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Adora BullAdora Bull is an American semi-amateur journalist, alternative model and national spokeswoman for Goths For Christ. She graduated top of her class from Bronx Haven High School in New York City, voted most likely to “make a difference”. She has recently been dubbed by her fans as the "Miley Cyrus of Journalism." She currently operates out of New York, New York with her heterosexual life partner, Janet, and cat Vincent Van Furrball. Like Adora Bull's Facebook page or email her at: [email protected]
What is this woman? It says she has a heterosexual life partner, but the name of the partner is a woman's name. Is the other woman someone who believes she's a man? She also says that feminists say that people accuse a woman's menstrual cycle of being un-natural. That's not true. It's just tameh at least for Jewish women and she has to go to the mikveh afterwards if she's married. Being above nature would be to go to the mikveh which the feminazis say is sexist.