I just came home from a wedding. It was in a rural community. They didn't spend much money, it wasn't particularly lavish. But as I watched the bride and groom dance their first dance as husband and wife, I thought back to my first dance with my wife. I have been very blessed by G-d and I thank Him every day for my family. I watched these two children tonight get married. I was the groom's teacher many years ago. And I can see what a decent man he has become and G-d has blessed him with a decent wife. Soon, G-d willing, they will have a family together, and they will raise their children on a righteous path.
I think we too often get bogged down, asking ourselves what will be. Who will win this election; Which bill will pass; Who will look kindly upon us; Who will not.
Remember that each day that G-d gives us is really a blessing. If we can get married and start a family, that is it--There really is no greater blessing than that. The next time you go to a wedding, remember to rejoice! You are witnessing the greatest of all miracles. It is said that G-d spend the first six days creating the world and that ever since, He has been arranging marriages.