Author Topic: How Rabbi Kahane changed my life as a Christian  (Read 2766 times)

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Offline JimmyGentile

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How Rabbi Kahane changed my life as a Christian
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:37:31 AM »
As a Christian for the last 6 years I have had faith and belief in G-d, although sometimes I struggled to believe in G-d when times got tough. In the past few years I came to realize the significance of Israel and the Jewish State in the Bible, and I begun to take an interest in Middle Eastern politics.

I cannot remember how I came accross Rabbi Kahane, but I remember reading a sermon by Rabbi Kahane about giving an offering to G-d and it really spoke to me in a very deep way, as this was a time in my life when I had made a decision to give financially to the work of G-d.

I then remember reading a second article by Rabbi Kahane about the left wing/islamic alliance and its devastating effect on Israel. The article talked about how a jewish girl was brainwashed by marxist propaganda, and went into an arab village in the West Bank to make an alliance with the arabs as a leftist, and she ended up getting raped and hacked to death. The article also detailed how the leftist movement in Israel was destroying the country from within, I read this article not long after the flotilla incident in Israel, and I could see the prophetic significance of the article Rabbi Kahane had written. Just like the prophet Jeremiah, everything Rabbi Kahane had warned the Jewish people and the world about had come to pass. After reading those first couple of articles, I realized that Rabbi Kahane was a man of wisdom and his writings were worthy of reading.

With the benefit of youtube, I was also able to watch many of Rabbi Kahane’s TV interviews and debates, and was the only person who seemed to have a realistic solution to the Middle East problem. In Rabbi Kahane’s book “They Must Go” he lists incident after incident of vicious muslim attacks against innocent Jewish civilians, and shows in an objective way that having muslims in the land of Israel is a cancer within the country. Even Christians who visit the Holy Land now are unsafe, just recently on the news we saw a Christian woman who travelled to Israel was murdered by an arab. The problem with the arabs in Israel is out of control, and the current situation in Israel reflects that indeed, “Kahane was right.”

On a spiritual note. I remember going through a difficult time in my life, where I wanted to give up on life and faith, because I just had enough of things going wrong in my life. It seemed my life was falling apart and I had gotten very sick and was housebound, I was also suffering from depression aswell. For some reason I felt led to watch some things on youtube about Middle Eastern politics, to distract myself from depression and sickness, and on youtube I came accross a video of Rabbi Kahane giving a talk at a hotel somewhere in the United States. I listened to Rabbi Kahane talk about how he was put in jail for some years in Israel, living in a tiny jail cell like a criminal, and he talked about how he said to God, “Im sick and tried of trying to help the jewish people when all I get for it is this!” Rabbi Kahane said that after he said  this, his Bible was randomly turned to a page in Jeremiah and his attention was caught to the Bible verse, “Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” (Jeremiah 20:9) Rabbi Kahane said that when he was in his jail cell and read this verse, it really empowered him to continue in his faith and to delcare the truth of G-d.

After watching and listening to Rabbi Kahane give this inspiring testimony of how he found hope  in such a hopeless situation, it really effected me in a profound way, and gave me the inspiration to remain optimistic in the trying situation I was currently facing. If I hadn’t heard Rabbi Kahane speak that day, I dont know what kind of mental state I would be in, the man really helped me to go forward in life and have faith in G-d.

As a young man I must say that Rabbi Kahane has helped me to grow into manhood, I have watched hours of Rabbi Kahane’s interviews and also read most of his books, and his books and televised interviews have literally been a chisel on my life, that have carved and chiseled me into a new human being. Rabbi Kahane really demonstrated to me, what having the spirit of Joshua actually means, if you remember G-d told Joshua, “Be strong and of good courage” and “No man shall be able to stand against you.” As I watched Rabbi Kahane’s interviews and also saw him being confronted by enemies, I saw a man who demonstrated the definition of courage in his actions and existance. Courage is defined as, “invulnerable to fear or intimdation”, and I must certainly say, this was one of the qualities I saw in Rabbi Kahane. I hope as a young man who is maturing, that I will display the noble characteristics which Rabbi Kahane displayed in his life, as a grow and continue in my journey through life. Rabbi Kahane really showed me how to be a man, and I am thankful for that. Rabbi Kahane is definitely a role model and example I look up to.

The more I heard Rabbi Kahane, the more I realized this was a man with only one desire in life, “to speak the truth and do what G-d commanded him to do.” Unlike other career politicians and career minded competitors, Rabbi Kahane was only interested in serving G-d protecting and saving the Jewish people, that was blatantly clear to me after watching hours of footage of this man. He was only interested in serving G-d and speaking the truth, he was a rare individual in this self seeking and lying world. Thats another personal attribute of Rabbi Kahane which I admire of Rabbi Kahane, he wasn’t trying to be something he wasn’t or imitating someone else, he was only interested in being who G-d created him to be. I remember the famous martial artist Bruce Lee said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” I definitely saw this in Rabbi Kahane, he had faith in G-d and he had faith in who G-d had created him to be.

I really felt that I needed to write this discourse to publicly bless Rabbi Kahane and his family, and to sincerely wish every Kahane supporter on this forum every success. I believe that any Christian who supports Zionism should support the ideology of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Rabbi Kahane taught of Biblical Zionism which is G-d’s will for Israel. The problems in the Middle East are not going to be solved with Humanism and Marxism, the only solution to the Middle East problem is encouraging the Jewish people in Israel to follow the commands of the Bible, and to point the Jewish people toward the solutions and teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane. If the teachings of Rabbi Kahane were implemented in Israel, I believe Israel would not only be a safer place for Jews, but it would also be a safer place for Christians to visit as guests. Its in the best interest of Jews and Christians to support the teachings and political ideas of Rabbi Meir Kahane.

G-d bless to all Jews and Gentiles

Sincerely and from the heart,


Offline muman613

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Re: How Rabbi Kahane changed my life as a Christian
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2011, 10:27:35 AM »
Shalom JimmyGentile,

Rabbi Kahane, Bless his memory, was one of the greatest Jews we have seen in recent times. It is refreshing to see non-Jews who appreciate his message.

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You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Zenith

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Re: How Rabbi Kahane changed my life as a Christian
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2011, 10:27:20 AM »
I'm also a Zionist and I believe the muslims will stop fighting Israel only when Israel would cease to exist. And, as I see, everywhere it is taught that we should be tolerant to muslims and take it easy with them, to try to convince them peacefully of this and that, while everybody is turning a blind eye to what muslims do to christians and the jews, especially in muslim countries. We can be happy only that what they do is shown at the news... Anyway, the situation could not be solved brutally either, because a country like USA should get as allies Europe, Russia, China, and perhaps other countries as well to avoid a world war. Otherwise, the muslims states would gather allies to fight USA and its allies and a world war would happen. But this war, of course, would not happen, and I believe USA, UE and other countries would rather sacrifice Israel than get into a new war.

And, as long as muslims are very many, they can't be at peace. And I know that the fact that they are many encourages them.

Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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Re: How Rabbi Kahane changed my life as a Christian
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 10:05:55 PM »
Jimmy, thanks for your post. I was encouraged to read what you wrote here. God bless you, brother.