Once again, the British don't get the message as to whom exactly they are dealing with UK Muslims, especially the disingenious Red Ken Livingstone
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/afp/20070630/tuk-britain-attacks-mayor-saudi-muslims-a7ad41d.htmlWahabi Islam is normative Islam. It's so called "moderate" Islam that is the historical aberration!
Far, far worse than the millions of Pakistani, Indian, Bosnian, Bengali, Somalian, Afghani and Arab Muslims who live in the UK, are the millions born there: they have UK university degrees and speak with thick Liverpudlian, Cockney, Glaswegian and Brummie accents.
If the London and Glasgow bombs had gone off killing 500 people, the message still wouldn't percolate through.
Only a nerve gas/biological/nuclear or dirty bomb kiling 50,000 and/or rendering the City of London and the UK economy wasted for 100 years would have effect, as in the film "Dirty War"!
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427157/Then, maybe, would they realise that Enoch "Rivers of Blood" Powell wasn't a "racist" - he was a common-sense Sage!