Is that it. I was expecting something, a little more extravagent. So how many have we got now? Theres LOL, LMAO, ROFL......

STFU, GTFO, BRB, TBH, BTW, IMO (I am yet unaware of what that one means) OMG; OMFG, WTF, z0mg u h4x n00b!!1. That's about it. Please excuse the first two which mean "shut the **** up," and "get the **** out;" pardon the offensiveness.
I might just create a thread providing the character translations for
'leet speak, along with the basis of IM slang and its little "anomalies" in categories such as spelling. For instance, on occassion, the word "the" has been mispelled as "teh" via typo. Also, as a few of you have seen in some of my posts, I mixed the exclamation mark with the number one. This is due to releasing the Shift key before the 1/exclam. key. Of course the majority of these occurences nowadays such as those I have listed above are usually spawned out of humor and to mock the people who are bound to actually make those mistakes.
Here's a translator for 'leet speak.
Wow. I am indeed the definition of "nerd." I need to get out more.
Also, I find it funny how I assisted in the derailment of this thread. It started out with Sat Chit in search of a Jewish woman, now we're talking about 'net speak. Maybe "derailment" is a bit extreme but I feel a modicum of guilt for abetting and being apart of a discussion that deviated away from the inital topic which was about romance. It just... seems a bit rude...