Author Topic: All American: Why I Believe in Football, G-d, and the War in Iraq (book)  (Read 5159 times)

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Offline Trumpeldor

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Imagine what it's like to come face-to-face with a terrorist in a foreign courtroom—and you're the lawyer looking to put him away.

Imagine what it's like to see happy children in Iraq and Afghanistan smiling and waving at U.S. military helicopters.

Imagine what it's like to be an undersized linebacker in the National Football League, where most of the players you're supposed to tackle weigh more than you.

Imagine what it's like to be the seventh of nine kids growing up in an Irish Catholic family in the 1970s.

Imagine what it's like to be Robert McGovern, current captain in the U.S. Army, National Football League veteran, and proud member of a loving New Jersey family.

Robert McGovern has a story to tell—not about himself, although he's a part of it—but about the men and women he has called friends, mentors, and heroes. From his days in Catholic school to his years as a college and professional football player to his current career as an army judge advocate general, McGovern knows an all-American when he sees one. And in this book he introduces you to the ones he's met from all walks of life.

McGovern traded his shoulder pads for legal briefs more than a decade ago. He prosecuted drug dealers while working in the office of Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. On September 11, 2001, he was in lower Manhattan when the Twin Towers fell. After working the pile at Ground Zero, McGovern asked to be mobilized from his Army Reserve duty to active duty. He was first sent to Afghanistan, where he advised battlefield commanders on legal rules of engagement. He then went to Iraq to prosecute terrorist suspects. He returned from both tours convinced that Americans needed to hear another side of the war on terrorism—the side he saw firsthand.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:29:57 AM by Beitar »

Din Rodef

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I wonder if McGovern is aware of what happened in America while he was with the "smiling kids in Afghanistan"....

1) America is now flooded with 30-60 million illegal aliens
2) The US is being merged with Canada and Mexico to create the North American Union.
3) Foreign companies are in control of America's ports and other critical infrastructure
4) The US dollar is being devalued in order to force acceptance of a new currency called the "Amero"
5) US Constitutional Law is being replaced with International Law
6) US sovereignty is being replaced by Global Governance
7) football is being replaced by soccer
8) G-d is being replaced by Secular Humanism


Point is: I think it's sad that these flag waving patriotic American types don't seem to realize that the War on Terror is just a distraction from bigger problems facing the US. Are they just stupid? Iraq is a hellhole and the people there deserve to die. Why are we sending our soldiers to protect Muslims? Why isn't the US military protecting Americans on the southern border with Mexico instead?

« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 02:52:48 AM by Din Rodef »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "...I think it's sad that these flag waving patriotic American types don't seem to realize that the War on Terror is just a distraction from bigger problems facing the US. Are they just stupid?..."

YES...they are.

So stupid, that all anyone has to do is tell them that all of their problems and setbacks and shortcomings can't be helped, because THE JOOZ are the reason for everything they don't like!

Alcoholic beverages + football games + inability to think or reason + undereducation
subtotal---Joe America

add the following:

1 Jew who is G-d


All other Jews the scapegoat they blame for their own stupidity, cowardice, greed, degeneracy, and lack of action.

Blend well, add rich, elitist, professional sociopathic liars from New England, who look good on TV; whose campaign platform is either "I'm for Family Values & lower taxes"; or "I will give you health care and arrest anyone who believes in self-reliance".

Simmer in a steady fog of sluts, harlots, perverts, and violence, while straining out all the bits of genuine news; then stir in millions of illegal aliens with a savage and primitive mentality.

Eat on the run (no family dinners anymore)


(better eat it quick, as it won't keep)

p.s.--good idea to read up on how some people managed to survive the last "Dark Ages" which followed the fall of Rome.

Offline Trumpeldor

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I'd rather see this man as president of the United States than any of the current candidates.

Din Rodef

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I'd rather see this man as president of the United States than any of the current candidates.

I think he's a good man

But he's "out of touch"

Illegal immigration and open borders are the worst problem facing the US right now. Many of the 911 hijackers were here illegally.

The entire nation is being overrun by foreigners.

The best candidate for President in 2008 is Tom Tancredo. If he isn't elected....then America as we know it will not exist in 2012. Instead, it will be a hispanic/muslim/Asian nation

Din Rodef

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So stupid, that all anyone has to do is tell them that all of their problems and setbacks and shortcomings can't be helped, because THE JOOZ are the reason for everything they don't like!

hehe...c'mon massuhD this guy is not a Jew hater

He's a broken man. That's what I see. He is too naive to understand what is happening to his country that he loves...and he is not capable of seeing how to fix it.

Unfortunately, when people like him meet people like me...they call me a "liberal"  ;D That's the knee-jerk reaction I usually get from conservatives when I criticize the Iraq War....and then they call me a "nazi" for wanting to stop illegal immigration.

Offline RationalThought110

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I'd rather see this man as president of the United States than any of the current candidates.

I think he's a good man

But he's "out of touch"

Illegal immigration and open borders are the worst problem facing the US right now. Many of the 911 hijackers were here illegally.

The entire nation is being overrun by foreigners.

The best candidate for President in 2008 is Tom Tancredo. If he isn't elected....then America as we know it will not exist in 2012. Instead, it will be a hispanic/muslim/Asian nation

It's screwed up that a candidate needs to raise millions of dollars for commercials (the selfish networks won't broadcast them for free).  Commercials shouldn't matter.  Commercials assume that people know nothing about the candidates so the commercials try to simplify everything.   Only people who know about the candidates should be allowed to vote. 

People shouldn't have to donate money for a candidate to be able to run for President. 

Offline Trumpeldor

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I'd rather see this man as president of the United States than any of the current candidates.

I think he's a good man

But he's "out of touch"

Illegal immigration and open borders are the worst problem facing the US right now. Many of the 911 hijackers were here illegally.

The entire nation is being overrun by foreigners.

The best candidate for President in 2008 is Tom Tancredo. If he isn't elected....then America as we know it will not exist in 2012. Instead, it will be a hispanic/muslim/Asian nation

Only people who know about the candidates should be allowed to vote. 

Are you serious? This is America. Everyone should be allowed to vote (except, of course, the people who aren't legally allowed).

Offline RationalThought110

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Then Trumpeldor,

    Tancredo won't have any chance. 

Offline Trumpeldor

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Then Trumpeldor,

    Tancredo won't have any chance. 

Too bad for him.

Offline RationalThought110

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Which candidate do you support?

Offline Trumpeldor

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Which candidate do you support?

Mitt Romney. He's a man of faith, he hates Muslims, and he has a good energy plan.

Offline RationalThought110

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Tell the forum more about Romney.  What's his energy plan? 

Hasn't he been a big flip flopper with gay marriage, abortion and other issues?

Offline Trumpeldor

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Tell the forum more about Romney.  What's his energy plan? 

Hasn't he been a big flip flopper with gay marriage, abortion and other issues?

Social issues are not as important to me as they probably are to others here. I just want a president who will protect us from the Muslims and I believe Romney is that man. McCain wants to keep fighting in Iraq, which is dumb, and Giuliani is a cross-dressign buffoon. Chaim has talked about Romney's energy plan in detail on a past Take Back America. Just google it.

Besides, Ann Coulter endorses Romney. Even though she's part of the establishment, she's the best friend we've got.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 11:35:57 PM by Trumpeldor »

Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Ann Coulter says there should be a poll tax to take the literacy test to be able to vote.


Offline Trumpeldor

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Ann Coulter says there should be a poll tax to take the literacy test to be able to vote.


You got me.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "...Ann Coulter says there should be a poll tax..."

There was one years ago in the South, for purposes of preventing negroes from voting.

However, The U.S. Supreme Court long ago declared it unconstitutional.

Besides, these days they'd have to put negroes on the election committees.

Then, no solutions will have been found...only 2 additional problems created; those of officials pocketing the tax receipts, as well as situations with corrupt officials "approving" large numbers of unqualified types who never paid.

Offline RationalThought110

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Ann Coulter says there should be a poll tax to take the literacy test to be able to vote.


The following problem needs to be addressed:  People who can't read English should not be allowed to vote.

Voting ballots always have translations in Spanish; this isn't fair to all the other languages.  If they're not going to do the same for all other languages, it's time to take Spanish translations off ballots and if they can't read English, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Ann Coulter says there should be a poll tax to take the literacy test to be able to vote.


The following problem needs to be addressed:  People who can't read English should not be allowed to vote.

Voting ballots always have translations in Spanish; this isn't fair to all the other languages.  If they're not going to do the same for all other languages, it's time to take Spanish translations off ballots and if they can't read English, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

We used to have literacy tests, which ARE unconstitutional.

Offline RationalThought110

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Why were they found to be unconstitutional?

Offline Trumpeldor

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Why were they found to be unconstitutional?

I know what you're getting at. Because it violated the 15th amendment of the constitution, which was inserted in the aftermath of the civil war. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, which made Jim Crow laws illegal, was absolutely needed. Blacks fought for us in both world wars and had endured two centuries of slavery. America is a moral country. How could we claim we were fighting for freedom in WWII while Klan nazis like David Duke lynched blacks?

I'm not going to go down that road and debate the merit of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. JTF is not a racist organization.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 08:39:39 PM by Trumpeldor »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "...Blacks fought for us in both world wars and had endured two centuries of slavery..."

They also fought voluntarily for General Washington in the Revolutionary War.  A famous hand written diary of a free black who joined the Revolution exists and is worth reading.
They actually endured approximately 400 years of slavery at the hands of European colonists.
If you really want to know what I think (and you probably don't), I believe we should restore Constitutional Government, and then destroy the NEA and the entire school system nationwide; doing to the educational system exactly as we did to the educational system of the Third all traitors, globalists, and seditionists, and replace all with genuine teachers who teach each student the value of individualism and freedom; their rightful legacy left for us by our Founding Fathers.  Restore the concept of "the best opportunities for the best achievement".  Period.  The few students who can't deal well as intellects can be allowed to enter trade schools so that they might contribute to society as well as prosper in areas for which they have genuine aptitude.
This communist crap about "equality" & "affirmative action" are very near to have finished off America for good.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re:  "...Blacks fought for us in both world wars and had endured two centuries of slavery..."

They also fought voluntarily for General Washington in the Revolutionary War.  A famous hand written diary of a free black who joined the Revolution exists and is worth reading.
They actually endured approximately 400 years of slavery at the hands of European colonists.
If you really want to know what I think (and you probably don't), I believe we should restore Constitutional Government, and then destroy the NEA and the entire school system nationwide; doing to the educational system exactly as we did to the educational system of the Third all traitors, globalists, and seditionists, and replace all with genuine teachers who teach each student the value of individualism and freedom; their rightful legacy left for us by our Founding Fathers.  Restore the concept of "the best opportunities for the best achievement".  Period.  The few students who can't deal well as intellects can be allowed to enter trade schools so that they might contribute to society as well as prosper in areas for which they have genuine aptitude.
This communist crap about "equality" & "affirmative action" are very near to have finished off America for good.

What is 'NEA', pardon my ignorance?

Offline RationalThought110

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Why were they found to be unconstitutional?

I know what you're getting at. Because it violated the 15th amendment of the constitution, which was inserted in the aftermath of the civil war. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, which made Jim Crow laws illegal, was absolutely needed. Blacks fought for us in both world wars and had endured two centuries of slavery. America is a moral country. How could we claim we were fighting for freedom in WWII while Klan nazis like David Duke lynched blacks?

I'm not going to go down that road and debate the merit of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. JTF is not a racist organization.

I'm confident that Blacks are able to read in English what it says on the voting ballot.  Nowhere in this thread did I doubt that they're unable to do so. 

I'm speaking specifically about people who insist on Spanish being on the ballots.