Author Topic: FX Glorifying Illegal Immigration  (Read 1143 times)

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FX Glorifying Illegal Immigration
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:47:41 PM »

Hollywood’s efforts to convince us that illegal immigration is not a crime have jumped the shark.  It seems FX Cable Television Network is working on a series in which the main character is a heroic private investigator.  Oh, and he also happens to be an illegal immigrant.

In the past we’ve seen all sorts of P.I.’s on TV:  Cannon was the portly P.I., Barnaby Jones was the senior citizen P.I.  We’ve even seen a psychic detective (Allison DuBois) and a compulsively neat detective (Monk).

This newest series, though, can’t be blamed simply on Hollywood’s lack of originality.  More likely it’s an attempt to lead the general public to believe there is nothing wrong with being here in the United States illegally.

It is possible Hollywood dislikes the fact that, despite their greatest efforts to convince them otherwise, most Americans have a problem with illegal immigration.

The show’s writer, Chap Taylor, told Deadline Hollywood:  “In Los Angeles and in the U.S., people's lives are built on the labor of those immigrants…our job is to tell good stories as honestly as we possibly can.  If everyone is mad at us, we've done our job."

Well, I’m sure those of us in Arizona who face the dangers of criminal aliens daily will be annoyed at the ignorance of this Hollywood elite.

Most Americans remember when, following a series of attacks on Arizona’s ranchers by illegal aliens and multiple Arizona law enforcement officers were injured or killed in the line of duty, a bill was introduced to allow Arizona’s sheriffs to protect themselves and their citizens from criminals.  The proponents of the SB 1070 sought a workable solution to halt the invasion of illegal immigrants, more than 17 percent of whom are found to have criminal records in the United States, and to humbly compensate for the failures of the federal government to carry out its duty to protect the Arizona border.

The criticism that ensued from the left coast and the country’s elites was sharp and saddening to those who simply wanted help.  The Obama Administration’s Justice Department, the ACLU and other activist groups filed lawsuits against Arizona and its sheriffs challenging the bill—some calling it “racist” and an infringement on civil rights.

To help provide Arizona sheriffs a sufficient legal defense to take on the Obama Administration and the ACLU, no doubt financed in part by Hollywood liberals, opposing a secure border and enforcement of SB 1070, was formed, headed by co-chairs Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County and the author of this piece, Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County.  The organization is committed to the idea that, contrary to what Hollywood elites think, SB 1070 is absolutely necessary for Arizona to protect its interest.  Without it state law enforcement would be inhibited from enforcing federal immigration laws and cracking down on illegal immigrants like our friend the private investigator.

So, why the fuss about a detective series featuring an illegal immigrant?  Well maybe it’s time for Americans concerned with their national security to stand up and say we don’t appreciate it when our concerns are scorned or dismissed.  We don’t appreciate Hollywood disregarding the violence and the crime associated with illegal immigration.

I've lost four friends, three law enforcement officers and a rancher in the midst of this illegal border mess.  Anyone who wishes to trivialize their lives or dedication to duty is not my friend.  I'm not going to yield one piece of turf, topographical or political, to anyone.  If some producer wants to trivialize this mess, shame on them.

The liberal and well-heeled producers and writers who provide us with entertainment ought to leave their gated Beverly Hills mansions and spend a few days on the border in Arizona with myself of Sheriff Babeu.  They’d get an education and maybe we’d get a more realistic portrayal of the illegal immigration crisis.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt