What is your opinion of Pidyon Ha-Ben (Redemption of the First Born)?
http://www.jewishaz.com/commdir/page.mv?0601The pidyon ha-ben ceremony takes place on the 30th day after the birth of a first-born son. The tradition is based on the biblical understanding that first-born sons were dedicated to serve G-d in the temple. In order to redeem them from that obligation, five shekels were exchanged with the temple priests, who then served in the temple instead of the first-born.
The ceremony today involves a symbolic exchange of five silver coins with a descendant of the Kohen family of temple priests. The coins then may be donated to a Jewish charity
Should it still be a tradition now since there is no Temple right now and how many mohels are really legitimate Kohanim?
In addition what if a Jewish family is poor and cannot afford five silver coins?
Things like this turn-off many Jews from Judaism because it causes them to see religion as an organized scheme to steal them of their money.