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Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« on: April 17, 2012, 04:26:40 PM »
It is utterly disgusting how corrupt the American government and government agencies have become since Obama has taken office. While the decline started about the time the liberal piece of excrement Bill Clinton befouled the Oval Office having sex with an intern, the rate of decline has increased in the last four years.

There are scandals such as the 'Fast And Furious' program which specifically supplied high-power weaponry to Mexican drug cartels. Evidence has been provided which proves the scandal runs all the way up to Obamas Attorney General, the corrupt Eric Holder. The purpose of the program was to result in the ability of the government to impose very strict gun-control laws on the American people, virtually removing the second amendment of the American Constitution. But when things got out of hand, and the guns were used to kill an American border control agent, the lying and covering up began.

Recently it was exposed that the GSA {General Services Administration} has been indulging in all kinds of excesses at the tax-payers expense. An $800,000+ party in Las Vegas was the final straw. The employees of the GSA were so BOLD as to videotape their lavish party and even mock the tax-payer while spending our money. The utter gall and chutzpah of this administration to treat the tax-payers who are suffering the economic policies of this FAILED OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is enough to make anyone sick to their stomach.

Just this week the 'president' was attending a conference in Columbia where it was revealed that as many as 20+ American representatives were involved with prostitution, against the rules of the agencies which they worked for. There is no sense of responsibility to the people who pay their salaries, just the sense of entitlement and the desire to have 'fun' at someone else's expense.

I am sure that there are many more government agencies which are wasting our hard earned money. Heck they feel they are entitled to it, as the Obama administration is the only 'Entitlement President' I have ever seen in my life.

It is past time to take this country back from these schiesters and phonies. Obama has not worked a single day in his life, he was a two-bit community organizer before being selected as president, and he hardly has done anything except give appointments to his radical liberal buddies. They are partying hard at the taxpayers expense and destroying American honor around the world.

America is virtually the laughing stock of the world at this point, and Obama has a Nobel peace prize to boot. WE MUST MAKE SURE OBAMA IS SENT PACKING IN THE NEXT ELECTION.

Then we can clear out the corruption, the stench of Obama, and return this country to prosperity..

Hillary is quite the beer guzzler... She usually drinks by the Beer Bong...
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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 04:32:21 PM »
Most Democrats and liberals lack boundaries in morality.  That's whenever they are in office, they end up screwing things up on that scale.

If a Republican or conservative pulls these things off, it is a huge huge deal...simply because they are held at a higher level.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 05:09:26 PM »
Obamas administration has been guilty of 'Pay-To-Play' corruption since the beginning. The recently convicted Blagovich proves how high up the corruption runs {right to the 'president'}.

Corruption: A new study documents that access to the White House is based on how much money is put into the president's campaign coffers. At least the Lincoln Bedroom isn't for rent — yet.

During the Clinton administration, when the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House became a favorite place for campaign contributors to rest their weary wallets, the infamous Johnny Chung made the observation that the White House was like a subway turnstile: You put your token in and you got inside.

An analysis of White House access by the New York Times suggests that hope and change has changed nothing except maybe you don't get to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. But in exchange for enriching the president's campaign coffers, you do get to bend the president's ear with a frequency greater than heads of state and Cabinet members.

"Among donors who gave $30,000 or less, about 20% visited the White House," according to the Times analysis written by Mike McIntire and Michael Luo in the paper's April 15 edition. The analysis matched names in the visitor logs with donor records. "But among those who donated $100,000 or more, the figure rises to 75%," write McIntire and Luo.

Clearly, President Obama's much ballyhooed ban on lobbyist contributions has not prevented lobbyists and other representatives of special interests from visiting the White House frequently. Some of those who sought access, and quid for their quo, were quite open about it.

Patrick J. Kennedy, the former representative from Rhode Island, who donated $35,800 to an Obama re-election fund last fall while seeking administration support for a nonprofit venture, said contributions were simply a part of "how this business works."

"If you want to call it 'quid pro quo,' fine," Kennedy told the Times. "At the end of the day, I want to make sure I do my part."

One of the more famous White House visitors we already know about is billionaire investor George Kaiser of Solyndra fame. Kaiser himself donated $53,000 to Obama's 2008 election campaign, divided between Obama for America and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. A world-class bundler, Kaiser also raised between $50,000 and $100,000 from others for the president's campaign.

According to White House visitor logs, between March 12, 2009, and April 14, 2011, Solyndra officials and visitors made no fewer than 20 trips to the White House.

In the week before the administration awarded Solyndra the first-ever green stimulus loan on March 20, 2009, in spite of numerous warnings of the company's instability, Kaiser made three visits to the White House on March 12, 2009, and one on March 13.

We have documented how many of the administration's economy-damaging policies can be traced to a system of crony capitalism. The administration has adopted an industrial policy of picking winners and losers, but too often the only winners are also campaign donors.

In announcing his candidacy in Springfield, Ill., on Feb. 10, 2007, Obama railed against the "cynics, the lobbyists, the special interests who've turned our government into a game only they can afford to play."

"They write the checks and you get stuck with the bills, they get the access while you get to write a letter, they think they own this government, but we're here today to take it back. The time for that kind of politics is over."

Apparently not. Hypocrite, heal thyself.
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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 05:13:03 PM »
Obamas involvement with the Solyndra scandal is damning...

Jim Kouri
Published 04/11/2012 - 6:26 a.m. CST

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns (R-FL) responded this week to the Department of Treasury Inspector General’s report on the Obama administration’s ill-fated $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra by saying "it was a bad bet from the beginning.

The report, “Consultation on Solyndra Loan Guarantee Was Rushed,” reveals that Department of Energy cut out the Treasury Department officials from issues regarding Solyndra, ignoring the agency’s advice and limiting its opportunity to review the high-priced, high-risk financing of what critics call "an Obama green pipe dream."

“The Treasury report echoes what our investigation has shown over and over; Solyndra was a bad bet from the beginning that was rushed out the door while every red flag was ignored. Treasury’s report confirms the agency had been effectively cut out of the loan guarantee process despite federal laws and regulations that require their consultation," Upton said. The “serious concerns” of U.S. Treasury officials involving a risky $535 million infusion for a fly by night solar panel firm were ignored as the deal was fast-tracked by the Obama Administration, according to a Washington, DC, watchdog group.

Bankrolled by Obama fundraiser George Kaiser, the now-defunct northern California company (Solyndra) got more than half a billion dollars from the U.S. government to promote green energy. Instead, it abruptly folded last fall, stiffing American taxpayers and laying off more than 1,000 workers. From the start, it was a controversial deal that was suspiciously rushed through for a politically-connected entrepreneur that had raised large sums for Obama, Judicial Watch reported on it's web site blog.

This week the Treasury Inspector General report shed light on the scandalous process that, not only ignored warning signs about the startup company’s viability, but also blew off the concerns of officials at the agency responsible for doling out the cash. The “loan,” which will never be repaid, was rushed through by "Obama appointees at the Department of Energy (DOE) without Treasury [Department] input," according to the Judicial Watch blog.

That action violated the terms of the program, which was created by the president’s disastrous stimulus. It allows the DOE to make loan guarantees to companies investing in “innovative clean technologies” but specifically requires the Secretary of the Treasury to be consulted on the terms and conditions of the loan guarantee concurrent with its review process. As of December 2011 the DOE guaranteed 28 projects totaling $16.1 billion after consulting with Treasury, the Inspector General's audit report says.

Evidently this did not occur with the Solyndra deal because it was expedited for a political donor, said the JW blog. In fact, the IG report cites an email written by a Treasury official after a conference call with the DOE brass, presumably to discuss the pros and cons of the huge Solyndra deal. “We pressed certain issues…but the train really has left the station on this deal.”

Judicial Watch is investigating the Solyndra scandal and has sued the Obama DOE and Office of Management and Budget to obtain records involving the deal.

In September JW submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests seeking records from both agencies, but the DOE says it’s reviewing documents in preparation for public release.

"The Office of Management and Budget has totally blown off the request. This indicates that the administration is on cover-up mode," Judical Watch officials stated.

“At every step of the way, Treasury was clearly an afterthought in Solyndra’s loan guarantee as well as its restructuring that put company investors ahead of taxpayers. What this report and our continuing investigation show is an Obama administration that was either not up to the job, was cavalier in its attitude for following federal laws, or both, said Congressman Upton.

“Treasury’s examination also underscores why the public is so fed up with the Washington bureaucracy – according to a review by the independent Treasury watchdog, the Obama administration was more worried about sending out a press release than it was ensuring Solyndra was a wise investment. And now taxpayers are paying half a billion dollars for the sins of Solyndra," Upton claims.
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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 05:48:54 PM »
April 9, 2012
The Democrats' Election Forgery Racket

By Michelle Malkin
A few weeks ago, Obama senior adviser and seasoned Chicago operative David Axelrod joked on MSNBC about election corruption. Asked whether "vote early and often" scams had come to an end in his shady hometown, Axelrod snarked: "Well, certainly on the air." Yuk, yuk, yuk.

Behind the scenes, Democrats have been busy faking petition signatures, forging ballots and enlisting medical professionals to authorize fraudulent doctors' notes for liberal teachers-union operatives protesting Republican opponents. It's no laughing matter.

This week, four Democratic officials in Indiana were hit with felony charges related to petition fraud in the state's 2008 primary. The prosecutions are a result of the local South Bend Tribune newspaper's investigation last fall into "hundreds of county residents' signatures" forged on petitions used to put Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Democratic primary ballot. At least two whistle-blowing government officials came forward to expose the forgery racket, which court documents say was formulated by Democratic Party officials inside local party headquarters.

A veteran county Democratic Party chair, Butch Morgan, resigned in October over the scandal; three employees in the St. Joseph County voter registration office reportedly helped Morgan execute the scheme. Among the hundreds of unsuspecting residents whose names were illegally signed to the petitions: the prosecuting attorney in the case and a former Democratic governor of the state!

That's the audacity of ACORN-style hoaxes.

Without the phony signatures, there's a significant chance that Obama would not have qualified for the primary ballot -- throwing the validity of the entire election into question.

Dr. Deb Fleming, the county's Republican chairwoman, told the South Bend Tribune that the Democratic machine has dominated her backyard for decades. "They have 'a culture of corruption' here and throughout Indiana. 'I'm sure there are other things. They've just never gotten caught,' she speculated. 'Because they've been in control of St. Joseph County for so long, they felt they could get away with it.'"

It's a widespread culture of election corruption that has festered in Obama's Chicago, crossed into Indiana and bubbled up across the country.

On Tuesday, a New York judge set new trial dates for Democratic officials and political operatives accused of another ballot fraud conspiracy. A first round of prosecutions against Democratic Elections Commissioner Edward McDonough and his co-defendant, former Councilman Michael LoPorto, ended in mistrials last month. The two men also face separate voter fraud charges involving a plot by Democrats to win the radical Working Families Party primary back in 2009. The WFP is a front group for President Obama's dear old friends at fraud-plagued ACORN.

According to law enforcement authorities, the ring of Democrats tried to rig the primary election for city council and county legislature by forging absentee ballots and ballot applications to ensure that their candidates also won the Working Families Party primary line.

Fox News Channel investigative reporter Eric Shawn noted that a whistle-blower in the case, WFP employee Sarah Couch, told investigators that her bosses "asked her to issue a Working Families Party press release that would 'point blame at the Republican Party,' and she refused to do so." Another whistle-blower, Democratic operative Anthony DeFiglio, told police that "faking absentee ballots was a commonplace and accepted practice in political circles, all intended to swing an election."

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, the state's Medical Examining Board decided last month to investigate 11 additional doctors for writing fake sick notes for public union teachers who ditched their classrooms to protest GOP Gov. Scott Walker. Nine other medical professionals have already received slaps on the wrist.

Primary petitions. Absentee ballots. Doctors' orders. Fraudulent signatures are becoming the signature of desperate Democrats who play the electoral game by one set of rules: By Any Means Necessary.

Yet, progressives in the media and White House continue to strike a see-no-election-fraud, hear-no-election-fraud, speak-no-election-fraud pose. And Team Obama's Axelrod supplies the laugh track. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Copyright 2012, Creators Syndicate Inc.
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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 06:37:01 PM »

To the editor:

Obama has accomplished some firsts worth noting.

When he was inaugurated gas was averaging about $1.79. Now it's climbing daily and analysts say it will be $5 before Christmas.
In February we amassed a monthly debt of $232 billion, a new monthly record.
Food stamp recipients have risen 35.1 percent and long-term unemployment soared 146,2 percent.

Americans living in poverty rose 9.5 percent and the number of unemployed jumped nearly 25 percent.
The number of unemployed black folks has risen from 12.6 percent to 15.8 percent, a 25.4 percent increase. Our national debt has jumped more than 34 percent.

The U.S credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in history. We're accumulating debt at a rate 27 times faster than any time in our history.
He's the first president to have 22 personal servants for his wife at taxpayer expense, and a dog trainer paid $102,000 yearly by the taxpayers.  He squandered away a $1 trillion on what he called shovel ready projects only to admit later there were no shovel-ready jobs.

He's the first President to demand the American people  purchase a specific product from a third party, and in an exceptionally repugnant manner.
He's the first to hide his medical, educational and travel records from the public and mysteriously have a Social Security number from a state he's never lived in.

He's the first to refuse to show up in a federal court to provide evidence of citizenship even though demanded to do so by the court.
He's the first to appoint "Czars" with no U.S. Senate approval, violating the Advise and Consent clause of our Constitution; Czars whose authority appears to come from thin air.

He's the first to golf 73 times in two-and-a-half years in office.
He's the first to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday night White House parties for his friends at taxpayer expense.
He's the first to fire an Inspector General for  catching one of his friends deep in a corruption case.

He's the first to dictate to a major manufacturor (Boeing) in which state they must locate their new plant.

He's the first to tolerate and encourage racial discrimination and intimidation at polling places by refusing to prosecute those responsible.
He's the first to terminate U.S. ability to put a man in space.
He's the first to dictate that a major religion dump its beliefs because of his party's fanaticism about universal contraception. Where's that in our Constitution?

The list of firsts goes on and on, and none of it good.
Democrats and their media minions claim a republican nominee must be pristinely flawless to beat this guy. Who are they kidding? A blind, three-legged chihuahua should beat this incompetent, corrupt buffoon.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2012, 11:07:09 AM »
It is past time to take this country back from these schiesters and phonies. Obama has not worked a single day in his life, he was a two-bit community organizer before being selected as president, and he hardly has done anything except give appointments to his radical liberal buddies. They are partying hard at the taxpayers expense and destroying American honor around the world.

America is virtually the laughing stock of the world at this point, and Obama has a Nobel peace prize to boot. WE MUST MAKE SURE OBAMA IS SENT PACKING IN THE NEXT ELECTION.

America is unfortunately destroying its honor with some other countries, but we were a laughing stock with many countries even during the Bush Administration.

When Donald Trump was considering running for office, he had also mentioned how America is scoffed at by other countries, but would you really prefer to have an America that isn't mocked by cowardly foreigners?  Is it worth having the respect of left-wing foreigners who will only treat us with respect when we're down?  Only if we were barbarians threatening those with violence who criticize us (like left-wing blacks & Muslims) would we not be mocked by them.

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Re: Obamas Legacy of Government Corruption
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 11:15:46 AM »
All governments have a tendency toward corruption. It's up to us the people to demand better. One reason governments like the one in Mexico have been so corrupt is that the people to some degree accept that as inevitable and tolerate it to some degree.