Shalom Chaim, I have just two questions (both about A-rab/Christian relations) for you this week, but they are both pretty detailed/lengthy.
1: How should we today regard the Muslims that were killed in the Crusades? On the one hand, Islam is a Nazi devil-worship cult and Muslims are evil. On the other hand, Muslims during the Crusades were not as barbaric as those today, and at times they treated Jews fairly decently (even if it was for selfish reasons). The Crusaders certainly didn't kill them because they considered them to be Nazis, but because they felt that they did not deserve to live because they were not Christians.
2: How would you answer an "Israeli" Arab "Christian" who told you the following: 1--that the present-day residents (I don't want to call them "people") of Bethlehem and Nablus are direct, blood descendants of Joseph and Mary, 2--that "Issa" (Jesus) and all of the apostles (except for Judas Iscariot, who was Jewish) were Fakestinians, 3--that the entire New Testament was originally written in Arabic, 4--that Jesus' "fellow" Arabs all gladly embraced his teachings immediately when he preached to them (but no Jews did), 5--that the Roman army, which was mostly Jewish, mercilessly persecuted the Arabs, culminating with Titus (who was a Jew) destroying "Al Quds" in 70 C.E. and committing an ancient "nakba", and 6--that all of the early church martyrs prior to Emperor Constantine's religious-freedom edict in 313 C.E. were Arab Christians, and that the Roman emperors who had them murdered (i.e. Nero, Marcus Aurelius, Septimus Severus, Diocletian, etc.) were Jewish?
PS--where do the creatures who spread the above idiocy get it from? Are they taught this in their PA/Hamas-controlled television shows and schools, did their parents teach them this, or do they make it up on the spot? And, do they really believe this nonsense, or do they just want to see if any "infidels" will buy it?
G-d bless you,
Dr. Brennan Fan