Dear friends and foes,
I wish you a merry Christmas!
It wouldn't be Christmas without Serbian imperialist comments on Croatian YouTube channels. Writing in Serbian and perhaps thinking we won't understand the Cyrillic, they sound like this:
"Када Италија, Мађарска, Аустрија и Србија поставе питање својих историјских територија питање је колико ће остати од тзв Хрватске."
"When Italy, Hungary, Austria and Serbia raise the question of their historical territories, the question is how much will remain of the so-called Croatia."
This Christmas I give you the gift of wisdom. As it turns out, in Torah law, the land which a valid king conquered in any type of war is fully considered to be his acquisition (the Divine Code by Rabbi Weiner, Third Edition, page 633).
Croatia's modern borders are a result of the Homeland War. Because we conquered every centimeter of the land, it belongs to us according to God's Torah.
Your idol cannot change the Torah. Your dreams cannot change the Torah. Even your Jewish allies cannot change the Torah.
Sretan Božić!