Author Topic: Obama's Cloaked-Truth-In-Labeling and Inverted Logic  (Read 498 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Obama's Cloaked-Truth-In-Labeling and Inverted Logic
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:53:40 PM »

   We can't appease Islamists

    Appeasement doesn't work.  It doesn't work with dictators, and it doesn't work with terrorists.  The attempted Times Square bombing was yet more proof.  -Ralph Peters

    -Reference (1) at bottom.

    But after the car bomber and the diaper bomber, it has become increasingly clear that Obama's only national defense strategy is:  Let's hope their bombs don't work!

    -Ann Coulter - Reference (2) at bottom.

Candidate Barack Obama stated in October of 2008:  "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

Many people probably thought at the time that his words were simply campaign rhetoric.  They weren't.  Obama's words were an expression of the totally-serious, Progressive/Marxist ideal for society, e.g., redistribution of wealth, American disarmament, global citizenship and global government.

Part of the consequences of Obama's promised, fundamental "transforming" of the USA has been the Orwellian change-effort applied to American language and the attempted inversion of the logic of reality.

The Obama administration's brazen attempts at completely undermining and changing our constitutional concepts of government and restructuring our language in support of that effort have driven the Obama administration to invent new terms to cloak-truth-in-labeling, i.e., to avoid truth-in-labeling for terrorism (i.e., man-caused disaster instead of the word terrorism, and overseas contingency operations instead of war on terror).

    “It took Faisal Shahzad trying to set off a car bomb in Times Square to get President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to finally use the word "terrorism." (And not to refer to Tea Party activists!)”
    – Reference (2) at bottom.

Worse than language contamination, the Obama administration has adamantly refused to recognize the obvious connection between Islam and terrorism.  So, the Obama administration has adopted a three-monkey posture (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) toward America's sworn enemies, and refuses to mention Islam and terrorism as being, in any sense, connected--treating the words Islam and terrorism much like the name Voldemort is treated in the Harry Potter novels: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.   

For Obama, the connection between Islam and terrorism has become That-Relationship-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named-Nor-Discussed.  Yet, Obama, the Democrats, and the left-stream media have no qualms about implying and hoping-out-loud for a connection between domestic terrorism and members of the Tea Party movement or members of the Republican party, or even just white males.

    “The Times Square near-miss was particularly revealing. When it looked like the bomber might be a forty-something white male, the media's delight and the relief of our politicians was palpable: At last, another Timothy McVeigh! It isn't only Muslims!

    Boo-hoo. The perp turned out to be another Islamist terrorist we can't call an "Islamist terrorist."”
    – Reference (1) at bottom.

What has been the result of Obama's cockamamie "change" on national security?         

    "Since the Obama administration deepened our submissive attitude toward Islam -- banning all references to "Islamist terror" or "Muslim radicalism" from government documents and statements -- the number of terror attacks on our soil has gone up. Does any reader believe this is just a coincidence?"
    – Reference (1) at bottom.

In addition to altering our language, the Obama administration has mounted an assault on the simple principles of logic.  I have labeled this inverted-logic due to the fact that Obamalogic functions in a completely upside-down fashion from the normal logic that mirrors reality.  How does Obamalogic function when applied to the problem of Islamic extremists?

    "The Obama administration has ducked all unwelcome evidence that...[terrorist] appeasement doesn't work. Instead, it goes to absurd lengths to convince Muslim radicals that we respect their views.
    Our counterfactual assumption [Obama's inverted-logic] is that, if we're really, really nice, the fanatics will stop being grumpy and blowing us up. But Islamist extremists haven't read our actions (or inactions) as an admirable exercise in tolerance. They read our bowing and scraping and apologizing as weakness.
    ----Our enemies believe we're cowards. We're also fools."
    – Reference (1) at bottom.

What must be done?   

The conservative challenge is not simply to vote-out incumbents, rather, it is to vote-out an America-destroying ideology with it's associated cloaked-truth-in-labeling and persistent use of inverted-logic.

Beginning with the 2010 elections and continuing through 2012, US voters who are concerned about the Marxist and enemy-appeasement direction in which Obama is steering our country must make it a priority to go to the polls and vote for truth-in-labeling as opposed to Orwellian-labeling (Obama labeling), and for reality-logic as opposed to inverted-logic (Obamalogic).  If we don't do it, we lose America as we have known it.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt