Whilst I do not believe people should sunbather for hours on end, I really do feel that the dermatologists and sunscreen companies scare us on the hiding from the sun.
I reckon if you eat good nutrition which protect from sun rays anyway, then you should be allowed to have some time in the sun, yes even without sunblock.
IMO God created the sun for a reason, and whilst to much of it is very bad, in moderation is very good.
Vitimid D cannot be located in food alone. No Supplements can help, it has to be from sunlight.
75 percent of Americans are vitamin D deficient. A leading cancer expert actually publically endorsed moderate sun exsposure, without black, we are talking early hours in the morning and late in the evening.
I also feel its important to note that to get the best physical exercise, you have to go outdoors, so to tell young kids to stay in away from the sun just because of its dangers is dangerous in itself, as most physical activity is outdoors.
What are JTFS thoughts on the sun, should you avoid it, do you trust sunblock chemicals? Or is the classic "in moderation" the key.