Tehillim {Psalms} 80:3 "Before Ephraim and Binyamin {Benjamin} and Menashe, stir up your might and come as a salvation to us".
מלבי"ם תהלים פרק פ
ותפס ג' שבטים אלה שהם מבני יוסף, שהם העומדים נגד בני עשו, כמ"ש בית יוסף להבה ובית עשו לקש:
Malbim says these three tribes were emphasized because they are from the sons of Yosef {Joseph} for they stand against the sons of Eisav {Esau} as it is written "the house of Joseph (Yosef) flame, and the house of Esau {Eisav} for stubble".
One question to raise against the Malbim is that Binyamin although a descendant of Rachel was the brother and not the son of Yosef. Perhaps, and I say perhaps, he is an ideological son of Yosef even if not a literal son, since Yosef calls Binyamin "my son" Breishit/Genesis 43:29.
It could be there is a better answer to this question that I have not brought up.
In any case according to the midrashic sources, that the young of the flock who in the future defeat Edom based on Yirmiyahu {Jeremiah} chapter 49 verse 20 are Ephraim, Binyamin, and Menashe, the verse in Tehillim {Psalms} 80:3 makes perfect sense.