I recently got my hair cut and the woman messed up and cut 1/2 of one of my peyos off. I did not notice until I got to my hotel last night and went to twist them like I normally do [I am traveling to a friends for Thanksgiving]. I am pretty bummed out over this. I've never grown peyos before, and for almost a year I have been growing my peyos out. After a day of thought I decided to buzz my hair back down to 1/4 long [the length the rest of my hair gets cut to] and I will just grow both sides out even again. I even tipped the woman because I was in a hurry and I always tip a dollar or two at this place.
A question for any of you who wear peyos: Where do you get your hair cut?
Being that my peyos were several inches long, and the rest of my hair was less than an inch long this woman had to be literally retarded, blind, morbidly clumsy, or just an a$$hole.