Author Topic: Allah in the Vedas: Treachery of Dr. Zakir Naik  (Read 2205 times)

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Allah in the Vedas: Treachery of Dr. Zakir Naik
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:17:01 PM »

Islam is a creed that cannot survive without lies. Any so called Islamic scholar, whenever presents a discourse on Islam before a non-Muslim civilized audience, begins with a blatant lie that Islam means piece. While, in fact, Islam is just the opposite of that called peace. Though it is well-known that Islam treats women no better than domestic animals- simply as objects for satiation of lust and a machine for procreation of children, these scholars say that the Koran has given dignity to women and Islam provides equal rights for men and women. While the Koran clearly states that each and every non-Muslim is a kafir, but these scholars, solely to confuse the entire non-Muslim population in the world, tell lies and say the word kafir stands for an atheist. The Koran clearly states that, jihad is the all-out war, which is to be waged against the non-Muslim kafirs to slaughter them en-masse by bloody massacre and bring the entire world under the banner of Islam, these scholars tells lies and say that jihad is a mental war between good and bad in a man.

As a matter of fact, Islam considers telling lies to infidels or to give false testimony against them in the court of law for the benefit of Islam and for the benefit of jihad, a religious duty for every Muslim. Furthermore, the practice is called taqiyya or holy deception. Allah admires attaches merit to such a liar and rewards him profusely on the day of last judgment (Qiyamah). Recently, a Muslim commentator has clarified that on three occasions, like (i) in war, (ii) or to win over a women’s heart and (iii) or for deceiving the infidels, lying is not a sin for the Muslims. So it is evident that Dr Zakir Naik will also be profusely rewarded by Allah for deceiving the infidels with his lies.

It has been said earlier that this author has several video CDs containing lecture sessions of Dr Zakir Naik and in two of them Dr Naik tries to establish similarities between Hinduism and Islam. As usual, the lecture begins with condemnation of Hinduism and he says that name Hindu has only geographical significance and the term has been imported by outsiders or foreign invaders to identify the people of India and their culture. But the holy book of Islam, or Koran mentions Islam as a religion in several places such as verses 19, 85, 119 and 185 of the Sura Al Imran (the 3rd Sura). Moreover, Koran mentions Musalman in the verse 64 of the same Sura. Hearing his words the audience, mostly Muslim blockheads, is seen to be jubilant. But no one audience pointed out that a religion should be judged not by the name, but by the message it carries. However, Dr Naik , later on, clarifies and says that the real name of Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma, or Eternal Religion. Though there is no English word equivalent to the Sanskrit word Dharma, the word religion is usually taken as the English equivalent of Dharma.

Dr Naik then clarifies that Islam is not a new religion originated by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago, and it came into being as soon as Allah created the first human being Adam in heaven. In my previous article “A Few Questions to Dr Zakir Naik on Islam”, I have shown that Allah created Adam not earlier than 4,127 years ago, and hence Islam, according to Dr Naik’s claim, cannot be older than the same number of years. But how old are the Vedas? Dr Naik admits that, according to Western scholars, the Vedas are the oldest literature of the mankind. But then ridicules the Hindus and says that they are polytheists and worship many Gods, while Muslims worship only one God Allah.

But it seems that Dr Naik is not aware that Hinduism is the oldest monotheist religion in the world. Apparently it appears to a commoner that Hinduism is polytheistic as Hindus worship idols of many deities. But whosoever has tried to delve into it has found that Hinduism is absolutely monotheistic. In Hinduism, God (or Îúvara) is one, but deities are many. Even a Hindu child knows that, all these deities are the manifestations of one God (Iúvara or Brahman). So the seers of the Vedas say,

Ekṃ sadviprâ bahudhâ vadanti Agniṃ Yamaṃ Mâtariúvânam âhuḥ -RV (1/164/46). (God is one but people call Him by many names like Agni, yama, Mâtariúvâ etc.) or

Suparṇ Viprâḥ kavayo bacobhirekaṃ santaṃ vahudhâ
kalpayanti- RV (10/114/5). (Him
(With fair wings though there is only One (bird), sages imagin
So, when Dr Naik designates Hinduism a polytheistic religion and ridicules Hindus for worshiping many Gods, he exposes his ignorance of even a b c of Hinduism.

According to Dr Naik, Islam is the only religion that is strictly monotheistic, as its followers worship only one God Allah. But it seems, from Koran and other Islamic scriptures, that Allah is not confident that he is the only God in the world (not in the universe as Allah is aware only about heaven and earth).

Had Allah been the only God, it would not have been possible for man to find another God to worship. And had Allah been confident that there is no other God except him, he should not have been jealous of another God. For example, let us imagine a village where there is only one well as the source of fresh water. Hence there would not have been any difference whether the villagers drink water from a glass or from a pitcher, or from a jug. And as there is not an alternative source, it must have been derived from that lone well. In a similar manner, if Allah knew that there is no other God, he would have been confident that people will not find another God to worship.

But the behavioral pathern of Allah suggests that he is not confident that he is the only God. He seems always to be suspicious that there may be another God and people may worship that God instead of him and thus they may create a partner to him. So the scared Allah warns man not to worship another God or create a partner to him and says, “Say, ‘people of the Book, let us come to an agreement: that we will worship none but Allah, that we will associate none with Him, and that none of us shall set up mortals as deities besides Allah” (3: 64) [tr: N J Dawood (only the word God replaced by Allah].

In this context, it should be mentioned here that, as the Hindu God is confident that He is the only God in this universe, He does not become jealous of another God and says,

Ye api anya devatâ bhaktâ yajante úraddhayânvitaḥ z
Te api mameva kaunteya yajantyabidhipûrbakam zz Bhagavadgitâ (9: 23)

“O Kaunteya (Arjuna), even those who worship other gods with devotion (bhakti), they do really worship Me, though the rite differ from the norm” (tr: R C Zaehner). The Hindu God does not become angry and say, “you have committed the foulest sin by worshiping other gods or associating partner (shirk) with Me and I shall throw you in hell fire as a punishment for this sin, because He is confident that He is the only God, and no one could find another God to worship.

To speak the truth, Allah is not a god at all. Allah is a cruel tyrant, a barbaric killer and a violent despot. In fact, the Islamic Umma is the biggest criminal gang on earth and Allah is leader and guide of that criminal gang and is trying to establish himself as the God of the world (not of the universe) with the help of the mujahidin through terror and bloodshed. He is therefore always scared that a member of his gang may slip out of his grip and start to worship that real God, the real ruler of the universe. So he has enforced strict law that if any one of his gang tries to desert the gang, he should immediately be declared an apostate and put to death. One should also notice that, this is the standing rule of every other underworld criminal gang. If any member of the gang leaves the gang, even with the intention of leading a decent life, the other members of the gang murder him instantly due to the reason that he may disclose the secrets of the gang.

Allah in the Ṛgveda:

It has been mentioned earlier that the lectures of Dr Zakir Naik are full of naked lies. The reader should also recall that, the most merciful and all knowing and all observing Allah has given clean chit to these people like Zakir Naik to tell any lie, to do any mischief and play any deception with the kafirs, if it helps to influence them and bring them under Allah’s fold or for propagation of Islam. And Dr Zakir Naik makes unrelenting use of that command of Allah in all his lectures. So, his claim that Allah is mentioned in the Ṛgveda is also a pure lie. Dr Naik says that the verses (2/1/11), (3/30/10), (9/67/30) and (1/13/9) of the Ṛgveda contain mentioning of Allah. When I opened the Ṛgveda, I was really dumbfounded that a man like Dr Zakir Naik, the president of a recognized institute like the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) in Mumbai, could propagate such blatant lies and that too in open gatherings.

The reader should recall that the word Âllâh has been derived from two Arabic words âl (the) and ilâh (anobject of worship). In Ṛgveda, there is a word iḷâ, with a completely different meaning. But Dr Naik, whenever could find the Sanskrit word iḷâ in the Ṛgveda, he, as his sacred duty of holy deceiption (taqyya), has declared it as mentioning of Allah, without a second thought.
For example, the verse (2/1/11) of Ṛgveda says,
Tvamagne aditirdeva dâúuṣe tvaṃ hotrâ bhâratî
bardhase girâz
Tvamiḷâ úatahimasi dakṣase tvaṃ bṛtrahâ vasupate
sarasvatî zz

“Thou, God (Agni), art Aditi to him who offers gifts: thou Hotrâ, Bhâratî, art strengthed by the song. Tthou art the hundred-wintered Iḷâ to give strength, O Lord of wealth! Vṛtra-slayer and sarasvatî” [tr: ibid]. According to Sâyana, the most celebrated commentator on the Vedas, iḷâ is the other name of Agni (the deity of fire). Furthermore, the entire Hymn (2/1) has been dedicated to God Agni and hence there is no doubt that the word iḷâ in the verse stands for Agni.

The word iḷâ also occurs in the verse (1/13/9) of the Ṛgveda, that reads,

Iḷâ, sarasvatî mahî tisro devîrmayobhuvaḥ z
Varhiḥ sîdantasridhaḥ zz

“Iḷâ, Sarasvatî and Mahî, three godesses who bring delight, be seated, peaceful, on the grass”. In this verse, Iḷâ is a godess and, according to Sâyana, Iḷâ in this verse may stand for earth, or cow, or vâc (speech).

In a similar manner, there is another word Alâ in the Ṛgveda that refers to various deities. The verse (3/30/10) contains the word and says,

Alâtṛṇo vala Indra vrajo goḥ pura hantorbhayamano byâra z
Sugatpatho akṛṇonniraje gaḥ prâvanvâṇîḥ purahûtaṃ
dhamantîḥ zz

“He who withheld the kine, in silence yielded in fear before thy blow, O Indra. He made paths easy to drive forth the cattle. Loud-breathing praises helped the much-invoked One” [tr: ibid]. Here, Alâ is the other name of Indra. The entire Hymn (3/30) has been dedicated to Indra and this confirms that the word Alâ in the verse refers to Indra. But, as the word Alâ sounds like Allah, Dr Zakir Naik, like a fool, has taken it to be a mentioning of Allah.

The word Alâ also occurs in the verse (9/67/30) of the Ṛgveda that says,

Alâyasya paraúurṇâúa tamâ pavasva deva soma z
Âkhuṃ cideva deva soma zz

– “O, deva Soma, we pray to you so that the battle-axe of our enemy gets broken- Alâ, you descend and kill our irretating enemy”. Though the Hymn (9/67) has been dedicated to both Soma and Agni, scholars believe that the word Alâ in this verse refers to Soma or the Moon (or Soma) .

According to Dr Zakir Naik, every Sanskrit dictionary contains the word Allah and says that Allah is the God. In the most authentic Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier Williams (A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Motilal Benarasidass, Delhi,1981), the present author could not find the word Âllah. The words, this author could find that sound like Allah are; Al (to be competent or able), Ala (the sting in the tail of a scorpion), Alât (a firebrand or coal) and Âla (spawn, any discharge of poisonous matter from a venomous animal). Another authentic Sanskrit-English Dictionary (The Student’s Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Vaman Shivaram Apte, Motilal Benarasidass, Delhi, 2005), there is a word Allâ and says that it stands for mother.


From the discussions presented above, it becomes evident that, all the utterences of Dr Zakir Naik regarding mentioning of Allah in the Ṛgveda and in the Sanskrit dictionaries are pure lies. But the question remains: Why Dr Naik is hell bent on to discover mentioning of Allah in Sanskrit literature? It has been mentioned earlier that Allah is most merciful and kind (Rahmanir Rahim) only to the Muslims. But for the non-Muslim kafirs, Allah is cruel beast and a barbaric killer. And most importantly, Allah is not at all the God or Lord of this creation and Dr Naik is striving hard to dignify Allah and to establish him as the God by discovering his name in the Vedas. His efforts are nothing but finding a pedigree for Allah.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Allah in the Vedas: Treachery of Dr. Zakir Naik
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2010, 07:59:38 PM »
Islam fears the non-Muslims' reaction if they'd knew about its real nature more than it fears from lack of camels.