Author Topic: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...  (Read 39161 times)

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #100 on: September 11, 2007, 11:34:39 PM »

You're wrong Erica - I don't just hate evil blacks - I hate evil people.  Why does it have to be about culture or color?  Good question.  It shouldn't be... but really look at the graph Newman posted.

Look at this, too:

"Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate.

 The proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

 Although Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby wring their hands over black-on-black mayhem, blacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks. A black is about 39 times more likely to do violence to a white than the other way around, and no less than 130 times more likely to rob a white.

 And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics. "

Good, I agree, newman. You're right. It is what it is. I can't argue with that.

I don't know what my problem is with people like you. Maybe I'm worried that if I'm walking down the street, minding my business someone like you would just assume I'm either a baby mamma, I'm on welfare, I'm a drug addict, I'm a crack head or I'm the woman or girlfriend of a gang banger than to see me for what I truely am. That's the unfortunate part of this.

Offline Ehud

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #101 on: September 11, 2007, 11:40:22 PM »

You're wrong Erica - I don't just hate evil blacks - I hate evil people.  Why does it have to be about culture or color?  Good question.  It shouldn't be... but really look at the graph Newman posted.

Look at this, too:

"Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate.

 The proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

 Although Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby wring their hands over black-on-black mayhem, blacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks. A black is about 39 times more likely to do violence to a white than the other way around, and no less than 130 times more likely to rob a white.

 And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics. "

Good, I agree, newman. You're right. It is what it is. I can't argue with that.

I don't know what my problem is with people like you. Maybe I'm worried that if I'm walking down the street, minding my business someone like you would just assume I'm either a baby mamma, I'm on welfare, I'm a drug addict, I'm a crack head or I'm the woman or girlfriend of a gang banger than to see me for what I truely am. That's the unfortunate part of this.

The unfortunate part is that it's your own people who have perpetuated people's negative views towards ALL blacks.  There's no one really to blame except for the baby's mommas, welfare, drug, and crack addicts who give your people a bad name.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2007, 11:44:45 PM »
]Good, I agree, newman. You're right. It is what it is. I can't argue with that.

I don't know what my problem is with people like you. Maybe I'm worried that if I'm walking down the street, minding my business someone like you would just assume I'm either a baby mamma, I'm on welfare, I'm a drug addict, I'm a crack head or I'm the woman or girlfriend of a gang banger than to see me for what I truely am. That's the unfortunate part of this.

We all get that in one form or another, Erica.

I'm a middle-aged, unmarried white male.......the EXACT demographic that commits most sexual offences against children in my country. If I'm in a park minding my own business, I've no doubt some people worry that I might be after the kiddies.

 It's life. It's a fact. GET OVER IT.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #103 on: September 11, 2007, 11:49:29 PM »

You're wrong Erica - I don't just hate evil blacks - I hate evil people.  Why does it have to be about culture or color?  Good question.  It shouldn't be... but really look at the graph Newman posted.

Look at this, too:

"Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate.

 The proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

 Although Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby wring their hands over black-on-black mayhem, blacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks. A black is about 39 times more likely to do violence to a white than the other way around, and no less than 130 times more likely to rob a white.

 And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics. "

Good, I agree, newman. You're right. It is what it is. I can't argue with that.

I don't know what my problem is with people like you. Maybe I'm worried that if I'm walking down the street, minding my business someone like you would just assume I'm either a baby mamma, I'm on welfare, I'm a drug addict, I'm a crack head or I'm the woman or girlfriend of a gang banger than to see me for what I truely am. That's the unfortunate part of this.

The unfortunate part is that it's your own people who have perpetuated people's negative views towards ALL blacks.  There's no one really to blame except for the baby's mommas, welfare, drug, and crack addicts who give your people a bad name.
But its not me. I can't point out a black person whose caused problems for me. All I can do is defend myself by saying "ITS NOT ME! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU ANGRY...I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" I can say that there are people who are responsible for the way people like you see black people. However, it is up to you to think about it and maybe see that maybe ALL blacks aren't like this, and save people like me from undue scrutiny.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #104 on: September 11, 2007, 11:55:34 PM »
But its not me. I can't point out a black person whose caused problems for me. All I can do is defend myself by saying "ITS NOT ME! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU ANGRY...I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" I can say that there are people who are responsible for the way people like you see black people. However, it is up to you to think about it and maybe see that maybe ALL blacks aren't like this, and save people like me from undue scrutiny.

Our comments about the black community in general are NEVER about YOU.

YOU'RE the one who MAKES EVERYTHING about YOU, not US.

We've tried to explain this to you 17,000 times!!!!!

Offline nessuno

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #105 on: September 11, 2007, 11:56:20 PM »
Undue scrutiny...I get that at the busstop every morning and my seven year old gets it on the bus and my husband gets it...that's life.  Newman's right.  Get over it.  ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #106 on: September 11, 2007, 11:56:44 PM »
]Good, I agree, newman. You're right. It is what it is. I can't argue with that.

I don't know what my problem is with people like you. Maybe I'm worried that if I'm walking down the street, minding my business someone like you would just assume I'm either a baby mamma, I'm on welfare, I'm a drug addict, I'm a crack head or I'm the woman or girlfriend of a gang banger than to see me for what I truely am. That's the unfortunate part of this.

We all get that in one form or another, Erica.

I'm a middle-aged, unmarried white male.......the EXACT demographic that commits most sexual offences against children in my country. If I'm in a park minding my own business, I've no doubt some people worry that I might be after the kiddies.

 It's life. It's a fact. GET OVER IT.
You know... I just told you that you were right, then you give me attitude? I could tell YOU to get over the fact that blacks are here to stay. But that's something you'll NEVER get over. Its never fair to be singled out because of what most of your race does. It isn't fair at all and I have a right to what I feel.

I remember one evening I was in the store with two of my children and a white woman approached me asking me about my daughters' hair. She apparently liked how "we people" did our daughters' hair..then asked me, "So are you with the father?" My first thought was to roll my eyes and walk away but I told her that (at the time) I was married for 9 years to their father. She said..."Oh, I see...Well, is he in the picture..." It took that one white female person to look at me and peg me for a single black mom, whose husband was in jail- and that wasn't the case at all. That made me very uncomfortable because if this was the way one white woman saw black women just shopping with their children, how did the rest of the whites view us? SOmetimes assumptions hurt like hell, especially when you don't deserve it.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #107 on: September 12, 2007, 12:56:32 AM »
But its not me. I can't point out a black person whose caused problems for me. All I can do is defend myself by saying "ITS NOT ME! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU ANGRY...I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" I can say that there are people who are responsible for the way people like you see black people. However, it is up to you to think about it and maybe see that maybe ALL blacks aren't like this, and save people like me from undue scrutiny.

Our comments about the black community in general are NEVER about YOU.

YOU'RE the one who MAKES EVERYTHING about YOU, not US.

We've tried to explain this to you 17,000 times!!!!!

Like I said, there are people here who dont' like to be included in the way evil white people act. Why do I have to be included in the way evil black people act? When you say things like "YOU" people, why give that to me? Why not just target those you actually mean if you're not speaking of me? And again..the ebonics... why make fun of black people when there is only one black person here? Why speak it to me when I haven't done the same to you?

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #108 on: September 12, 2007, 09:12:43 AM »
That woman was an idiot.  You should have rolled your eyes ;)  and walked away.
We are on a forum having a discussion.  We have both placed ourselves here.  In the real world -  If I don't like what I see in someone - I avoid them - I don't attack them.  So don't equate her to me.
I agree she was inappropriate! 
I still say - get over it - most people you meet are!
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #109 on: September 12, 2007, 10:26:50 AM »
That woman was an idiot.  You should have rolled your eyes ;)  and walked away.
We are on a forum having a discussion.  We have both placed ourselves here.  In the real world -  If I don't like what I see in someone - I avoid them - I don't attack them.  So don't equate her to me.
I agree she was inappropriate! 
I still say - get over it - most people you meet are!
I didn't equate that lady to you at all. I was making a point that people make the wrong assumptions sometimes and it greatly affects what the NEXT person will say about you (well, how you take what they'll say about you.) I don't make it my business to watch white people's response to my appearance but when it happens that I meet a 'nice white person' but don't expect them to act like the lady; but THEN they do, I feel cheated.

As far as get over it, could I say the same thing for you? No, because the statistics say that more blacks commit crimes than other races. So no matter how many mean, angry and bigoted white people I meet, in your eyes, I should just get over what they say or do because 'fewer are like them'.

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #110 on: September 15, 2007, 11:50:39 PM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #111 on: September 16, 2007, 12:01:27 AM »
 :) :D ;D  Yeah - she got ya -bruda!  ;)
You're so funny Daniel.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #112 on: September 16, 2007, 12:38:05 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #113 on: September 16, 2007, 12:46:29 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"

What an OLD tune.

Present a black apologist with some home truths and it's "hate hate hate" or "you're ignorant". ::)

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #114 on: September 16, 2007, 12:47:54 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"

What an OLD tune.

Present a black apologist with some home truths and it's "hate hate hate" or "you're ignorant". ::)
Come on now, newman - do you really expect anything else?

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #115 on: September 16, 2007, 12:50:52 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"

What an OLD tune.

Present a black apologist with some home truths and it's "hate hate hate" or "you're ignorant". ::)
Newman, you're like a broken record especially after "I" tell you you're right about the statistics. I KNOW ABOUt EVILS IN BLACK CULTURE ...I BELIEVE ALL OF THE STATISTICS..I'm standing up for the people you keep lumping in with the evil blacks.

I say you hate hate hate because you use vile images and anger to make your point. Whenever I state that I know what you're saying and then start supporting those who I feel are worthy of help, you hate that also. DOn't you see that or are you just blinded by hate?


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #116 on: September 16, 2007, 12:52:57 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"

What an OLD tune.

Present a black apologist with some home truths and it's "hate hate hate" or "you're ignorant". ::)
Come on now, newman - do you really expect anything else?
I want to understand where you are coming from with this disgust of black people and culture (GOOD). I listed a lot of good things about our culture and what did some of you do? "OH, music and food... that's not good- try listing things that blacks have invented"... Instead of just looking at the list and going "Hey, I didn't know that was even a part of the culture." I posted different dances, music and everything to show the good part of black culture and you all shot it down. WHY?


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #117 on: September 16, 2007, 12:54:25 AM »
DOn't you see that or are you just blinded by hate?
Read that question again and tell me if you find it silly. :laugh:


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #118 on: September 16, 2007, 01:00:14 AM »
DOn't you see that or are you just blinded by hate?
Read that question again and tell me if you find it silly. :laugh:
I don't find the question silly, but I do find you quite silly. Answer the question. Whenever I or even Daniel came in here talking about how important it is to educate black youth...instead of saying...WOw, at least someone wants to deal with them... you say things like "They're nothing, they'll be criminals".

THEN when I posted those great things about black culture, you and others shot them down and then asked me to list things that blacks invented. Inventing something isn't intrincially black or white. Ideas don't have culture..or color for that matter. My point is that instead of looking at the good in black culture, you deflect and make assertions that blacks haven't succeeded that much because they 'haven't invented anything of importance."

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #119 on: September 16, 2007, 01:00:35 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)

Once again, this post demonstrates the height of arrogance.  "They want to do this" and "this is what they want" like you know us and all of our motivations for what we do.  I don't hate Erica and I don't want to make her into a victim, I think she certainly is a respectable woman and we disagree on a few major points.  It's a typical technique of people who hold a liberal mentality to take honest and open feelings and topics of conversation and attempt to turn them into something ugly in order to undercut that person.  What you do is unjustifiably and without evidence, slander the person who holds the arguments and try to create ulterior motives in their motivation for discussion rather than confronting the issue at hand. 
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #120 on: September 16, 2007, 01:02:51 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"

What an OLD tune.

Present a black apologist with some home truths and it's "hate hate hate" or "you're ignorant". ::)
Come on now, newman - do you really expect anything else?
I want to understand where you are coming from with this disgust of black people and culture (GOOD). I listed a lot of good things about our culture and what did some of you do? "OH, music and food... that's not good- try listing things that blacks have invented"... Instead of just looking at the list and going "Hey, I didn't know that was even a part of the culture." I posted different dances, music and everything to show the good part of black culture and you all shot it down. WHY?

There are wonderful parts of black culture.  I admire black musicians and artists as well as black athletes and black personalities throughout history, but this is not a forum for discussing culture or music.  This is partly a political forum that is dedicating to tackling the issues that face Western civilization, so of course we're not going to talk about any of the great black cultural achievements.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #121 on: September 16, 2007, 01:10:21 AM »
Erica, you should know that the only reason they do all this is to bait you and to get your goat. Every time you respond, you're only adding fuel to the fire, giving them exactly what they want, and reinforcing their behavior and encouraging them to do more and more. Just looking at most off the threads here now prove that point beyond any shadow of a doubt. I also have absolutely no doubt that they absolutely hate the fact that there is an intelligent black woman on here that goes against everything that they have come to believe in about black people. They have to make you a hateful victim. Otherwise their heads would explode.

You feelin' me, sista? ;)
Daniel... I understand what you're saying... I should just let them do what they do best...hate, hate, hate. Also, I'm not sure how to respond to the 'sista' part, with concern to you. lol We disagree sometimes and that's okay with me but I'm weary with the 'sista' thing. Its just been beat out of me, you know. So I'll say this much... "I understand you, friend. :)"

What an OLD tune.

Present a black apologist with some home truths and it's "hate hate hate" or "you're ignorant". ::)
Come on now, newman - do you really expect anything else?
I want to understand where you are coming from with this disgust of black people and culture (GOOD). I listed a lot of good things about our culture and what did some of you do? "OH, music and food... that's not good- try listing things that blacks have invented"... Instead of just looking at the list and going "Hey, I didn't know that was even a part of the culture." I posted different dances, music and everything to show the good part of black culture and you all shot it down. WHY?

There are wonderful parts of black culture.  I admire black musicians and artists as well as black athletes and black personalities throughout history, but this is not a forum for discussing culture or music.  This is partly a political forum that is dedicating to tackling the issues that face Western civilization, so of course we're not going to talk about any of the great black cultural achievements.
According to Newman and most of you don't hate black people but black culture. MOST of you dont' even know there IS good black culture because of the obsession with BAD black culture. People here discuss music and culture in this very forum every single day; whether its mentioned as "rap crap' , or dancing is akin to "Jungle jumping".

But I think I'm starting to see something here. This is a venting forum so that people can cry about all of the BAD in the black culture. No one wants to hear about things that can actually help. I'm sorry for being so happy here.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #122 on: September 16, 2007, 01:16:32 AM »

But I think I'm starting to see something here. This is a venting forum so that people can cry about all of the BAD in the black culture. No one wants to hear about things that can actually help. I'm sorry for being so happy here.

The 'good' in black culture is outweighed 1,000 fold by the bad.

It's like saying somebody who was run over by 14 semi-trailers has a nice hair colour.


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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #123 on: September 16, 2007, 01:19:36 AM »

But I think I'm starting to see something here. This is a venting forum so that people can cry about all of the BAD in the black culture. No one wants to hear about things that can actually help. I'm sorry for being so happy here.

The 'good' in black culture is outweighed 1,000 fold by the bad.

It's like saying somebody who was run over by 14 semi-trailers has a nice hair colour.
The good black culture certainly is outweighed by bad PEOPLE, not bad culture.

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Re: To Those Of You who Type in Eboncs...
« Reply #124 on: September 16, 2007, 01:23:34 AM »
It is hard to look for the good in a culture - when you're slammed in the face with the bad. 
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.