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Offline Cyberella

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« on: June 12, 2008, 07:16:28 PM »
Spread the Truth” versus Obama’s “Fight the Smears”
“Spread the Truth” answers Obama’s “Fight the Smears”
by Bill Levinson

Barack Obama has set up a new Web domain,, which connects to his main Web site. Pay close attention to the method he is using to fight urban legends, because we can use the same methods to spread the truth about him.

Invite your friends to spread the truth about Michelle.

You can even use our email contact importer to make it easier. Don’t worry — we don’t hold on to any of the email addresses
you share.

Enter up to 10 email addresses above, separated by commas.

Enter up to 10 email addresses above, separated by commas.

Can anyone set up a similar Web site, with appropriate protection against abuse (such as spamming people while using someone else’s E-mail address as the return address) with which to spread the TRUTH about Obama? The Obama page DOES deter such abuse by including the IP address of the page’s user in the full headers that go to the recipients.

Received: from phpmailer ([our IP address]) by with HTTP
(PHPMailer); Thu, 12 Jun 2008 16:55:35 -0400

Even if we cannot set up such a system, it’s pretty easy to supply viral E-mails that people can send on their own. We will in fact provide some here. In any event, we hereby kick off “Spread the Truth,” our answer to “Fight the Smears.”

E-mail for circulation to your friends and associates



It is said that a lie can travel the world before the truth can get out the door, and this is certainly true of urban legends and unfounded rumors about Barack Obama. We therefore join his “Fight the Smears” campaign to quash these urban legends and unfounded rumors to leave only verifiable facts. From Obama’s site at

The Smear
Obama’s Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks

A recent email forward allegedly quotes passages from Senator Obama’s books related to race and religion. The majority of these are alterations, deliberate manipulations, and in one case, an outright fabrication of Obama’s words.

Passages from Barack Obama’s Books

A recent email forward allegedly quotes passages from Senator Obama’s books related to race and religion. The majority of these are alterations, deliberate manipulations, and in one case, an outright fabrication, of Obama’s words. [ expands on this as follows]


From Dreams From My Father: ‘I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race.’


Nothing close to this quote appears in Dreams from My Father

The indicated page numbers are for the paperback edition of “Dreams From My Father,” ISBN 978-1-4000-8277-3

I would occasionally pick up the paper [Louis Farrakhan’s “The Final Call”] from these unfailingly polite men, in part out of sympathy to their heavy suits in the summer, their thin coats in winter; or sometimes because my attention was caught by the sensational, tabloid-style headlines (CAUCASIAN WOMAN ADMITS: WHITES ARE THE DEVIL). Inside the front cover, one found reprints of the minister’s [Farrakhan’s] speeches, as well as stories that could have been picked straight off the AP news wire were it not for certain editorial embelleshments (”Jewish Senator Metzenbaum announced today…”).

Barack Obama, “Dreams From My Father,” p. 201

It contradicted the morality my mother had taught me, a morality of subtle distinctions–between individuals of goodwill and those who wished me ill, between active malice and ignorance or indifference. I had a personal stake in that moral framework; I’d discovered that I couldn’t escape it if I tried. And yet perhaps it was a framework that blacks in this country could no longer afford; perhaps it weakened black resolve, encouraged confusion within the ranks. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and for many blacks, times were chronically desperate. If nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self-respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, or the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence.

If nationalism could deliver. As it turned out, questions of effectiveness, and not sentiment, caused most of my quarrels with Rafiq.

“Dreams From My Father,” pp. 199-200

That was the problem with people like Joyce [a college classmate of Italian, African-American, Native American, and French ethnicity]. They talked about the richness of their multicultural heritage and it sounced real good, until you noticed that they avoided black people. …The truth was that I understood [Joyce], her and all the other black kids who felt the way she did. In their mannerisms, their speech, their mixed-up hearts, I kept recognizing pieces of myself. And that’s exactly what scared me. Their confusion made me question my own racial credentials all over again. …To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.

“Dreams From My Father,” pages 99-100



It is said that a lie can travel the world before the truth can get out the door, and this is certainly true of urban legends and unfounded rumors about Barack Obama. We therefore join his “Fight the Smears” campaign to quash these urban legends and unfounded rumors to leave only verifiable facts. From Obama’s site at

Barack Obama Won’t Say The Pledge of Allegiance/Won’t Put His Hand Over His Heart

LIE: Barack Obama won’t say the pledge

LIE: Barack Obama won’t put his hand over this heart during the pledge of allegiance continues,

Barack Obama Loves His Flag and His Country
Lie 1:

Barack Obama won’t say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lie 2:

Barack Obama won’t put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Watch Barack Lead the Pledge of Allegiance:

Lie: Barack Obama won’t put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Truth: Barack Obama won’t put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem.

Barack Obama stood with his hands folded in front of his crotch during the singing of the National Anthem while Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, and everyone else on the platform with them (as well as presumably their audience) had his/her hand over his/her heart. You can verify this for yourself by searching YouTube (or Google Videos) for “Obama” and “National Anthem.”



It is said that a lie can travel the world before the truth can get out the door, and this is certainly true of urban legends and unfounded rumors about Barack Obama. We therefore join his “Fight the Smears” campaign to quash these urban legends and unfounded rumors to leave only verifiable facts. From Obama’s site at

Barack Obama is a Muslim

LIE: Barack Obama is a Muslim

LIE: Barack Obama attended a radical madrassa

LIE: Senator Obama was sworn into the US Senate using the Koran


Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian

Lie: Barack Obama is a Muslim
Truth: Barack Obama belongs to an arguably racist church that promotes blood libels of the United States and Israel

Keith Ellison (D-MN) and not Barack Obama was sworn in on a Koran, not that there is anything wrong with this. It is also true that Barack Obama is a member of a nominally Christian–and arguably racist–church, the Trinity United Church of Christ. What kind of church is this?

(1) Barack and Michelle Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ about twenty years ago. This was after its pastor, Jeremiah Wright, had accompanied the prominent racist, anti-Semite, and Catholic-hating bigot Louis Farrakhan to Libya to meet with Moammar Khadafy. In other words, Wright’s support of Farrakhan did not come as any surprise to the Obamas, who probably agreed with it.

(2) The Obamas remained in the Trinity United Church of Christ when
* Its official bulletin published a blood libel that accused Israel of developing an “ethnic bomb” to kill Negroes and Arabs.
* Its pastor blood libeled the United States by accusing it of developing the AIDS virus
* Its official bulletin published a guest opinion piece from a Hamas terrorist named Marzook
* Its pastor published a “War in Iraq IQ Test” that equated the United States to Iraq under Saddam Hussein
* Its pastor wrote “state” of Israel in the church’s official bulletin, as in “so-called state of Israel.”
* Its pastor said that the United States got a wake up call after 9/11, with the context suggesting that the United States deserved 9/11
* Its pastor arranged a Trumpet Award to Louis Farrakhan
* The church invited Father Michael Pfleger to give a guest speech in which he openly praised and defended Louis Farrakhan

(3) The Obamas resigned from the church only when Michael Pfleger arguably misused the church’s tax exempt resources (just as Obama himself misused the United Church of Christ’s tax exempt resources by giving a campaign speech at its national synod in June 2007) by berating Obama’s Caucasian opponent from the pulpit.

* The Obamas’ NEW pastor, Otis Moss, introduced Pfleger as a “prophetic, powerful pulpiteer.”
* Pfleger then made a speech about “white entitlement” and said, with regard to Obama’s lead over Hillary Clinton, “There were a whole lot of white people crying.” This drew unanimous applause from the audience, and a standing ovation from many. These are the same people with whom Barack and Michelle Obama have gone to church for the past twenty years.
* Otis Moss, the Obamas’ new pastor, showed no embarrassment whatsoever about Pfleger’s hate speech or the likely misuse of the church’s tax exempt resources for electioneering. Moss said, “Thank G-d for the message, and thank G-d for the messenger.”

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Posted by Bill Levinson @ 5:01 pm |

Offline RationalThought110

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« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 05:00:07 PM »
Good find.