Author Topic: Leftist Jewish congressman from Tenn compares Rep. to nazis, goeebels,holocaust  (Read 836 times)

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Offline mord

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he also said blood libel.Remember when Sarah Palin said Blood libel all hell broke loose     

DESPICABLE DEM: J Street Congressman Steve Cohen (TN) Invokes the Holocaust, Compares Republicans to Nazis

Tell me again how J Street is not evil?  They helped get this guy elected... in a Tennessee district that is known for being the state's only African-American-majority district.  Just where you'd look for a "pro-israel, pro-peace" kinda guy, right?


ABC News via The Hill:

    .... In an extraordinary outburst on the House floor, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) invoked the Holocaust to attack Republicans on health care and compared rhetoric on the issue to the work of infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

    “They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels," Cohen said. "You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it.  Like blood libel.  That's the same kind of thing. And Congressman Cohen didn’t stop there....


Just imagine what he might have said, had we all not been recently chastised by the president to raise the level of civility in our public discourse.

I guess it didn't do us any good at all that AIPAC brought Cohen along to Jerusalem (and Ramallah) as part of a congressional delegation back in 2007.

And don't forget, In 2008 he was the bright bulb who compared Obama to Jesus and Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate.

Cohen was also one of the 100 Congressmen who refused [or neglected] to sign the Cantor-Hoyer letter in support of Israel, if you remember that.    

Say What? Democrat Compares Republicans to Nazis

January 19, 2011 1:02 PM
JON KARLABC News Jonathan Karl reports:

The newfound civility didn’t last long.  Political rhetoric in Congress doesn’t get much nastier than the words of one House Democrat during the debate on repealing the health care law.

In an extraordinary outburst on the House floor, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) invoked the Holocaust to attack Republicans on health care and compared rhetoric on the issue to the work of infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

“They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels," Cohen said. "You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it.  Like blood libel.  That's the same kind of thing. And Congressman Cohen didn’t stop there.

“The Germans said enough about the Jews and people believed it--believed it and you have the Holocaust.  We heard on this floor, government takeover of health care.  Politifact said the biggest lie of 2010 was a government takeover of health care because there is no government takeover," Cohen said.

Cohen made his comments late last night, but they have attracted no attention because his speech was made to a virtually empty House chamber with no reporters around to watch.    

Doesn’t Steve Cohen read JTA?—UPDATE

By Ron Kampeas · January 19, 2011

We had the local yokel GOP guy from Michigan during the most recent election cycle who thought it was okay to call someone Goebbels just because you don't agree with him.

We certainly covered last week's Sarah Palin-blood libel business up the wazoo.

And now Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) goes for a twofer and uses both terms on Republicans during the latest health care debate:

From Chas Sisk's blog at the Tennessean:

    U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen brought up Joseph Goebbels’ the­ory of the big lie in remarks last night on the House floor that accuse Repub­li­cans of delib­er­ately dis­tort­ing the debate over health care reform.

    “They say it’s a gov­ern­ment takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels,” Cohen said in a speech to a nearly empty House cham­ber that was picked up today by ABC News. “You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and even­tu­ally, peo­ple believe it.”

    Cohen, the only Jew­ish mem­ber of Con­gress from Ten­nessee, goes on to cite the exam­ple of the “blood libel,” the false claim that Jews use the blood of chil­dren in the prepa­ra­tion of mat­zoh bread.

Seriously, if Democrats are going to maintain credibility after all their attacks on Palin last week, someone needs to carpet Cohen, pronto, for his rhetoric.

Same goes for J Street, which chastised Palin -- although what her remarks had to do with its mission, I don't know -- and which endorsed Cohen.

UPDATE: That was fast. The National Jewish Democratic Council just rebuked Cohen:

    The National Jewish Democratic Council criticizes the comments of Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) which compared Republicans to the Nazis and unfortunately reintroduced the Holocaust into the health care debate. As we have said repeatedly, invoking the Holocaust to make a political point is never acceptable—on either side of the aisle. Cohen’s comments and similar comments made by others are not helpful as our leaders and citizens conduct a joint effort to advance civility in our political discourse. We implore Cohen and all our leaders to choose their words carefully as we move forward.

    Even though Cohen is a leading progressive figure, the vast preponderance of abusive Holocaust rhetoric still comes from the right-wing. We hope that if there are future uses of abusive Holocaust rhetoric from either side of the aisle that political leaders will stand up and condemn those statements and reiterate calls for civility.

Here by the way is the video, from ABC's The Note:

UPDATE 2: J Street thinks Cohen should apologize:

    J Street strongly opposes the use of Holocaust imagery and Nazi metaphors in American political debate. We have spoken out strongly in the past when it was used by those who we oppose politically, and we also ask our friends to refrain from using such language.

    We call on Congressman Cohen to apologize for these remarks, and urge him and all American political leaders to refrain from the use of such imagery in the future.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 06:31:38 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline briann

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This is so wrong I dont know where to begin.  But worst of all, its just another example of Self hating leftist scum trivializing the Nazis for their own political self gain.

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Where to begin!  A Jew who dishonors the 6 million...  and a Leftist who wishes Hitler [YS"V] was a Rightwinger...  sure, Nazism, like all non-Marxist Socialist/Communist ideology, is slightly to the right of Marxism, but it is Leftist and Socialist, and if Hitler was an American politician in 2012 he would most assuredly be in the Democratic party [we need only to hear the words from the National Socialists and their Fuhrer to know this!].

We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.
Adolph Hitler


Policy manifesto written by Adolph Hitler, 1925:

    9. All citizens of the State shall be equal as regards rights and duties.

    10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. The activities of the individual may not clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the frame of the community and be for the general good.

    Therefore we demand:

    11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

    12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in life and property, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as a crime against the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits whether in assets or material.

    13. We demand the nationalization of businesses which have been organized into cartels.

    14. We demand that all the profits from wholesale trade shall be shared out.

    15. We demand extensive development of provision for old age.

    16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle-class, the immediate communalization of department stores which will be rented cheaply to small businessmen, and that preference shall be given to small businessmen for provision of supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

    17. We demand a land reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to confiscate from the owners without compensation any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land


State Economic Control

Leonard Peikoff:

    Contrary to the Marxists, the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of the means of production. They did demand that the government oversee and run the nation's economy. The issue of legal ownership, they explained, is secondary; what counts is the issue of CONTROL. Private citizens, therefore, may continue to hold titles to property -- so long as the state reserves to itself the unqualified right to regulate the use of their property.

Adolph Hitler, 1931:

    What matters is to emphasize the fundamental idea in my party's economic program clearly -- the idea of authority. I want the authority; I want everyone to keep the property he has acquired for himself according to the priniciple: benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual. But the state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property.

(How is this different than any other non-Marxist socialist government?)

John Ray:

    He championed the rights of workers, regarded capitalist society as brutal and unjust, and sought a third way between communism and the free market. In this regard, he and his associates greatly admired the strong steps taken by President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal to take large-scale economic decision-making out of private hands and put it into those of government planning agencies. His aim was to institute a brand of socialism that avoided the inefficiencies that plagued the Soviet variety, and many former communists found his program highly congenial.


    And while Hitler did not nationalize all industry, there was extensive compulsory reorganization of it and tight party control over it. It might be noted that even in the post-war Communist bloc there was never total nationalization of industry. In fact, in Poland, most agriculture always remained in private hands.


    This policy is broadly similar to the once much acclaimed Swedish model of socialism in more recent times, so it is amusing that it has often been this policy which has underpinned the common claim that Hitler was Rightist. What is Leftist in Sweden was apparently Rightist in Hitler!


Andrew Bolt, emphases mine:

    Hitler also banned medical experiments on animals, but not, as we know to our grief, on Jewish children. And he created many national parks, particularly for Germany's "sacred" forests.

    This isn't a coincidence. The Nazis drew heavily on a romantic, anti-science, nature worshipping, communal and anti-capitalist movement that tied German identity to German forests. In fact, Professor Raymond Dominick notes in his book, The Environmental Movement in Germany, two-thirds of the members of Germany's main nature clubs had joined the Nazi Party by 1939, compared with just 10 per cent of all men.

    The Nazis also absorbed the German Youth Movement, the Wandervogel, which talked of our mystical relationship with the earth. Peter Staudenmaier, co-author of Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, says it was for the Wandervogel that the philosopher Ludwig Klages wrote his influential essay Man and Earth in 1913.

    In it, Klages warned of the growing extinction of species, the destruction of forests, the genocide of aboriginal peoples, the disruption of the ecosystem and the killing of whales. People were losing their relationship with nature, he warned.

Gun Control

John Ray:

    But surely Hitler was at least like US conservatives in being a "gun nut"? Far from it. Weimar (pre-Hitler) Germany did have restrictions on private ownership of firearms but the Nazis introduced even further restrictions when they came to power. The Nazi Weapons Law (or Waffengesetz), which restricted the possession of militarily useful weapons and forbade trade in weapons without a government-issued license, was passed by the Reichstag ("State Assembly" -- i.e. the German Federal Parliament) on March 18, 1938.


Hitler's party was the National Socialist Party -- its aim was to be (unsuprisingly) both national and socialist.

Some claim is that since Hitler was a nationalist (patriot), he couldn't possibly be a socialist. This is amusing, given the recent effort in the US of many of our left-leaning citizens to earnestly assert the opposite: That leftism is not unpatriotic.


    With the Nazis you could be both a socialist and a full-blooded nationalist. Hitler was thus simply the most effective figure in showing that socialism and nationalism, far from being intrinsically opposed, could be very successfully integrated into an electorally appealing whole.


    Although many modern-day US Democrats often seem to be anti-American, the situation is rather different in Australia and Britain. Both the major Leftist parties there (the Australian Labor Party and the British Labour Party) are perfectly patriotic parties which express pride in their national traditions and achievements. Nobody seems to have convinced them that you cannot be both Leftist and nationalist.


Ray, on support from German labor unions:

    The fact that Hitler appealed to the German voter as basically a rather extreme social democrat is also shown by the fact that the German Social Democrats (orthodox democratic Leftists who controlled the unions as well as a large Reichstag deputation) at all times refused appeals from the German Communist party for co-operation against the Nazis.

On opposition from conservatives:

    Both in Germany and Britain he despised them and they despised him. Far from being an ally of Hitler or in any way sympathetic to him, Hitler's most unrelenting foe was the arch-Conservative British politician, Winston Churchill and it was a British Conservative Prime Minister (Neville Chamberlain) who eventually declared war on Hitler's Germany. Hitler found a willing ally in the Communist Stalin as long as he wanted it but at no point could he wring even neutrality out of Churchill.

Update: Further Reading

Since I wrote this six months ago, I've discovered a number of good resources for similar information. There's Dr. John Ray's "Hitler was a Lefist" website, broken down into different areas, and also an interesting book review by Anthony Flew of George Waton's "The Lost Works of Socialism". In particular, Flew writes:

    For those of us born before World War II, the most interesting section of the book is that dealing with the intellectual relations between the teachings of Adolf Hitler and those of Marx and his professed followers among Hitler�s contemporaries. In his autobiography, and in recorded conversations with intimates among his own followers, Hitler said such things as, �I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit,� that �the whole of National Socialism is based on Marx,� and that without racist commitments his own political movement �would really do nothing more than compete with Marxism on its own ground.�

    Hitler was not in these statements saying that he either was or ever had been a Marxist. From his first political activity, he had always been opposed to communism, but that was not because it was socialist, but because it was internationalist. Hitler, although born and raised in Austria, had always been a dedicated German nationalist.

    Even those who are aware that Hitler�s party was the National Socialist German Workers� Party have doubted the sincerity of its socialist professions. This is in part because Hitler, upon coming to power, refrained for tactical reasons from launching an immediate and extensive program of state takeovers of private industries, and in part because these skeptics have not enjoyed the benefits of Watson�s re-readings of the lost literature of socialism.

    His chapter on �Marx and the Holocaust� begins by telling us that Rudolf Hoess, commandant of the infamous Auschwitz death camp, recalled in his memoirs that even at the height of the Nazi-Soviet war of 1941-45, his colleagues had respected the socialist example of an exterminatory program based on forced labor. Watson then proceeds to deploy further evidence of Soviet influence on the Nazis and to cite other relevant passages from the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and other socialist luminaries, all presenting candidates for or possible methods of genocide. The connection between socialism and genocide could hardly be made any clearer.

    From all this, Watson concludes that �it is becoming ever more probable that it was not just the idea of genocide that the Nazis owed to Marx and the Marxists, but its detailed practice too, not excluding camps and gas chambers. The shadow of the socialist idea grows longer and longer.�

Also see John Ray's new website "Marx Words" where he posts the translated versions of some of Marx's and Engel's words, demonstrating the eerie similarity between the views of Socialism's founders and those of Adolph Hitler.

Also see another article of mine, "Myth: Hitler was a Leftist", where I decontruct a leftist's argument that Hitler had nothing to do with socialism. (His basic approach is to claim there has never been any such thing as socialism. Sure, but that's because it doesn't work, not because it wasn't tried.)

This information came from here:

This site is good as well:
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein