Walter P. Chrysler is most likely turning in his grave if he could see whats has become of his company. Chrysler himself was for the American working man since a good part of his early years was spent as just that. Why in the world does a company like Chrysler that help put men on the moon need Fiat to show them how to make small cars. Europeans have done nothing but destroy the Chrysler name. Daimler did nothing but raid the corporate assets Chrysler had and soured the car lineup with their quirky engineering. I still say that the Daimler's actions was retribution against Chrysler for it massive war production during WW2 that produced so many fine trucks and tanks which were used to bring Germany down. Fiat makes garbage and if they think that they are going to market it at high prices here in America they are going to find that they are waisting their time. The fact that they are looking to produce the car in Mexico is even a bigger joke. After leaving New York Swingline staplers had a hard time producing staplers in Mexico with any success and had to move its operations into China. The reason to save Chrysler was to save American jobs not make work in Mexico and Fiat factories around the globe. It would have been better to allow the Chrysler name to die a noble death instead of being dragged down like this.