Shalom Chaim
First my commentary for the week:
As I read more articles of how Israeli leaders, supposedly, are getting more and more concerned about Iran's nuclear arsenal and are now, supposedly, considering military strikes on Iran, it also becomes interesting what the opinions of other people are about an action like this if it were to take place. It also reminds me how evil and selfish this generation is. We basically have two opinions on this issue. One opinion is to go ahead and destroy Iran's nuclear arsenal now before it is too late. The other opinion is that it would be disastrous for Israel if she attacks Iran's nuclear arsenal because then the world will turn against Israel. We can assume that if Israel did something now, we could expect attacks and condemnations from many countries. Even with these attacks, we could, unfortunately see deaths of innocent lives in Israel. On that other hand, if Iran got their hands on a nuclear bomb and it was used against Israel, it could , Gd forbid, lead to a holocaust of Israelis. The people who are afraid of attacking Iran now have no regard for future generations. And that's a lot of Jews who hold this opinion. They live comfortably in their homes and with their jobs and remind me of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt who didn't follow Moses. The other group of Jews who now want Iran's nuclear arsenal to be destroyed all mean well, but the majority of them might be waking up too late. Jews should have the opinion that no Nazi anti semite has a right to exist and certainly have no right to gather up weapons of mass destruction. They should be met with a punishment before they become too powerful without worries of what the world will think. However, despite the stupidity of our people in this regard, it's impossible for anyone to think Gd doesn't exist. Despite our moronic decisions on survival from the time of Moses until now, Gd has shown His promise and infinite mercy on our people that we are still here and that after 2000 years in bondage, we have a Jewish home.
Now my questions for the week:
1. With a high probability that Iran gets the nuclear bomb, what is the likelihood that Hashem will show His infinite mercy on the Jewish people by hardening the hearts of the Iranian leadership to use its bombs on fellow Sunni and Shiite Muslims before it is used on Israel or America, Gd forbid?
2. Please comment on the allegations against Herman Cain. Personally, I'm starting to like him even more just because he is the victim of these mudslinging falsehoods.
3. Did you see Perry's huge screw up at the last debate? While he might be a moron, I also seen to remember when Obama was running he thought there were 57 states. But then
again democrats are allowed to be ignorant, racist, and sexist amongst other things.
4. What happens to the souls of unfertilized sperm and eggs according to the rabbis?
5. Why does the Torah describe the creation of plants before the creation of stars? What it's the moral of that part of the story of creation even if it literally might have not happened in that sequence?
6. Can you say a mishaberach for my mother, Aliya bat Yehudit vi Moshe? She is getting a biopsy and hopefully it will be nothing.
4. Please give us a Dvar Torah of this week's Torah and Haftorah portion.
Dr. Dan