Shalom Chaim,
Please comment on the disaster that is the life of America's favorite country-club negro, Tiger Woods, because I disagree with Trace. This billionaire star athlete made hundreds of millions in endorsements from white/Jewish corporations, controlled a multinational empire and had a beautiful Scandinavian wife (who he may have hit) and family, but chose to throw it all away with a huge and motley array of hideous kurvas. This pervert refused to wear condoms with them and took sex-enhancing narcotics to heighten his experiences to boot, exposing his trusting wife to who knows how many dangerous STDs. Everybody is saying that this ape's extreme womanizing was just a product of his wealth and fame, but I don't buy that a bit. When white celebrities carry on affairs, generally it's with one woman, long-term. It appears that Tiger went out of his way to be a "pimp" and a "player". Everybody, including all the conservatives, are in denial of the fact that Tiger's father Earl was a schvartze who raised him with schvartze values. As I hardly need to explain to you, extreme promiscuity and the objectifying of women are one of the primary ways that black males prove their manliness to each other (believe it or not, I listened to schvartze rap drek once).
You commented that he doesn't "seem black" to you, but that is exactly what the schvartze-worshipping establishment wants; to create schvartzes that do not seem "black" so that whites do not feel wary of them. Tiger Woods' case just goes to show you that you can take the negro out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the negro. As you already know this "good" black is an Obama supporter
( Were I not a moderate, I would suggest that we cease calling him Tiger, and start calling him something that rhymes with "tiger" Woods. Please go all-out, no-holds-barred, "old-school Chaim" on this simian. I think that we can use the Tiger Woods case to show the truth about blacks to America.
(Does this affirmative-action colonel look like he's just half-black? And even if he is, what does it matter? Whatever fraction negro Tiger is, he clearly embodies negro culture. Tiger's idol, Barack Hussein Osama, is also only half-black by race, but he is culturally 100% schvartze.)
Regards, Dr. Brennan Fan
PS: One of his sluts, Rachel Uchitel (yimach schma), is a proven Muslim Nazi terrorist supporter (hat tip to Serbian Canadian for finding that out).