She did admit to part of what the lawsuit claims--that she fantasized about hiring only black waiters for a big catering event (the lawsuit claims that she stated that she wanted to hire a bunch of n-words and dress them up like slaves). If she really did say such a thing, it was terrible. But as all have said, black celebrities say things that bad and worse every single day and are never called on it.
It was probably said half tongue in cheek anyway. And besides, worst case scenario, what if she had actually pulled the event off? Would it be kind of racist? Perhaps, but almost nobody would object to say, a luau themed wedding (which borrows off Polynesian culture and puts a white twist on it) or an anime themed wedding which is a take off of Japanese culture (one of my white friends had a wedding that was anime themed, with mostly white guests, although I didn't attend I saw the pictures). So, again let's go back to the slave themed wedding. What would have happened? Would the staff be abused with whips and chains and denied payment for their work? No, they would have been hired actors who would have been making money creating a "theme" wedding. They wouldn't have actually been slaves. Perhaps it should be considered in bad taste (it wouldn't be something I would particularly enjoy) but it wouldn't be abusive either.