Author Topic: The NYC cop (Ed Norris) who may have 1st connected the Kahane killers to the WTC  (Read 339 times)

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For years Chaim has talked about how the the Blind Sheik and his associates who killed Rabbi Kahane were also connected to the WTC attacks, and at the time of the Kahane murder they were in possession of plans to destroy the WTC and other terrorist atrocities. The FBI never translated these plans and American lives were eventually lost. Now former NYC cop and Baltimore Chief of Police Ed Norris says that he had the plans and the FBI took them from him and he knew that the Kahane murderers would strike again:

    Twenty years ago, Ed Nor­ris got a first­hand glimpse of the dawn­ing of Islamic ter­ror­ism in the United States. He tried to set off the alarm but was ignored. Then, after Sep­tem­ber 11, 2001, he ham­mered at the FBI dur­ing two con­gres­sional tes­ti­monies; the bloated system’s not work­ing, inter­a­gency rival­ries com­pro­mise secu­rity, we need rad­i­cal change, we’ve got to get more proac­tive. Many believe he was burned for it, career ruined, tal­ent squan­dered, money gone, mar­riage destroyed.

If “many believe” that Nor­ris got “burned”—i.e., fed­er­ally charged with cor­rup­tion and mort­gage fraud vio­la­tions, forced to plead out, and then impris­oned for six months—for crit­i­ciz­ing the FBI about ter­ror­ism, they are not quoted as such in this story.

But that con­spir­acy is not at the cen­ter of this piece. The con­spir­acy that really mat­ters here is the one against Jew­ish Defense League founder Rabbi Mier Kahan, the Zion­ist fire­brand shot to death in 1990. Nor­ris inves­ti­gated that while with the New York Police Depart­ment, and quickly deduced that two men who were near the gun­man in that case were part of some­thing larger. There were 47 boxes of doc­u­ments taken from the apart­ment they shared, and those were later taken by the FBI from Norris’s office. Sup­pos­edly, those boxes held the keys to the 1993 truck bomb­ing of the World Trade Cen­ter and, accord­ing to Fontaine, “if you dug deep, hard, and long enough, the Sep­tem­ber 11, 2001 attack.”

The most sup­port for that claim that the author can muster from the boxes: “audio­tapes by … Omar Abdel-Rahman, bet­ter known as ‘The Blind Sheik,’ call­ing for the killing of infi­dels and for the destruc­tion of the ‘tall build­ings of which the Amer­i­cans are so proud.’ ”