Author Topic: Is a Jew ever incapable of making Teshuva  (Read 2230 times)

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Is a Jew ever incapable of making Teshuva
« on: September 30, 2009, 01:50:23 AM »
This question has been in my head most of this afternoon. I have learn the story of Elisha ben Avuya, who is better known in the Gemara as 'Acher'. This man was a great Torah scholar who eventually became a heretic. One of his students never lost faith in his ability to repent for his great transgressions.

The Gemara (Chagiga 15a) tells the tragic story of Elisha ben Avuya - also known as "Acher" - who after many years as a renowned Torah scholar, lost his faith, and began to sin. One of Acher's greatest disciples had been the great Talmudic sage Rabbi Meir. The Talmud relates that even after his rebbe, Acher, had abandoned his Judaism, Rabbi Meir continued to visit him, partly in order to try to bring him back.

Once, Rabbi Meir said to his rebbe: "What is the meaning of that which is written (Iyov/Job 28:17), 'Gold and crystal cannot equal it, nor can it be exchanged with golden vessels?'"

"This refers," said Acher, "to the words of Torah, which are as difficult to acquire as gold, and as easy to lose as crystal is to break!"

"No!" said Rabbi Meir, "your rebbe, Rabbi Akiva, did not explain it like that. Rather, he said, 'Just like vessels of gold and crystal, even if they broke, can always be fixed (even crystal can be reheated and re-formed) - so too, even the greatest Torah scholar, if he has done wrong, can still repent!' Rebbe," pleaded Rabbi Meir, "relent from your ways!"

"Impossible!" said Acher, "I can not return. For from behind the [heavenly] partition I have heard [the voice of G-d] proclaiming (Yirmiyahu/Jeremiah 3:14), 'Return, O wayward sons - except for Acher!' [Evidently, I am beyond repentance.]"

Even so, the Gemara relates, Rabbi Meir continued [unsuccessfully] to hound his rebbe, pleading with him to repent. Did Rabbi Meir not believe in Acher's heavenly voice? Can one indeed sin to the point where he is "beyond teshuva?"

The short answer is: Yes, one can pervert his life so badly that the Gates of Teshuva are closed in his face. One can, so to speak, sin to the point of "no return." Indeed, this is precisely what occurred with Acher. The heavenly voice was proof that his teshuva was no longer acceptable.

Yet, asks Agra de-Pirka, what would have been if, after the initial shock of hearing the heavenly proclamation "Return, O wayward sons - except for Acher," Elisha would have said to himself: "So what! Perhaps they can prevent me from entering the Garden of Eden, but they can't stop me from trying to salvage my wretched life! I will do my best to repent. If my teshuva will not be accepted - so be it. At least I will know that I have not lived out my last days wallowing in the disgust of my own sin!" Would his teshuva indeed have been thrown in his face?

A rebbe has a very difficult student. Continued threats seem to be falling on deaf ears. He has already been suspended for a period, for a day, and for a week. Finally, in desperation, the rebbe gives him an ultimatum: "That's it," he says earnestly, "no more chances! Mark my words: The next time will be your last! If you misbehave one more time, we're through. I will never again let you back into my class." Soon afterward, the student pulls a prank. "Out!" hollers the rebbe, "and never come back again!"

What, I once asked my students, should the "wayward student" do? Should he 1) Plead with his rebbe for "one more chance"? 2) Leave the class and - obeying his rebbe's words - never come back. 3) Come back tomorrow (or next week) and plead for his rebbe's forgiveness?

It's hard to know for sure, but my students felt that to some extent the rebbe was really testing his student. Did he really care about remaining in yeshiva? Would he come back, or would he use his rebbe's harsh punishment as an excuse to leave the yeshiva forever - "After all, my rebbe told me never to come back!" At any rate, they decided, to make no attempt to placate his rebbe would be a major mistake.

This, explain sefarim, was Hashem's test of Acher. The voice he heard was very real. Indeed, having heard that fatal voice itself made repentance almost impossible. Yet the potential was still there. Elisha could have ignored the voice, and done what's right.

Pharaoh's heart had been hardened. He had sinned and done evil to the point that Hashem was no longer interested in his changing his mind. He had had his chance - now it was too late. Let him die in the abyss of his own sin. Yet Hashem still sends Moshe to warn him. The warning implies the potential - however remote - for repentance. Pharaoh could have mustered the last drops of goodness left within him, and heeded Moshe's warning. If he really wanted to, he could have battled against the odds, and won. [Nesivos Shalom]

Sometimes, the Acher/Pharaoh within us would have us believe that we too have "jumped off the deep end," that we have corrupted our lives and misguided ourselves to the point of no return. This saddening thought must be ignored. We must rejoice in the realization that there is - no matter how convinced we may be otherwise - no "point of no return." Ultimately, it is the acceptance or denial of this thought that will guide our future paths, not the sin that brought us there in the first place.

The story is part of the Gemara Chagiga 15a and I will copy this from the Daf Yomi:

Chagiga 15b

    AGADAH: The Gemara relates that when Acher died, the heavenly tribunal was at a loss for what to do with him. On one hand, he could not be judged in Gehinom, because he had been deeply involved in Torah study during his life. On the other hand, he could not to be brought to Olam ha'Ba, because of his sins. Rebbi Meir, Acher's student, exclaimed, "It is better that he be judged in Gehinom in order to eventually be brought to Olam ha'Ba. When will I die and be able to make smoke rise from his grave!" Indeed, when Rebbi Meir died, smoke rose up from the grave of Acher.

    Subsequently, Rebbi Yochanan declared that he wanted to end Acher's punishment; no one in Shamayim would stop him from bringing Acher to Olam ha'Ba, Rebbi Yochanan said, if he took him there personally (after death).

    How was Rebbi Meir able to cause Acher to be judged in Gehinom (symbolized by smoke rising from his grave)? Why was Rebbi Meir unable to bring Acher directly to Olam ha'Ba, without first being judged in Gehinom? After all, enabling Acher to enter Olam ha'Ba was Rebbi Meir's objective, as he said ("It is better that he be judged in Gehinom in order to then be brought to Olam ha'Ba").

    RAV ELIYAHU DESSLER zt'l explains as follows (Michtav me'Eliyahu 4:193). Tosfos (15a) says that when Acher's father brought him to learn Torah, his intention was Lo Lishmah. Acher's father had seen the respect given to Talmidei Chachamim, and he wanted his son to have the same respect. Consequently, Acher, all his life, learned Torah she'Lo Lishmah.

    The Yerushalmi (cited by Tosfos) says that one of two things caused him to turn wayward. One opinion says that he saw a person die while honoring his father (which the Torah says is rewarded with a long life) by sending away a mother-bird from the nest in order to take the chick (which the Torah also says is rewarded with a long life). Another opinion says that he saw the tongue of Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nachtom being dragged by a dog, after Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nachtom had spent his entire life learning and teaching Torah (see also Bavli, Kidushin 39b). Since Acher perceived the purpose of learning Torah as being a means of gaining respect, when he saw that one could learn Torah and not receive honor for it (in this world), and even be disgraced for it, he could not tolerate the incongruence. This is why he went wayward.

    Judgment in Gehinom means that a soul realizes the terrible void that characterized one's life in this world due to the Aveiros that he committed. This terrible shame continues until the soul has suffered enough for all of the Aveiros that the person did. Then, the soul is cleansed of the Aveiros, and the person is able to receive reward for all of the Mitzvos that he did Lishmah.

    Since Acher had learned so much Torah and had excelled to such great heights in his Torah learning, even though it was Lo Lishmah, his soul could not experience the feeling of void and lacking that is the Gehinom experience. Since his soul could not be purged of his Aveiros, he could not enter Olam ha'Ba. Rebbi Meir, therefore, decided that he would help Acher.

    Rebbi Meir excelled in learning Torah Lishmah. It was Rebbi Meir who said, "One who has learns Torah Lishmah merits many things" (Avos 6:1). Since Rebbi Meir's learning was totally Lishmah, when Rebbi Meir died and Acher saw the difference between his learning and Rebbi Meir's, his soul finally felt the lowliness of the way he had learned Torah while he was alive. Thus, it was through Rebbi Meir that Acher was able to experience Gehinom and be cleansed of his Aveiros, and then be rewarded for his Mitzvos.

    Rebbi Yochanan, though, wanted to bring Acher directly to Gan Eden. We find that through learning Torah, a Talmid gives merit to his deceased Rebbi. Rebbi Yochanan often quoted teachings that he heard from Rebbi Meir, and it is likely that he pointed out that their source was Acher. (See TOSFOS in Sotah 12a, DH Acherim Omrim, who says that when the Gemara quotes the opinion of "Acherim" throughout the Gemara, it refers to Rebbi Meir who heard that teaching from Acher.) By giving over the teachings of Acher, Rebbi Yochanan was able to arouse the Zechus of Acher.

    When Rebbi Yochanan died, people quoted his teachings that he taught in the name of Rebbi Meir and Acher, and thus he was able to raise Acher out of Gehinom and bring him to Olam ha'Ba. (Rav Dessler explains Rebbi Yochanan's strategy for saving Acher somewhat differently.) Rebbi Meir, though, could not bring Acher to Olam ha'Ba in that manner. Since Rebbi Meir lived in the same generation as Acher, he could not quote Acher and give honor to Acher's teachings, because he did not want others to respect Acher and learn from his ways (even after Acher's death). Therefore, the only way Rebbi Meir could cause Acher to go to Olam ha'Ba was to be judged for his Aveiros. Rebbi Yochanan, though, lived later, in a generation when people could not possibly have known Acher personally, so he had nothing to fear by quoting him.


    QUESTION: Eliyahu told Rabah bar Shila that Hashem was saying over the teachings of the Rabanan, except for those of Rebbi Meir, because Rebbi Meir learned Torah from Acher. Rabah bar Shila defended Rebbi Meir, explaining that "he ate the inside of the fruit and discarded the shell." Eliyahu then told him that now Hashem is saying, "Meir My son says that when a person is in pain (from being punished as a result of his Aveiros), the Shechinah says, 'Heavy is My head, heavy is My arm! (Kalani me'Roshi, Kalani me'Zro'i!)'"

    Why specifically are the head and arm used in this metaphor?


        (a) The MAHARSHA (Sanhedrin 46a) explains that when a person is in pain, he rests his head on his arm. Pain is expressed by a feeling of heaviness in his head and in his arm.

        (b) The ANAF YOSEF (in Ein Yakov) explains that "My head" alludes to Olam ha'Ba, the spiritual world of Machshavah (thought). "My arm" alludes to Olam ha'Zeh, the physical world of Ma'aseh (action). Since a person is a combination of spiritual and physical elements, when he suffers there is a lack in both the spiritual and physical worlds.

        (c) The Gemara in Berachos (6a) says that Hashem dons Tefilin on His head and on His arm. The Parshi'os in Hashem's Tefilin proclaim Hashem's love for the Jewish people and their uniqueness in the world, just as the Parshi'os in the Jews' Tefilin proclaim their love for Hashem and His Oneness. When a person commits Aveiros and is punished because of them, Hashem complains, as it were, that His head and arm -- the areas where the Tefilin are placed -- have become weakened. That is to say, the bond between Him and the Jewish people is weakened, since this Jew has sinned and had to be punished by the Shechinah removing its presence to some extent from Klal Yisrael. (TORAS CHAIM, Sanhedrin, ibid.; CHAMRA V'CHAYEI there in the name of TOSFOS RABEINU PERETZ.)

It appears that any Jew who has studied Torah will receive reward and has the possibility to repent even if he does some evil deeds. Of course Acher had to do time in Gehinnom but eventually merited going to Gan Eden due to the Torah study he engaged in during his childhood.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Is a Jew ever incapable of making Teshuva
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 01:57:27 AM »
More from the Daf Yomi about Acher:
        3. R. Yehoshua told his students that Ben Zoma was still out of his mind, when Ben Zoma oddly expounded the verse, "And the spirit of G-d levitated above the waters" (Bereishis 1:2).

    (d) Acher entered the Pardes ("orchard") and "cut down the plantlings" (i.e. he became corrupt).
    (e) Rebbi Akiva entered in peace and exited in peace.


    (a) Acher entered the Pardes and cut down the plantlings (i.e. he became corrupt.

        1. About him the verse says, "Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin" (Koheles 5:5).
        2. What happened to him:
        3. He saw the angel "Mttrn" who received permission to sit and write the the merits of Yisrael.
        4. Acher said, "We have a tradition that there is no sitting, competition, no backside, and not tiredness (among the heavenly beings) -- perhaps there are two powers!"
        5. They took out "Mttrn" and lashed him with 60 pulses of fire and said to him, "You should have stood up when you saw him (an earthly being)!"
        6. They gave him permission to erase the merits of Acher (because of his blasphemy).
        7. A Bas Kol issued forth saying, "'Repent, o' wayward children' (Yirmiyahu 3:22) -- except for Acher!"
        8. When he heard this, Acher said, "Since I have been pushed out from the next world, I might as well go and get pleasure from this world!"
        9. He went onto an evil path.

            (i) He found a harlot and propositioned her.
            (ii) She said, "But are you not Elisha ben Avuyah!?"
            (iii) He went and uprooted a radish from its row on Shabbos and gave it to her.
            (iv) She said, "You are someone else ('Acher')."

    (b) Acher asked R. Meir, his Talmid, to explain several verses, and Acher rejected his explanations, saying that his teacher, R. Akiva, expounded them differently.

        1. R. Meir urged Acher to do Teshuvah, in accordance with one of the explanations of the verses that Acher told him.
        2. Acher responded, "I have already heard from behind the heavenly curtain that my repentance will not be accepted."

    (c) It once happened that Acher was riding a horse on Shabbos, and R. Meir was following on foot behind him in order to learn Torah from him.

        1. Acher said to R. Meir, "Stop here, for I have measured the footsteps of my horse, and until here is the Techum of Shabbos."
        2. R. Meir said, "You, too, should return!"
        3. Acher replied, "I have already told you that I have already heard from behind the heavenly curtain that my repentance will not be accepted."
        4. R. Meir grabbed him and took him to the Beis Midrash.
        5. Acher told a child to tell him what verse he was learning at the moment.
        6. The child told him a verse that discusses the permanent stain of sin upon the sinner.


        7. R. Meir took Acher to a total of 13 Batei Midrash, and in each one a child told Acher a verse discussing the irrevokable effect of sin.

            (i) The last child told him the verse, "G-d says to the wicked (Resha'im), 'Why do you discuss my laws!?'" (Tehilim 50:16).
            (ii) That child stuttered, and it sounded like he said, "G-d says to *Elisha*, 'Why do you discuss my laws!?'"
            (iii) Some say that Acher had a knife and he butchered the child and sent his body parts to the 13 synagogues.
            (iv) Other say that he merely said, "If I had a knife, I would butcher him."

    (d) When Acher died, they said they he cannot be punished, because he learned Torah, but he also cannot go to Olam ha'Ba, because he sinned.

        1. R. Meir said it is best that he be punished and then go to Olam ha'Ba.
        2. He added, "When I die, I will bring up smoke from his grave!"
        3. When R. Meir died, smoke arose from Acher's grave.
        4. R. Yochanan said that it is not proper to cause one's teacher to be punished.
        4. When R. Yochanan died, he caused the smoke to stop rising from Acher's grave and he brought Acher to Olam ha'Ba.

            (i) In the eulogy said for R. Yochanan, it was said that "not even the guard of the gate (of Gehinom) could stand in his way!"

    (e) Rebbi met a grand-daughter of Acher.

        1. He was surprised, because the verse (Iyov 18:19) says that a Rasha will have no grandchildren.
        2. She said to him, "Remember his Torah, and not his deeds!"
        3. A fire descended and scorched Rebbi's bench.
        4. Rebbi cried and said, "If this is the honor that those who disgrace the Torah (such as Acher) receive, then how much more so will be the honor that those who praise the Torah will receive!"


    (a) Question: How could R. Meir learn Torah from Acher?

        1. The verse (Malachi 2:7) teaches that one should only learn Torah from a Rav who is similar to a Malach of Hashem!

    (b) Answer: R. Meir relied on another verse (Mishlei 22:17, or Tehilim (45:11) which teaches that one may learn Torah from a Rasha, as long as one follows Hashem's laws and not the deeds of the Rasha.
    (c) Question: If so, the verses (in (a) and (b) contradict!
    (d) Answer: One verse refers to a Gadol (one who knows how to be careful not to learn from the deeds of the Rasha may learn Torah from him), and one verse refers to a Katan (one who does not know how to avoid being influenced by the deeds of the Rasha may not learn Torah from him).
    (e) (R. Dimi) R. Meir ate the outer flesh (the good part) of the fruit, and he discarded the pit (the bad part).
    (f) Rava expounded a verse (Shir ha'Shirim 6:11) which compares a Talmid Chacham to a nut: just as a nut might become dirty on the surface and its fruit inside is not affected, so, too, a Talmid Chacham who becomes corrupt, his Torah is not affected.
    (g) Eliyahu ha'Navi told Rabah b. Shila that Hashem is discussing the teachings of all of the sages, except for R. Meir, since R. Meir learned Torah from Acher.

        1. Rabah b. Shila defended R. Meir and said that he found a pomegranate and ate the inside (the good part) while he discarded the shell (the bad part).
        2. Eliyahu said back that now, Hashem is discussing the teaching of R. Meir.
        3. R. Meir taught that when a man suffers (by sinning), the Shechinah is pained; if the Shechinah is pained for the blood of a Rasha, how much more so for the blood of Tzadikim that was spilled!

    (h) Shmuel found R. Yehudah leaning on the doorpost, crying.

        1. He was crying that if such great sages, such as Doeg and Achitofel, have no share in Olam ha'Ba because of their sins, then how much more so we!
        2. Shmuel told him that their hearts were corrupt from the beginning (and that is why they went bad and were punished).


    (a) Why did Acher go bad?

        1. Greek (foreign) songs did not cease from his mouth.
        2. When he would rise from the Beis Midrash, many books of heresy would slip from his lap.

    (b) Nimus ha'Gardi asked R. Meir: Does all wool that is dyed endure?

        1. R. Meir answered: Any person who was pure from his beginning will endure.
        2. And any person who was not pure from his beginning will not endure.


    (a) R. Akiva entered in peace and exited in peace.
    (b) About him, the verse says, "Draw me after you, and I shall run" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:4).
    (c) The Malachei ha'Shares wanted to harm even R. Akiva.
    (d) Hashem said to them, "Leave this elder, for he is fit to serve in My honor!"
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 02:10:13 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Is a Jew ever incapable of making Teshuva
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 02:42:05 AM »
I just listened to this Daf from OUs Daf Yomi site:
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Is a Jew ever incapable of making Teshuva
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 09:06:29 AM »
Every Jew can do teshuva. Kol Yisrael Yesh lahem chelek b'olam haba.