Author Topic: Scottish Independence: A Contatrian View  (Read 519 times)

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Scottish Independence: A Contatrian View
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:24:42 AM »
I agree with the view of most others on the Forum that Scottish Independence would be a welcome blow to the British Empire that would begin a process of reducing the superiority of British power and prestige relative to that of the Jews.  However, I am not certain that Scottish Independence would serve the more important purposes of frustrating the ascendency of the New World Order, and securing the safety of the Jews in the world.

The success of the New World Order's plan for One World Government depends upon the willingness of peoples to surrender their national sovereignty to a supranational ruling body.  The existence of nations having sufficient power and prosperity to provide their own defense and economic support blocks this plan.  However, a regional group that has seceded from a larger nation would have to join a confederation of similar countries to maintain a common defense and economy.  In the case of Scotland, this confederation would be the European Union.  However, Scotland's relationship to the E.U. would be more similar to Portugal's than Britain's.  For one thing, Scotland would most likely be obliged to use the Euro for money.  Right away the Scots would be subject to the whim of a central bank that is outside of their own nation; and beholden to NATO for its defense.  They might eventually start driving their cars on the right hand side of the road.

There are many ethnic regions across Europe that desire independence: the Catalans and Basques in Spain, the Lombards in Italy and the various German states united only since 1871.  If the New World Order barons could manage to break up Europe into many small countries, the European Union would truly become a single nation rather than a customs union as it is today.  The small countries would have control over local affairs, just a states an municipalities do in the U.S.A.  Each would have its own unique "national" holidays and ordinances reflecting their people's peculiar "national" culture, and this would persuade the average citizen that he is finally living in his "own" country.  But with respect to matters of real importance, the people would be reduced to the status of vassals.  The plutocrats who will be the shadow rulers of the E.U. and eventually the world, would be able to order their subjects to go to war for causes to which the former larger nations would never have consented.  Gog and Magog will come from this arrangement, not from a Germany. a France, a Britain, and an Italy bickering over status within the E.U.

I believe that Jews in Scotland will be more subject to violence from Muslims in an independent Scotland, just as they are in Europe outside of Britain, especially France.  Despite whatever else one can say about the Brits, no one can deny that they keep order within their homeland and do not allow the various ethnic groups living there to harm one another.  Britain is a kingdom, and the royalty take it as a personal embarrassment when control is lost over any of their subjects.  They also have delusions of chivalry and noblesse oblige which motivate them to run their country with a degree of civility that is unknown to continental Europe.  To be sure, it is certain that the British are guilty of terrible historical crimes against the Jews.  But the safety of Jews in Britain is more secure than anywhere else in Europe.