Author Topic: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!  (Read 9059 times)

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2012, 01:09:46 AM »
Ok let's send this b-word coop Jaybe woman these links and see if she still thinks the fakestinians are poor innocent victims. Of course, she doesn't have the guts to face the reality- that if there "Palestine" were a country, they would be the biggest human rights violators next to Iran. That or she is too brainwashed to ever realize that the poor palestinians are capable of such atrocities: (but my guess is that she would not have the guts to read any of these articles which prove her wrong)

"Palestinian Cristian kidnapped and killed by "ppor innocent palestinian" muslims for opening a religious boosktore in Gaza"

Christians have only recently begun to talk about how Muslim gangs simply come and take possession of Christian-owned land while the Palestinian security services, almost exclusively staffed by Muslims, stand by. Mr. Qumsieh's own home was firebombed three years ago. The perpetrators were never caught.

Poor innocent palestinians torture their own citizens:

Palestinians hanging executions:

Palestinians attacking pro-palestinian activists:

Violence against Palestinian Women and Girls (honor killings and beatings)

Persecution of gay men in Palestine:

The next article has some interesting information about the "poor innocent palestinians" you can read it here:
The Comtsieh family (a Christian family) has a plot of land with a building that serves as a business center in the city. Several years ago a Moslem family from Hebron took possession of the building and started to use it without permission.
    The Comtsieh family filed a claim with the judicial system and after long and arduous court hearings, the court ruled in the claimant's favor.
    However, the verdict was never enforced by the police and representatives of the family from Hebron later appeared with a new court verdict (signed by the same judge who ruled in the claimants' favor previously), canceling the previous verdict and ratifying the Hebron family's ownership of the property.23

The most glaring example of PA disregard for the holiness of Christian shrines, however, was the April 2002 takeover of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem by PA forces and their taking over 40 Christian clergy and nuns as hostages.

In August 1997, Palestinian policemen in Beit Sahur opened fire on a crowd of Christian Arabs, wounding six

In late June 1997, a Palestinian convert to Christianity in the northern West Bank was arrested by agents of the Palestinian Authority's Preventive Security Service.
For example, without prior consent of the church, Yasser Arafat decided to turn the Greek Orthodox monastery near the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem into his domicile during his visits to the city.28 On July 5, 1997, the PLO seized Abraham's Oak Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Hebron, violently evicting monks and nuns

the PA's Tanzim militia chose the Christian town of Beit Jala to shoot at Jerusalem over other locations from which they could have similarly targeted communities built on land captured in 1967. They specifically positioned themselves in or near Christian homes, hotels, churches (e.g., St. Nicholas), and the Greek Orthodox club, knowing that a slight deviation in Israeli return fire would harm Christian institutions or homes.30