Author Topic: No man more will be held more to account than Bibi  (Read 400 times)

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Offline wonga66

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No man more will be held more to account than Bibi
« on: July 21, 2010, 02:42:48 AM »
"No man is more accountable in Israel than Binyamin Netanyahu!" (Professor Paul Eidelberg)

"A few days ago, speaking to the Conference of Presidents of American
Jewish Organizations, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
made an interesting statement.

Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-president, asked him about the
"direct talks" and about "the final-status issues and especially
about Jerusalem." Netanyahu replied:

"I think that the connection to the Jewish people of Jerusalem is
part and parcel of our connection to our land, and I think it, you
all know that there are Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that under
any peace plan will remain where they are as part of Israel. I don't
think that is really contested and I think the last thing we should
do is again pile on grievances and pre-conditions that prevent the
joining of Israel's leadership and the Palestinian leadership to
resolve the

Chiefs of State - and this Israeli prime minister especially - are
careful when they speak in public. So let's see. Netanyahu says that
"there are Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that under any peace
plan will remain where they are as part of Israel," and on that point
he comments: "I don't think that is really contested." In other
words, there are other Jerusalem neighborhoods that are under
dispute, and these neighborhoods may be separated from Israel in the
"final status" negotiations. Here is the confirmation: Netanyahu
asserts that "the last thing we need to do is pile on...
preconditions" to the talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
That is, we must not insist too much on the precondition of an
undivided Jerusalem as capital of the Jewish State.

The Jewish Post and News interpreted Netanyahu's words as we do here,
and concluded in its heading that "Netanyahu Hints at Flexibility on
Jerusalem." In the body of the article they wrote: "The implication
of Netanyahu's remark -- that other neighborhoods of Jerusalem may
not remain "where they are," becoming part of an eventual Palestinian
state -- was the first hint that the Israeli leader may be flexible
on the subject of Jerusalem. Until now, Netanyahu has insisted that
Jerusalem is not up for negotiation.

It is a pretty dramatic shift from "not up for negotiation" to "the
last thing we should do is again pile on... pre-conditions."

For those of you hoping to interpret that the negotiable Jerusalem
neighborhoods are exclusively the Arab ones, I have bad news.
Netanyahu did not say "the Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem, under
any peace plan, will remain where they are as part of Israel," but
this: "there are Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that under any
peace plan will remain where they are as part of Israel," and this is
consistent with at least some Jewish neighborhoods being up for grabs.

Many in the Jewish community have been filled with shock and concern
by all this. I think concern is called for but not the shock, for
what Netanyahu does here is consistent with his political career. So
that his behaviors will not elicit "shock" in the future, we offer
the following analysis....."

Pipi is even starting to look like Sharon!

« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 02:48:39 AM by wonga66 »

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: No man more will be held more to account than Bibi
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 04:59:45 AM »
"I think that the connection to the Jewish people of Jerusalem is
part and parcel of our connection to our land, and I think it, you
all know that there are Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that under
any peace plan will remain where they are as part of Israel. I don't
think that is really contested and I think the last thing we should
do is again pile on grievances and pre-conditions that prevent the
joining of Israel's leadership and the Palestinian leadership to
resolve the

There is absolutely no doubt that Netanyahu is going to cave in and surrender almost all of Judea if and when direct negotiations begin.

And if he gets away with that, the Golan will be next, as part of a 'comprehensive' settlement.

Of course, this will not lead to peace, but only to more Jewish death and suffering.

It is so sad that Israel can't elect a PM with a spine.

Offline cjd

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Re: No man more will be held more to account than Bibi
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 06:02:17 AM »
There is more to all this then having a spine....I sometimes look at the map of Israel and try to figure how in the world any leader in Israel would consider giving up land...The country is not really defensible in its present configuration what would they have after a land surrender deal... There is more to this picture then meets the eye...Is it world public opinion, lack of support from the majority of the population in Israel or just total disinterest in maintaining a Jewish state in the land that G-d said is Israel? To say the Prime Minister has no spine really just glosses over underling problems... Neville Chamberlain the British Prime Minister before WW2 was another well known politician with concessionary tendencies... When most people hear that name they always thing of a spineless animal who made deals with Hitler to avoid the more unpleasant prospect of going to war against him... The sad fact was in the late 30's England and America to even a greater extent were ill prepared for war and the people of both countries had no desire for their public officials to get them into one... Chamberlain was only doing what he thought the majority of the people in England wanted him to do. The fact that England was ill prepared to fight and no help was in sight from allies had to figure into the picture. In the end when the people saw that Hitler meant business the people ousted Chamberlain and put in the more aggressive Churchill. For Israel possibly that tipping point has not come where the people of Israel see that they are being placed in grave danger by bad government policy and start demanding that their Prime Minister deal from a position of strength and not one of concession.
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