This is going to be a long post. I was in the mood for a rant on you tube, but it's been a long day, and being a good muslim, I've beaten all my wives today (lightly with a toothpick) . Such actions make one tired. (Sarcasm extreme) Now for some text from the heart.
I get email from all sides. From the so called Christians I get "Why do you support the "Christ Killers"?
Being a SOUTHERN BAPTIST FROM SOUTH MISSISSIPPI, let me first tell you so called "Christians" that have this attitude, how can you love Abraham, and hate the Jews across the street from you ( or on the internet ? ) That's called sin, and sin damns the soul.
Martin Luther the "So called Christian" preached "that Jews' homes should be destroyed, their synagogues burned, money confiscated, and liberty curtailed were revived and given widespread publicity by the Nazis in Germany in 1933–45
Not soon enough "martin luther" perished.
My support of the Jewish people stems from the FACT THAT ISRAEL AND THE JEWS HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST. If you so called "fellow Christians " don't believe me, check the Bible. For the Muslims, I don't want your opinion because you view the Torah and the New Testament as corrupt.
As far as the self hating Jews, you are as ignorant as the self hating Christians. I don't know what the hell you are thinking. Muslim terrorists want both of us dead, and I get email from idiots on both sides that say "IT'S OUR FAULT." Well, wake the hell up.
I'll end with texting this. The only people that make me more sick and angry MORE THAN THE MUSLIM TERRORISTS, are the idiots, the vermin that believe ....
My never ending support for Israel, comes from the Muslims begging me to read the koran. WELL I DID.