I think wars and atrocities, idiol worship, heresy and apostatism as well as hostility against God was always there.
1. WW, 2 WW, The seven years war, the thirty years war, Attila, Tschingis Khan, Napoleon, Inquisition in the counter reformation, The fall of the Roman Empire etc. Were much harder times than now.
Even catastrophies, like floods - I remember I have read about the "Grote Mandränke"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Marcellus%27s_floodAnd Illnesses: The plague (Black Death), Spanish Flue were devastating. What we have today Corona , even if it is dangerous and for lots of people deadly, is not comparable with this events.
Perhaps we only see it as big catastrophy, because informations are available for everybody worldwide through the internet, as well as the population is bigger and the infrastructure and real estate is much much more developed. So more things get affected and destroyed. But if you see it in relations i.e. the 30 year war killed 40 percent of the population and the plague killed between 10 and 40 percent of the population.
The Mandränke killed hundreds of thousands of people and big areas of land at the North sea from Netherlands to Denmark were lost inclusive whole cities like Rungholt.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RungholtEven the apostasie in our societies is not new. You had it during the French Revolution and then in Nazi Germany and in the Sowjet Union.
So I think perhaps we have a few years left.