Author Topic: Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson biggest Israel hater in Ireland  (Read 726 times)

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Allied in Anti-Semitism – the Irish Connection

Posted by Rob Harris on Jun 21st, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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[Editor's note: This is the second installment of a four-part series. Part III of "Allied in Anti-Semitism" will appear in our Tuesday issue. To read Part I, click here.]

Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson has probably done more harm to Israel than any other Irish citizen. She was United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002 and was the architect of the Durban I anti-racism conference in 2001. Last year pro-Israel groups expressed concerns when she was going to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the top US honour for civilians) by Barack Obama. She said “There’s a lot of bullying by certain elements of the Jewish community. They bully people who try to address the severe situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Archbishop Desmond Tutu gets the same criticism.”

How legitimate were the concerns of these Jewish bullies? Durban I was probably the most serious anti-Semitic event in decades. Although the UN has long been anti-Israel and the Internet has also been a significant contributor, Durban I can be seen as the singular event that turned anti-Semitic Israeli bashing into the zeitgeist of our times. The Durban I conference composed of UN groups and NGOs, developed several strategies to demonise Israel. It would be described as an apartheid state which could be undermined through isolation akin to South Africa. They emphasised calling Israeli actions in response to Palestinian terror “war crimes,” in breach of international law, etc.

Robinson was the principal organiser of the event. Robinson was criticised by Tom Lantos (a member of the U.S. delegation) who said there were obvious signs the conference was headed for trouble months before. At preliminary meetings in Tehran, Israelis and pro-Israel states and NGOs were at first prevented entering Iran, and later, effectively excluded from participating in the meetings. The delegates present declared the intention of using the conference as a propaganda weapon to harm Israel. Robinson condoned their behaviour in a statement where she congratulated the Tehran delegates on their productive work. Her stance encouraged the hijacking of the event. In effect, it became as a weapon against Israel.

Jews were openly discriminated against at the conference itself. Pro-Palestinian extremists were allowed to incite hatred of Israel on an international stage and legitimise the Second Intifada which had resulted in a massive loss of Israeli lives at the time. Resolutions were passed accusing Israel of genocide and ethnic cleansing. The American delegation headed by Colin Powell tried to remedy the situation by using diplomacy to isolate hard-line states and NGOs but Lantos stated that Robinson actually undermined these efforts which shocked their delegation. She would not reject the concept that the horrors of the Holocaust are equivalent to the suffering of the Palestinians – in fact, she legitimised it by describing them as opposing issues. She knowingly allowed the hate filled conference to take its course and the issues for which Durban I was intended to be were largely ignored. Powell announced that the US would withdraw from Durban I, stating,

    I know that you do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language, some of which is a throwback to the days of ‘Zionism equals racism’; or supports the idea that we have made too much of the Holocaust; or suggests that apartheid exists in Israel; or that singles out only one country in the world, Israel, for censure and abuse.

Robinson latterly condemned the extreme anti-Semitism at the events, but by that stage, it was akin to sprinkling water on an inferno after having built it up with petrol. She erased most of the objectionable content in the final document. However, the document was almost meaningless, as the conference throughout was the scene of extreme hostility toward Jews and Israel, which helped legitimise such conduct under the guise of human rights. This was a devastating propaganda victory, the consequences of which could well lead to the destruction of the Israeli State. Has Robinson come to regret her conduct and come to the aid of Israel? Not even a little. Although she expressed upset at the events of the time, she stated last year “I am extremely proud [of the conference.] It was the third attempt to have the conference and was the first to be successful. In the final document there was not one word of anti-semitism.”

If Durban I was an anomaly in an otherwise good record, Robinson’s behaviour could be put down to stupidity, but she has consistently adopted an anti-Israeli stance which at times could be described as destructive. The so called “massacre” in Jenin in 2002, where the Palestinians hugely exaggerated the death toll of Palestinian civilians, was used by the United Nations as an excuse to attack Israel in an extremely hostile fashion without being in possession of the facts. They jumped to serious conclusions as they have done repeatedly since, and equated the military action in response to the death of over 100 Israeli civilians with that of the terrorists without addressing the reasons for those actions. Robinson pre-judged the situation: “It cannot be right to wage war on civilian populations.”

A resolution by Robinson’s Human Rights commission that condoned terrorism generally (unspecified forms) as a means to resist occupation and achieve independence was passed. There was no real condemnation of 100+ Israeli civilian deaths. The death of seven Palestinian civilians and 47 Palestinian militants was of greater consequence.

Robinson was offered the job of investigating Israeli “war crimes” in Gaza by the UN. She rejected the biased terms of the UN mandate that singled out Israel. This may have been due to prior criticism of her very oppositional stance toward the Jewish State. Justice Richard Goldstone, head of the UN Gaza fact-finding mission, had the terms changed informally. This had no authoritative standing at the UN since it was not voted on. Thus the original terms of the mandate stood as it turned out. This did not stop her voicing support for the anti-Israel Goldstone Report when it was being voted on. She is now part of an NGO group comically entitled “The Elders,” which includes other anti-Israeli luminaries such as Jimmy “Israeli apartheid” Carter.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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One of the least important countries on the world.  Jealous hater syndrome at its worst.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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I'm surprised this only has 1 comment. This treasonous witch has caused so much hardship to the Irish people. An example: This witch let in thousands of blacks from poor countries and gypsies for asylum. These "people" haven't worked since they got here, some 15 years here. And I find out that this horrible beast hates Israel. I'm praying this thing gets severe cancer very very soon.  >:( >:( >:( >:(
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

Offline mord

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I'm surprised this only has 1 comment. This treasonous witch has caused so much hardship to the Irish people. An example: This witch let in thousands of blacks from poor countries and gypsies for asylum. These "people" haven't worked since they got here, some 15 years here. And I find out that this horrible beast hates Israel. I'm praying this thing gets severe cancer very very soon.  >:( >:( >:( >:(
I think she wanted to import Muslims,she has one goal multi culturalism
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Truly, she is a Jew hating despiser of everything good.  I won't sat what I hope happens to hear vile scumbag self.

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more on Ireland anti Zionism                    

Allied in Anti-Semitism — The Irish Connection, Part III

Posted by Rob Harris on Jun 22nd, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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[Editor's note: This is the third installment of a four-part series. Part IV of "Allied in Anti-Semitism" will appear in our Wednesday issue. Click the following for Part I and Part II.]

Sein Fein’s anti-Israel stance is echoed by numerous pressure groups in Ireland calling for the Ambassador’s expulsion, an absolute boycott of Israeli products and companies, and the shunning of Israeli artists and academics. The Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) is the biggest pro-Palestinian group in Ireland. They have offices on one of the most expensive streets in Ireland (Dame Street). The IPSC was founded in November 2001 and has had considerable success. Besides featuring “Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide by Ben White (Signed)” their online store features such items as Christmas cards of Madonna and Child in a Palestinian flag (rewriting history yet again) and the three wise men being blocked by the “Apartheid Wall.”

The IPSC has been accused of anti-Semitism many times. They cover their backs with a single line on their website: “The IPSC condemns all forms of racism including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.” Like many anti-Israeli organisations, basic observation of their behaviour betrays a different sensibility. For example, a World Cup qualifier match between Israel and Ireland in 2005 led to very unpleasant scenes in Dublin. The IPSC organised a protest that was supposed to be “peaceful” but wasn’t: “Mostly it was a tame affair … Until the baying crowd scented their blood: passing Israeli fans.” Sadly, this is one of many examples of the hate filled aggression that Israeli fans and athletes confront when they visit Europe. By contrast, when Ireland faced Israel in Tel Aviv, many Irish fans enthused about the exceptional welcome.

One of the few pro-Israel journalists in Ireland reported his own experiences of such protests:

  • n the night of Israel’s 60th birthday party  – everyone attending, according to the people we had to go through, were “filthy Jews” and more than one protestor made hissing sounds, the international shorthand for the noise of the gas chambers.

Unsurprisingly, the IPSC supports extremist Palestinian groups like Hamas and Hizbullah whose flags have been seen at numerous protests. In 2009, during Operation Cast Lead, children dressed as Hamas soldiers led an IPSC protest in Dublin aping what goes on in Gaza.

The intimidation doesn’t only occur at protests. There are a number of small pro-Israel groups in Ireland such as Irish Christian Friends of Israel. The largest group is Irish Friends of Israel. These groups seem to keep a low profile due to threatening behaviour. In 2007, a well known pro-Israel supporter received several days of threatening emails and phone calls after publishing a rather moderate critique of the IPSC in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

The IPSC spread their hate on Irish leftist site Indymedia which is probably the principal pro-Palestinian site in Ireland. Its moderators usually ban those who offer quite mild support for Israel as “trolls,” “Israeli hasbara” “Zio-Nazi’s” etc., if initially they can’t be abusively shouted down à la CIF (Comment is Free) etc.

While Ireland isn’t exceptional in terms of international Jewish/Israeli hatred, it is worth describing some of these humanitarians. One of the most high profile pro-Palestinian campaigners in Ireland is Raymond Deane. He is a state-funded composer, as well as a founding member of the IPSC, a former chairman, and “Arts, Cultural and Sports Boycott Officer.” He wrote a letter to a prominent newspaper claiming the Israeli medical team landed in Haiti to take pictures for the purposes of propaganda and promptly went home. Like many pro-Palestinians, Deane has an extraordinary capacity to sling mud at anyone who dares defend Israel, but objects strenuously to its return. Historian Dermot Meleady challenged his assertions in the letters pages of the Irish Times newspaper, which led to Deane threatening libel.

A quote from Deane in 2008 shows how extreme he really is – perhaps even supporting a nuclear assault: “President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly expressed hopes for an end to the Zionist regime, a hope shared worldwide – including within Israel – by people of more impeccable democratic credentials than the Iranian president. “The provision of training and logistical support to Hamas” – nominally, the democratically elected government of the Palestinian people – is to be welcomed as a small counterbalance to US and EU support for the murderous Israeli regime.”

Deane has also compared the defence of Israel with the defence of paedophilia:

    However, I’ve problems with the concept of “People who genuinely support Israel.” Of course there are such people, just as there are people who genuinely support paedophilia. Israel is a criminal state in every respect, a state that exists in a suspension of international law enabled by its US (and now EU) protector(s).

In a perhaps deliberately confused article called “Dissident Jews: Unwanted in Germany?” he discussed anti-Israeli Jews, such as Ilan Pappe and Norman Finkelstein, who attempted to speak in Germany, but had difficulty obtaining venues of prestige because some objected. Double-standards are a characteristic of the pro-Palestinian movement in many ways, but I suppose we have to believe pro-Palestinians wouldn’t dream of objecting to pro-Israel campaigners. The objections were by a Zionist “anti-German movement” which supposedly rejects German nationalism but are in fact “more thoroughly German” in a fascistic sense. He tried to establish that the Germany of today is quite similar to the conditions in the 1930s for Jews. He likened Zionism to a form of Jewish hatred akin to the anti-Semitism of the Third Reich: “The antics of the anti-Germans and their ilk whip up racial tensions that can only lead to a climate reminiscent of the 1930s.” So, I guess the poor old Jews are bringing it on themselves. The “Jewish” speakers he was defending are most probably self-hating, as they knowingly peddle lies about Israel. This, in turn, has given and continues to give a great deal of ammunition to folks like Deane, who wish to see the Jewish State annihilated.

Presently, David Landy, a sociology lecturer at Trinity College Dublin, holds the chair at the IPSC. Mr. Landy is one of a very small number of Jewish people living in Ireland. In his 2005 master’s thesis at Trinity, he made explicit reference to using his Jewish ethnicity for the political purpose of harming Israel. Apparently, he interviewed a number of people in the Jewish community for the thesis before he came out as a pro-Palestinian. While any Jewish person critical of Israel is not necessarily self-hating, for Landy to assert that he will use his ethnicity to harm Israel must surely indicate a strong dislike of his own identity and a rather baleful attitude toward his own race. If he felt he should use his identity to aid Palestinians, he could have appealed to the sense of justice that many Jewish people possess around the globe, instead of using it with such odious ill-intent. He was also an organiser of the public letters from an Irish academics campaign in 2006 and 2009 calling for a moratorium of EU funding of Israeli universities. 
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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From the outset, the IPSC affiliated itself to an organisation called the Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM). As many have observed before, the majority of people at such “anti-war” demos support violence and this holds true for the IAWM. It is run by Ireland’s answer to George Galloway, Richard “Bold Boy” Boyd Barrett, whose mission in life seems to be expelling the Israeli Ambassador to Ireland. Boyd Barrett is the adopted son of one of the wealthier men in Ireland, reputedly named in the Ansbacher Report on high-finance tax concerns. He is a leading member of the far-left Socialist Workers Party and is notorious for appropriating worthy issues as his own. He offers uncritical support for Hamas and Hizbullah, and could be found screaming for intifada on the streets of Dublin, which even alienated numerous pro-Palestinians.

After the 2006 Lebanon War, the IAWM brought Ibrahim Mousawi, a spokesman for Hizbullah, to Ireland to address “peace activists” in Belfast, Dublin and Galway where he spoke with pro-peace luminaries like Aengus O’Snodaigh of Sinn Fein/IRA. He is the head of the Hizbullah owned pro-Islamic Jihad satellite TV station, Al-Manar. France has banned the station because of its vicious anti-Semitic content. He was invited back in 2007 to attend a Dublin conference, but Irish Justice Minister Brian Lenihan denied him entry to Ireland. The IAWM described it as a “disgraceful attack on the anti-war movement” How right was the government to refuse Mousawi entry? Mousawi was banned from entering the United States due to his links to the terrorist organisation. He referred to Jews as “a lesion on the forehead of history” and said “pain is the only language that the enemy [Israel] understands” Clearly a latter day Gandhi.

The IAWM helped organise the “Al Aqsa Festival: Gaza’s Victory, The Road to Al Quds” at the prestigious RDS venue in April 2009, featuring a bouncy castle presumably for fledgling jihadists. The war in Gaza was described as a “victory.” Extremists like Sheikh al Baz said the conflict had “restored to every Muslim his honour and dignity” and Azzam Tamimi said, “Once you recognise Israel, you say to the world that the rape of my country and my people is acceptable,” and “It is a crime against humanity to recognise Israel’s right to exist…” Boyd Barrett said that it is “entirely legitimate” to assert “Israel has no right to exist” since “it is not a normal state but a state built on violence, oppression and apartheid.”

Absurdly enough, the same Boyd Barrett was involved with preventing Holocaust-denier David Irving from speaking at a University in Ireland and this, for some, proves he is not anti-Semitic. Peculiar, then, that he should have no problem cavorting with Islamic extremists who hold very similar values pertaining to the Jews. Perhaps he is just being disingenuous about Irving. If he is sincere, this odd, somewhat schizophrenic behaviour relates to a condition described in another article – it is an alternative, politically correct version of anti-Semitism that has a very different face to the to the far-right anti-Semitism of old.

With the recent Gaza Flotilla incident, Boyd Barrett and the IAWM established a “blockade” of the Israeli Embassy in Dublin on the 4th of June – the police described the protest as “peaceful” and did not intervene when it stopped staff from going about their business. On the 8th of June, they held another so-called “peaceful” pro-Palestinian protest with the IPSC outside the Israeli Embassy.

The demonstrators used the Arabic “Khaybar, Khaybar, ya Yahoud, jaish Muhammad sa yaoud” chant. Interestingly, the only mention of the hate chant in the mainstream media was featured with a lengthy denial in the pro-Palestinian Irish Times newspaper. While it does not literally mean “Death to the Jews,” it has the same substantive meaning. It translates as “Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.” Coincidentally, this is what the Turkish jihadists were chanting on the Mavi Marmara. It recalls the surprise assault in 629 AD on the Jewish community of Khaybar in Arabia led by Muhammad himself. The people of the community were killed or enslaved. This was part of the eradication of the substantial Jewish presence in Arabia. Sadly, such hate-filled protests often outside embassies have been the norm rather than the exception in recent weeks. Protests were often violent, engaged in flag burning etc. but it was only to be expected – a sample of events from 2009 tells the same story.

This time the police did step in and prevent the demonstrators closing the Embassy. Raymond Deane could be seen in pictures jostling with the police and wrote a whining letter to one of the national newspapers about his treatment. Meanwhile, Boyd Barrett and the IAWM have promised to continue holding demonstrations at the Israeli Embassy after protesting to seek boycott of Israel at some of Dublin’s busier supermarkets last weekend. This is just a sample of the protests in Ireland after the flotilla incident. The moral of the story: nothing seems to motivate quite like hate.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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I’ve problems with the concept of “People who genuinely support Israel.” Of course there are such people, just as there are people who genuinely support paedophilia.

 :::D :::D :::D

100% of the people who support Islam, intrinsically, support pedophilia, and 100% of the people who support pedophilia should support Islam in their own pedophiliac self-interest.  Near 100% of all who are opposed to Israel support Islam, therefore nearly everyone who is opposed to Israel is in support of pedophilia by proxy, which the reason this person would have problems with people who support Israel in the first place.  Clearly this heinous critic of Israel is a pedophile.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein