Author Topic: Remeber what Egypt Did to Jews in 1956  (Read 737 times)

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Remeber what Egypt Did to Jews in 1956
« on: February 07, 2011, 12:11:29 AM »
Over last Shabbat I talked with a good friend of mine who is a Sephardic Jew who was born in Cairo Egypt in the 50s. He remembers what was done to he and his family when there was a change in the government in Egypt. He is very concerned about what is happening in Egypt today because although his family lost all their property, their land and their money, when the Jews were forced to leave Egypt he believes that things are getting worse in Egypt.

Egypt in modern times has been brutally antisemitic. The muslims in Egypt have invested great effort in instilling the population with Nazi propaganda and vilify the Jewish people in the media and the news. I do not feel any kinship with the Egyptian people who have accepted these lies as truth and hate the Jewish nation.

My friends family owned beachfront property in Egypt and thinks that Egypt should make reparations to the Jews whom it stole from in the 50s. Until then I consider Egypt a wicked and disgusting land which deserves another ten plagues...

Here is an article which discusses the Jews of Egypt:


1948 Jewish population: 75,000
2004: Less than 1001

Between June and November 1948, bombs set off in the Jewish Quarter of Cairo killed more than 70 Jews and wounded nearly 200.2 In 1956, the Egyptian government used the Sinai Campaign as a pretext for expelling almost 25,000 Egyptian Jews and confiscating their property. Approximately 1,000 more Jews were sent to prisons and detention camps. On November 23, 1956, a proclamation signed by the Minister of Religious Affairs, and read aloud in mosques throughout Egypt, declared that "all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state," and promised that they would be soon expelled. Thousands of Jews were ordered to leave the country. They were allowed to take only one suitcase and a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations "donating" their property to the Egyptian government. Foreign observers reported that members of Jewish families were taken hostage, apparently to insure that those forced to leave did not speak out against the Egyptian government.3

When war broke out in 1967, Jewish homes and property were confiscated. Egypt's attitude toward Jews at that time was reflected in its treatment of former Nazis. Hundreds were allowed to take up residence in Egypt and given positions in the government. The head of the Gestapo in occupied Poland, Leopold Gleim (who had been sentenced to death in absentia), controlled the Egyptian secret police.

In 1979, the Egyptian Jewish community became the first in the Arab world to establish official contact with Israel. Israel now has an embassy in Cairo and a consulate general in Alexandria. At present, the few remaining Jews are free to practice Judaism without any restrictions or harassment. Shaar Hashamayim is the only functioning synagogue in Cairo. Of the many synagogues in Alexandria only the Eliahu Hanabi is open for worship.4

Anti-Semitism in the Egyptian press is found primarily, but not exclusively, in the nonofficial press of the opposition parties. The Government has condemned anti-Semitism and advised journalists and cartoonists to avoid anti-Semitism. There have been no anti-Semitic incidents in recent years directed at the tiny Jewish community.5

In September 2000 construction began on a highway-bridge through the ancient Basatin Jewish cemetery in Cairo. Cooperation and funding were provided by the Egyptian Ministry of Housing and an American ultra-Orthodox Jewish Athra Kadisha group. The plans will not harm any tombs and it will honor Jewish law concerning cemeteries.

Anti-Semitism is rampant in the government-controlled press, and increased in late 2000 and 2001 following the outbreak of violence in Israel and the territories. In April 2001, columnist Ahmed Ragheb lamented Hitler’s failure to finish the job of annihilating the Jews. In May 2001, an article in Al-Akhbar attacked Europeans and Americans for believing in the false Holocaust.6 On March 18, 2004, ’Bad al-Ahab ’Adams, deputy director of Al Jumhuriya, accused the Jews of the terrorist attack in Madrid on March 11 as well as of the September 11, 2001 attacks.7

A positive development was the announcement that a Cairo synagogue built in 1934, which had been closed because so few Jews remain in Egypt, would be reopened in July 2005. The head of Cairo’s Jewish community, Carmen Weinstein, and Israel’s ambassador to Egypt, Shalom Cohen, arranged to reopen the synagogue, which the Israeli Embassy will help to maintain.8

On October 30, 2007, the Sha'ar Hashamayim synagogue in Cairo was rededicated by the city's small Jewish community. Many guests from Egypt and around the world attended the event which celebrated the synagogue's 100-year anniversary and the completion of recent renovations that occurred with assistance from the Egyptian government.9


Anti-Semitism in the Egyptian Media

Anti-Semitism continues to thrive in the Egyptian media. Derogatory statements and harsh accusations against Jews in the Egyptian media have persevered through bad and good times – periods of tension and periods of calm in the over 20 years since the 1979 declaration of peace between Israel and Egypt.

Comparisons of Israel with the Nazis, denial of the Holocaust and traditional libels are common manifestations of anti-Semitism in the Egyptian media. It is ironic that while the Egyptian media frequently engages in denial of the Holocaust, it continues to demonstrate the "evil" of the Israeli government by comparing Israel and Israeli leadership to the Nazis.

While anti-Semitic articles can be found in opposition newspapers, many are printed in the government backed press, including the largest Egyptian dailies, Al-Ahram, Al-Akhbar and Al-Gumhuriya.

Holocaust Denial

    * But all of Hitler’s crimes and infractions were forgotten by the world, except for one crime that was exaggerated and blown completely out of proportion, thanks to the insistence of world Zionism to continue to stoke the fire. The reason for this was the emotional need of the Sons of Jacob to extort Germany and to eat away its resources. It is hard to believe that the Europeans and Americans, who are entitled to thinking, confirming or denying anything – including the [existence of] the prophets and God himself – cannot address the ‘Jewish Question,’ or more precisely, the false Holocaust, whose numbers and scope they have exaggerated until it has reached the level of the merciless destruction of six million Jews, only because Hitler saw them as an inferior race unworthy of living next to the Germanic race, which must rule the world." – Al-Akhbar, government sponsored newspaper, May 27, 2001

    * On April 13, Al-Akhbar Internet published an article in which the author denounced the "insane ceremonies" held in Israel to mark what it called "Holocaust Day." According to the author, "in preparation for the ceremonies held to celebrate this day, the Israeli teacher tells his pupils fictitious stories about the murder of Jews in crematoria and the Israeli media gives detailed descriptions of these crematoria . . . The Zionists invented the matter of the crematoria in order to extort the world, especially Germany . . . Even though the Holocaust is only a myth and historians throughout the world have refused Israeli claims in this regard and have proven that it is a fabricated story and that the Nazi crematoria were actually used to burn the bodies of soldiers."

Israeli Leaders as Hitler

    * On April 29, a photograph of Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres dressed as a Nazi was published in the opposition daily Al-Arabi. The newspaper superimposed a picture of Peres on that of a Nazi and branded the image with a swastika. The headline read: "The Nazi – the Butcher from Kafr Kana, the Emissary of the Great Criminal Sharon, Arrives in Cairo."

    * An April 27 article in Akbar Asaa entitled, "The New Nazism and Sharon’s Concept of Absolute Power," maintained that there were no essential differences between Sharon and Hitler and that "there were also no essential differences between Nazism and the great harm it caused and the massacres perpetrated by Zionism. Since the feet of those who adopted the principles of Zionism trod on the land of Palestine for the first time – starting with Ben Gurion and ending with Sharon – there has been disaster. The events of recent months indicate Sharon’s Nazi tendencies, tendencies which are not very different from those of Hitler and even worse. The theory of supremacy based on race, deriving from Nazism is essentially identical to the Zionism’s theory of supremacy based on race and religion."

Comparison of Nazism and Zionism

    * "Zionist propaganda denies the connections between Hitler and the Zionist movement. It even hides the connection between Hitler and the emigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine . . . Historical facts prove the existence of ties between Nazism and Zionism. Israel denies these facts, however, because it understandably prefers to forget them." – Al-Gumhuriya Internet, government sponsored newspaper, May 5, 2001

    * "We confront a new Nazism which seriously threatens humanity. It is therefore our task at this critical moment to destroy the Zionist plan and the Zionist attitude based on legend, since this is the mentality that rejects the other person, accuses the other person of heresy and has disdain for all humane and cultural values. The whole world must unite against Nazi orientation and all over the world groups must rise against the Zionist movement and new Nazism." – interview with philosopher Mahmud Amin Al-Aalem to the opposition newspaper Al-Ahali, March 14, 2001

    * "Like Nazism, Zionism adopted the racist theories that there are both chosen and inferior races in the world. So it happened, that just as Nazism presented the theory of the superiority of the Aryan race, racist Zionism presented the same false racist theory and invented the idea of the ‘Chosen People.’ These illusions were mixed with other lies which they present and which no one believes, such as the claim that the Jews built pyramids." – column by Kamel Zuheiri, Al-Gumhuriya, government sponsored newspaper, March 6, 2001

Praise for Hitler

    * "[Insistently] for the second time, thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face of the earth. Although we do have a complaint against him for his revenge of them was not enough." – Al-Akhbar, government sponsored newspaper, April 25, 2001

    * "Thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face of the earth. Although we do have a complaint against him for his revenge on them was not enough." – Al-Akhbar, government sponsored newspaper, April 18, 2001

Attacks on Jews

    * Classic Anti-Semitic Stereotypes: "Lies and deceit are not foreign to Jews. The best evidence that Jews go back on their word is their denial of the principles on which they signed in the Oslo Accords and the Madrid and Sharon agreements. For this reason, Allah changed their shape and made them into monkeys and pigs." – Al-Akhbar Internet, government sponsored newspaper, May 5, 2001

    * Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories: On April 12, the English language Egyptian Gazette stated that the Pokemon children’s game figures are a tool in the hands of the Jews to incite Egyptian youth to licentious behavior.

    * Blood Libel: On March 25, the government sponsored newspaper, Al-Akhbar, published a blood libel charge in an article coinciding with a meeting of the Arab League in Amman, Jordan. According to the article, by Dr. Mahmoud Al-Said Al-Kurdi, "The Talmud, the second holiest book for the Jews, determines that the ‘matzahs’ of Atonement Day [sic.] must be kneaded ‘with blood’ from a non-Jew. The preference is for the blood of youths after raping them!! Rabbi Moshe Abu Al-Afiah revealed this during the investigation of the disappearance of Father Toma in the Jewish quarter of Damascus in 1840 . . ."

    * Justification of Anti-Semitism: "[Without Israeli casualties,] it would become clear to the world that what happened to the Jews of Germany, Poland, and Russia, was justified. It is not true that all Jews are peaceniks. There is a suicidal sect among them that does not desire to live. [Therefore,] they kindle the people’s hatred and hostility and, as a result, people turn against them. Although there are many intelligent people among them, they use their intellect to devise new ways for people everywhere to hate them and unite against them." – Al-Ahram, government sponsored newspaper, February 13, 2001

The Middle East Media and Research Institute,
The Coordinating Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism,
"Anti-Semitic Expressions in the Arab Media," Collection 02/2001
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Remeber what Egypt Did to Jews in 1956
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 12:12:57 AM »


Professor Peter Schafer of the Freie University of Berlin has argued that antisemitism was first spread by "the Greek retelling of ancient Egyptian prejudices". In view of the anti-Jewish writings of the Egyptian priest Manetho, Schafer suggests that antisemitism may have emerged "in Egypt alone".[1] According to the 1st century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus,[2] Manetho, a Hellenistic Egyptian chronicler and priest, in his books on Egyptian history, alleges that in the 3rd century B.C.E., Moses was not a Jew, but an Egyptian renegade priest called Osarseph, and portrays the Exodus as the expulsion of a leper colony. Josephus argues that Manetho's claims are inconsistent.

In 629 the Roman emperor Heraclius I. had driven the Jews from Jerusalem this was followed by a massacre of Jews throughout the empire—in Egypt, aided by the Copts, who had old scores to settle with the Jews, dating from the Persian conquest of Alexandria at the time of Byzantine Emperor Anastasius I (502) and of the Persian general Shahin (617), when the Jews assisted the conquerors in fighting against the Christians.

The mad caliph Al-Ḥakim (996-1020) vigorously applied the Pact of Omar, and compelled the Jews to wear bells and to carry in public the wooden image of a calf. A street in the city, Al-Jaudariyyah, was inhabited by Jews. Al-Ḥakim, hearing that they were accustomed to mock him in verses, had the whole quarter burned down.

Under the Bahri dynasty (1250–1390), one of the mamluk (slave soldier) dynasties, the Jews led a comparatively quiet existence; though they had at times to contribute heavily toward the maintenance of the vast military equipment, and were harassed by the cadis and ulemas of these strict Moslems. Al-Maqrizi relates that the first great Mameluke, Sultan Baibars (Al-Malik al-Thahir, 1260–77), doubled the tribute paid by the "ahl al-dhimmah." At one time he had resolved to burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for that purpose; but at the last moment he repented, and instead exacted a heavy tribute, during the collection of which many perished.

In 1324 the Jews were accused of arson at Fostat and Cairo; they had to exculpate themselves by a payment of 50,000 gold pieces.Under the Burji Mamelukes the Franks again attacked Alexandria (1416), and the laws against the Jews were once more strictly enforced by Sheik al-Mu'ayyid (1412–21); by Ashraf Bars Bey (1422–38), because of a plague which decimated the population in 1438; by Al-Ẓahir Jaḳmaḳ (1438–53); and by Ḳa'iṭ-Bey (1468–95). The lastnamed is referred to by Obadiah of Bertinoro.[3] The Jews of Cairo were compelled to pay 75,000 gold pieces.

In 1948, approximately 75,000 Jews lived in Egypt. About 100 remain today, mostly in Cairo. In 1948, Jewish neighborhoods in Cairo suffered bomb attacks that killed at least 70 Jews. Hundreds of Jews were arrested and had their property confiscated. The 1954 Lavon Affair, in which Israelis and Egyptian Jews were arrested for bombing Egyptian and American targets served as a pretext for further persecution of the remaining Jewish community in Egypt. After the 1956 Suez Crisis, Egypt expelled over 25,000 Jews, confiscated their property, and about 3,000 were imprisoned. About 1,000 more were imprisoned or detained. In 1967, Jews were detained and tortured, and Jewish homes were confiscated as emigration continued.

The imagery revived on the cover of the 2001 Egyptian edition of The International Jew by Henry Ford.

Egypt was once home of one of the most dynamic Jewish communities in their diaspora. Caliphs in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries C.E. exercised various repressive policies, culminating in the destruction and mass murder of the Jewish quarter in Cairo in 1012. Conditions varied between then and the advent of the Ottoman Empire in 1517, when they deteriorated again. There were at least six blood libel persecutions in cities between 1870 and 1892.

In more recent times, the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion have been published and promoted as though they were authentic historical records, fueling anti-Semitic sentiments in Egyptian public opinion.

Also recently published in Egypt, has been Henry Ford's anti-semitic treatise, The International Jew, with distinctly anti-semitic imagery on the cover.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Remeber what Egypt Did to Jews in 1956
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2011, 12:32:19 AM »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Remeber what Egypt Did to Jews in 1956
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2011, 12:36:00 AM »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Remeber what Egypt Did to Jews in 1956
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2011, 12:37:29 AM »
Egyptian child incites against Jews
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14