... bimhayra v'yamaynu (may it be soon and in our own days)... amen selah... nik. out... by the way this is the true meaning of my signature at the bottom... this is the true goal every jew should have to cleanse, purify and m'kadaesh (sanctify) Hashem's world... as we say in alenu three times a day everyday... "l'taken olam b'malchut shkai..." (the k should be a d)... "to rectify (or repair or correct) the world with the kingship or rule of the Al-mighty..." taykef mamash... (may it really be immediately)... amen... n
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 03:04:20 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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point of clarification....
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2008, 07:40:49 AM »
one quick addition to my above definition of the mitzvah of mechiat amalek... it is a mitzvah which can only be done at a time when all of our other enemies surrounding eretz yisroel have been vanquished (i.e. b'zman hazeh ~ nowadays.... only after yishmael ceases to be a threat)... although according to the vilna gaon... in the end of days yishmael will have a din (an halachic or torah-legal ruling) as a portion of what comprises amalek which must be eradicated... (see kol hator chapter 6)... by the way... he says this scenario will likewise apply to the erev rav unjewish jews usurping the rule over our people and land in the immediate time period prior to the coming of moshiach...

the other caveat to fulfilling this mitzvah is that the war must be led by a melech... a king... which for us will mean either led by moshiach ben yosef (like the war which broke out under yeshoshua who was from ephraim the son of yosef in moshe rebenu's era... moshe being considered our first king or much later under shaul hamelech who was from shevet binyamin also a son of rachel emaynu and so qualified for mby status) or it will come led by moshiach ben david (as was the case when david hamelech later attempted this mitzvah again after shaul hamelech had previously failed)... as in the tenach in all these instances... even the melech himself cannot call for the implementation of this mitzvah even when peace reigns unless a navi (a prophet) brings the zivui (the command) from G-d to go out and wage war on amalek...

so it has to come when we are not threatened by any other foes... when we have a king (in our case that will mean under one of the two mashichim ~ messiahs) and it can only be attempted led by one of them when Hashem gives us a direct message via a bonifide prophet to go out and do so... (probably this means eliyahu hanavi in the end of days)...

so no one should go out and start a war against the slime on their own... it is not the proper time or place for this mitzvah yet... but we have a secondary mitzvah to always yearn to fulfill this kiddush Hashem and thus to stand in ever-ready, ever-vigilant attention and be "on-call" should the circumstances above merit our being zoche to get a shot at this final and ultimate tikkun olam opportunity... nik. out...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 07:49:07 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."