Author Topic: NATO / US Protects Afghan Heroin Crop  (Read 837 times)

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Offline Fortis

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NATO / US Protects Afghan Heroin Crop
« on: April 07, 2009, 12:39:21 PM »
Right then lets get the [censored] out of the way.

British and US soldiers aint in Afghanistan to protect British and US national security.

They are there simply because our idiot, pro-open national borders, pro-globalism, pro-immigration governments have allowed so many Islamist terrorist scum into our countries and so weakened our national borders that unless they put boots on the ground in those areas to stop them becoming terrorist training camps that we in the US and UK are going to have [censored] bombed out of us by Jihadists forever.

This is because the Jihadists in the UK all have dual passports to Islamist nations and have free movement back and forth from our nations back into those nations where they can train for Jihad.

The pro-open borders, pro-globalism, pro-immigration idiots are the cause of the problem - as the open borders, globalism and immigration are the reasons the terrorists can get into our nations.

Rather than executing the terrorists, deporting their supporters and closing down our national borders so that immigrants, terrorists and spongers cannot get into our nations - our bent governments want them for cheap votes and cheap labour.

Therefore British and American soldiers have to die in Afghanistan because our governments wont seal our national borders to protect us from the inner terrorist enemy and the millions more ready to walk into our country.

There is no national security argument for us being in Afghanistan - if we sealed our national borders, executed the terrorists in our country and deported their supporters we would have no security risks in our nations.

Who gives a [censored] if bunch of primitive, well armed goat herders living in the middle ages want to live in their own rat hole of a country under Sharia law.

I dont.

[censored] em.

Let them do what they want in their own country.

If they allow British and American terrorists to train in Afghanistan all we need to do is fly over at 30,000 feet and carpet bomb them and their training camps back into the stone age.

Job done.

The reson we are there is because ;

1) our leaders will not ensure our national security

2) to ensure that the heroin crop is protected

The heroin in Afghanistan, along with the oil money the west pays to the Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia, funds the global jihad.

Yet instead of destroying the heroin we protect it - so that it can flood into the UK, be delivered to the Islamist Junkie Jihadists in the UK and they can sell it to white kids so that they become addicts and die and therefore become assymetric warfare casualties of the global jihad.

Heroin keeps a generation of young people pacified, quiet and tranquilised.

They are too busy injecting and smoking the [censored] to rise up against the governments that are ripping them off - instead they stick needles in their arms and remain as passive spectators before their nations slow suicide.

Apart from dust, sand, disease and heroin Afghanistan is a desert.

The only thing it grows that the world wants is heroin - and the only crop the soldiers are ordered to protect is their heroin crops.

Instead of bombing the Taliban, who in reality are a bunch of pissed off goat herders, drug growers, drug exporters, Afghan nationalists and angry victims of collateral damage working for Pakistani military intelligence - the US and UK should be bombing the heroin fields.

The Taliban do not exist - there is the Pakistani ISI, Pakistan army, Pakistani jihadists and pakistani funded terror cells - but no Taliban.

The Taliban are a pakistani front group - they are not a real group.

They are about as real as Al Qaeda.

The real war against the Taliban is against the Pakistani government, army and intelligence services and in Pakistan , it is not against the poor Afghani's who are paid to fight for Pakistan in their proxy army against the West.

Without the aid and assistance of Pakistan = no taliban.

Without the money from heroin then Pakistan would be virtually bankrupt.

Our governments allow heroin to be grown in Afghanistan as they know it will go through Pakistan and benefit pakistan.

It then goes into the US and UK and benefits Pakistani Muslim Jihadist gangs who send the money back to Pakistan where it is laundered.

The heroin crop keeps Pakistan financially alive.

The heroin users in the UK and US keep the global Jihad alive by paying for the heroin.

British and US tax payers pay for US and UK soldiers to guard the heroin crops in Afghanistan.

The reason why our governments allow this to happen is because we are so dependent upon Middle East oil that if we started kicking the terrorist out of our countries, executing them and removing the inner enemy - the Middle East 'allies' of the West would no longer sell us their oil.

Remember that the 911 hijackers were Saudis - not Iraqi's or Afghan's.

Whilst the Middle East oil barons tell us they are our friends, they subsidise the Wahhabist Jihadist lunatics in the UK.

If we withdrew from Afghanistan, bombed the poppy fields from 30,000 feet with napalm whenever anyone saw one being grown on a satellite image and our governments executed the heroin importers and dealers in the UK aand US then the global jihad would be virtually finished over night.

The only money going the Jihadists then would be via the Saudi government and their billionaire extremists who fund the Jihad with oil money.

Then we would see them for what they reall are - and we would be revealed as totally dependent slaves upon their oil.

We must end our dependence on foreign oil so we can tell the Saudi Wahhabists to [censored] off out of country and ensure we do not fund the Jihad with our oil money.

We must withdraw from Afghanistan and seal our national borders.

We must execute the heroin importers, dealers that bring the heroin into our nations and if needed also execute the users of heroin if they refuse to come off of it.

Every fix they take pays for another IED or bomb on a tube train.

No more pity for the heroin addict funders of the Junkie Jihad in our countries - they aint victims they are criminals and they deserve to die for treason for funding the enemies of the West.

We must get rid of the globalist governments that will not execute the terrorists, who will not deport their supporters and who will not seal our national borders.

Afghanistan is not worth the blood of a single British soldier - we are over there because the enemy are over here.

We must remove the inner enemy from our nations and that includes both our governments, the drug importers, the drug users and the Jihadist immigrants they allow into our nations.

The primary enemy is not the terrorists, it is our own governments.

Offline ag337

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Re: NATO / US Protects Afghan Heroin Crop
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 01:00:12 PM »
Everything that is stated in this thread is true.

The poppy fields should be wiped out, because heroin is destroying the moral fiber of not only the U.K., but the rest of the world as well.

And it is common knowledge that heroin production is providing funds for the Saudis, while they sit back and laugh at the "infidels" who are out of it and continue to be dependent on Saudi oil.

The entire situation is a scam.
A scam against the world.

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Re: NATO / US Protects Afghan Heroin Crop
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2009, 05:18:43 PM »
The best government that (petro)money can buy.