"...Chaim said that he doesn't want people involved in JTF if they are stupid enough and anti-Israel enough to believe such garbage?..."
I agree with Chaim.
That's why I don't have to clarify my statement at all, to you or anyone else, because my statement is "It could very well be true."
This exact situation, jeffguy; that of your audacity in "calling MassuhD to the carpet and demanding an explanation", is a classic case of cognitive disassociation syndrome:
I write the words "it could very well be true", but others read those exact words and in their brain understood only the words they had already preconceived and wanted to hear; and their warped translation bears no relationship whatsoever to the actual words I wrote.
I've read numerous and varying accounts of the situation, including that written by Barry Chamish.
I've also listened to numerous live interviews, ranging from those people claiming to be actual survivors of the attacked ship, to Israelis claiming all kinds of things about the situation, to a "sound recording; supposedly from the cockpit radio of one Israeli fighter pilot carrying out the attack" which miraculously surfaced in Washington a few years ago which immediately followed Israel signing on to another provision of a suicide treaty.
I've read Barry Chamish's journal report on the matter.
To date, the only thing I know for a fact regarding The LIBERTY incident, is that...
a) an attack on the USS LIBERTY happened, Israeli warplanes doing the attack, and
b) Jew-haters and false patriot types bring up the subject first, foremost, always, and to the exclusion of any other subject relating to Jews, as an idictment of ALL Jews.
HE believes only in Ha'Shem; all the rest he needs documentable and incontrovertible proof in order to believe.
Want to ban me?
Go ahead and do it.