To quote Che Guevara,
"Viva La Revolucion!"
I am not saying I like Guevara, but at least he fought for something he thought was right, even though it was wrong, communism. Too bad the Jewish people are too subservient to fight for their freedom. Israel needs a cultural revolution. If people can fight for communism, how come we Jews are too docile to fight for Judaism?
Sometimes I think Jewish people will always be the slaves of their masters, as we always are taught that the leaders and government always have the best intention for us.
"Let us just peacefully go into the box trains, come on, Chancellor Hitler is sending us to labor camps. He only wants the best for us." ..
"Oh, The Tzar is a man of G-d, he only wants the best for us and our religion."
"Oh, the Temple Mount needs to be closed, so we don't anger the Muslims, the Israeli/EU government only wants the best for us."
Yep, this was a common way of thought for most Jews for many years.. Sometimes I think that we are just helpless, little mice in a cage.