We are stuck with him. We have to support him. I told him to spend some of his own enormous wealth if he has to, to save America. Every day I am writing.....w/links, info, suggestions, encouragement, getting mad at him, etc. I don't understand what is wrong w/him. Cheap? Hillary spent 20 million of her own money that O was supposed to help her recover. I bet he hasn't made a single effort on her behalf, right? write to him and beg him to save us:
http://www.johnmccain.com/Contact/Dick Morris is affiliated w/a new group (I forgot the name of it,) but I am a member of it also. He is so excited about it. Yesterday they raised $1 million dollars. They are the group that put out the Jer. Wright ad. Dick says it is working. I have written the most insulting things to Sen. McCain, "are you asleep?" "can't you give him some coffee?".....then he went on his mountain retreat and came back energized, "can't you put some make up on him?," that was around the time of the retreat he came back refreshed, i have said some terrible things, but I thought they were necessary to say. I was outraged our candidate did such stupid things, i.e., the dash to Washington to come to the rescue and suspend his campaign and O was as cool as a cucumber and insisted on the debate that night. some very strange things went on in this campaign. O did it his way. He was not cooperative. He wouldn't have town hall meetings. It would have been great to see the 2 have friendly debates, but O is not friendly. He knew that was not his forte and he is trying to undermine the country so he was sneaky during his campaign. no matter what McCain says or does, they twist everything around and that's what confused the voters. McCain is the bad guy. Then you have people that can think, are hypnotized, and wouldn't dream of the kind of change he is talking about. O is now freely using the word "socialism," and making jokes about it. It's called pooh poohing it. He's minimizing this horrible agenda of his and the uneducated voter is buying it because he has a dazzling smile and they are hypnotized by this MONSTER.
So I ask you to please beg Sen. McCain to save our country. Thank you.