![Dance :dance:](http://jtf.org/forum/Smileys/super/dancing_jew.gif)
Hi Chaim,
Another great show last week. Thank you for answering my question. This week I have three short questions: A political question, a Torah question, and a personal question.
If, Chas v’chalila!, 'Dear Leader, Community-Organizer-in-Chief, the Grand Mufti of Omerica, President Hopeychangey, Sheik Balak Hussein Obama the Putrid' gets his way with all his garbage legislation, do you think it is possible that some States will begin to seriously consider seceding from the nation? I know that already States like Texas, Montana, and Alaska have vaguely threatened to do such a thing. For instance, just this week Gov. Sarah Palin signed a joint resolution declaring Alaska's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution – and now 36 other states have introduced similar resolutions as part of a growing resistance to the federal government.
Which book or chapters of Tanach do you find yourself rereading or studying the most often? Are there books or chapters that you find particularly inspiring?
When you were in prison, how did you spend your ‘free’ time, if you had any? Most importantly, were you able to study Torah? If so, I imagine that must have been of great consolation and strength to you.
Thanks for all you do. Chazak v’ehmatz!
PS. If you have time, and just for fun: Who do you think is more loathsome and disgusting, Michelle Obama or Ophra Winfrey?