Author Topic: Homosexual Protestors scared of blacks who voted AGAINST gay marriage  (Read 609 times)

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Offline Xoce

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But they don't hesitate to protest in front of predominantly white churches, harass elderly ladies, send white powder in the mail to Mormon churches, etc.

From La Shawn Barber's Conservative Blog:
Are White Homosexuals Protesting in Black Neighborhoods?

Update (3:15 p.m.): Here we go again. The California Supreme Court, which nullified a 2000 law that banned homosexual “marriage” earlier this year, agreed today to hear arguments on whether a similar ban passed by 52 percent of California voters on November 4 is unconstitutional.

However, the court refused to issue a stay on the ban. In other words, the law stands. Homosexuals cannot “marry” in California. Did you know homosexuals are afforded rights, benefits, and all the rest under domestic partnership laws? That’s not enough. It betrays their true intent, doesn’t it?

A hearing on the matter is scheduled for next March.

Unless you’ve been living in a cave in the election’s aftermath (I like the “cave” motif), you’ve heard about groups of homosexuals “protesting” in the streets of Los Angeles, blocking traffic, gathering outside Mormon temples and whatnot, making a spectacle of themselves more than usual because California voters blocked their efforts to mock traditional marriage.

It’s common knowledge by now that 70 percent of black voters in California voted for Proposition 8, a measure than defines marriage as between only a man and a woman. Almost three-quarters of black voters…although the vast majority voted for Barack Obama, but that’s another topic for another post. The tension between blacks and white homosexuals has provided much fodder for mainstream media reporters and bloggers. They’re peeved at black liberals for voting against the interests of their fellow brothers-in-arms. Offensive analogies aside, read all about it on Google news.

You know how I feel about this junk, and I don’t have anything new to add to what everyone has said. Reading Thomas Sowell’s latest column, however, something stood out. An excerpt (emphasis added):

power to the people!“Blacks and Mormons have been the main targets of the gay activists’ anger. Seventy percent of blacks voted against gay marriage in California, so racial epithets were hurled at blacks in Los Angeles — not in black neighborhoods, by the way.”

Hmmm…why haven’t white homosexuals protested in black neighborhoods and in front of black churches?

Since black voters are credited with helping pass Proposition 8, why don’t white homosexuals go where the black people are? I mean, why confine themselves to downtown Los Angeles? Go down to Watts or Compton or up to Oakland (in front of black churches, not Mormon temples) and let them know how you feel! Plenty of black and hispanic enclaves in which to set up the protest shop. And they’ve got churches galore! What’s stopping you from taking it to the other group of people responsible for crushing your same-sex dreams?

And check this out: try snatching a Bible or a sign from a black man from one of those neighbors, and stomp on it, instead of harassing elderly white people.

Yeah, that’s what I thought… :x
aka Someone Else

Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: Homosexual Protestors scared of blacks who voted AGAINST gay marriage
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 05:36:51 AM »
So many blacks are regular church attending Christians, yet blindly support the Democratic Party.  I guess as long as the Dems remain the party of handouts, blacks will always stick with them.